Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010

San Francisco
Fisherman's Wharf
San Francisco
Fisherman's Wharf
San Francisco makes me think of my mom and dad. When we were little, we would always take drives over there, and my mom and dad would always get the shrimp cocktail at Fisherman's Wharf. My sister and I would bring a pillow as if we were going on a long trip, and my dad would always have his Bit O' Honey candy, and my mom would snack on her peanut brittle. It's funny because I can't stand those two things!!
In this picture are my mom and I on the left, and my aunt and my sister on the right. I was two, and my sister was four years old.
Do you see those buildings in the background? Those two restaurants are still open to this day!
What is also pretty cool about this picture is the cop car on the left side! Is that so old school or what?!
In this picture are my mom and I on the left, and my aunt and my sister on the right. I was two, and my sister was four years old.
Do you see those buildings in the background? Those two restaurants are still open to this day!
What is also pretty cool about this picture is the cop car on the left side! Is that so old school or what?!
I'm also linking up with Amanda @Parenting by Dummies since we have similar Friday meme's! You will enjoy her blog, and also love seeing pictures of her beautiful kids! You can also link up on her blog too! So, I encourage you to go, and make new bloggy friends!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Well, you might take me literally after you read this post!
Do you remember the gal, Amanda, who custom made the cookies for my daughter's 13th birthday party? Well, in July, she posted (on her other blog) about her fried zucchini recipe. After I read how easy it was, and saw her amazing pictures, I knew that I had to try it!
Just the other day, my friend gave me some humongous zucchini's from her garden, and I knew what I was going to use them for!
So, instead of me copying Amanda's post, you can click here to get her recipe.
Do you remember the gal, Amanda, who custom made the cookies for my daughter's 13th birthday party? Well, in July, she posted (on her other blog) about her fried zucchini recipe. After I read how easy it was, and saw her amazing pictures, I knew that I had to try it!
Just the other day, my friend gave me some humongous zucchini's from her garden, and I knew what I was going to use them for!
So, instead of me copying Amanda's post, you can click here to get her recipe.
You can't really tell how HUGE this zucchini was.
The batter is super easy to make. And you only need a handful of ingredients.
Fry them up till their golden brown.
And enjoy! We had ours with ranch dressing!
Fried Zucchini
Sunday, August 22, 2010
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."-Mark 10:45
Scripture Sunday
Saturday, August 21, 2010
We had a nice surprise visit by my husbands nephew a few days ago. He lives a couple of hours away from us, but since he was in the area, he decided to stop by with his new baby! We have never met the little guy in person (long story with the baby's mama), so it was a nice treat to see him in person.
I still can't believe my nephew is a daddy! He was his baby's age (7 months) old when I first met my husband!!! And, now look at him!
I still can't believe my nephew is a daddy! He was his baby's age (7 months) old when I first met my husband!!! And, now look at him!
Friday, August 20, 2010

Here's another oldie, but goody of me & my husband back in 1994! Gosh, to be young again, with no worries except about what you were going to eat that day! I was 25, and he was 23 years old! Two years from this picture is when we had our first son! Back then, I never would have imagined that we'd have five kids!!! Wow!
I'm also linking up with Amanda @Parenting by Dummies since we have similar Friday meme's! You will enjoy her blog, and also love seeing pictures of her beautiful kids! You can also link up on her blog too! So, I encourage you to go, and make new bloggy friends!
Thursday, August 19, 2010

52 weeks MEME
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Some pictures just do not make the cut...

(And a couple of you have asked if my son was holding a baby bottle. Um..NO! LOL, that is a water bottle. )
Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday
Wordful Wednesday
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Last week, I decided to take the kids, my daughter's friend, and my mom, to the San Francisco Zoo because they're having this awesome deal through August. When you pay for one adult, four kids (14 and under) are free! My husband works in the city, so he met us there after work, and we decided to make an entire day/evening out of it.
I won't post all my zoo pics, but I had to share this one. This rhino was massive and awesome!
And this is probably the closest I will ever get to a black bear! I took this picture through the glass!
And here are all the kiddos!
After the zoo, we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant!!
I think this picture is cute of Miranda and dad! My husband looks so tired!
And finally, the kids wanted to stop by the beach! Now, let me tell you, this is San Francisco, not Southern California. The majority of the time, the weather is really cool there. On this day, it was freezing, but they still managed to get wet! You can tell by the overcast, and how my husband has his hoodie on over his head, that it was COLD! My mom and I stayed in the car the entire time. It was so windy, too!
Chinese Food,
Ocean Beach,
San Francisco Zoo
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
On Sundays, I decided I would share a scripture(s). I pray that it will be a blessing to whoever reads it.
"I will praise t he LORD according to His righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High."-Psalm 7:17
"I will praise t he LORD according to His righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High."-Psalm 7:17
Scripture Sunday
Friday, August 13, 2010

That is me, making the ever so popular peace sign.
I had to be around 7 years old at the time.
I had to be around 7 years old at the time.
There is my sister on the far left, my uncle, my dad's sister, my mom with the kerchief, and my little cousin on the right. When we were younger, it seemed like we spent alot of time with our cousins. This was at our house that we lived in till my parents divorced in 1979, and from then on, we hardly ever saw my cousins on my dad's side.
And look at all that liquor in the background! Honestly, I don't even remember my parents drinking. I'm sure it was for entertaining when we had company. They had lots of friends, and it was always fun when people were over.
And look at all that liquor in the background! Honestly, I don't even remember my parents drinking. I'm sure it was for entertaining when we had company. They had lots of friends, and it was always fun when people were over.
Good times...
I'm also linking up with Amanda @Parenting by Dummies since we have similar Friday meme's! You will enjoy her blog, and also love seeing pictures of her beautiful kids! You can also link up on her blog too! So, I encourage you to go, and make new bloggy friends!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My friend was having a garage sale this past weekend, and on her Facebook page, she posted a couple of pictures of the furniture items she was selling.
As soon as I saw the picture of the armoire, I knew I wanted it!
I asked her how much she was selling it for, and she said $75, but she told me she'd sell it to me for $50!! She told me to hurry up and decide because people were swarming around it!
Normally I would ask my husband about it first, but I knew we needed that piece, and I know I would not find something like that for that price. Plus, I know the people, and I knew that it was going to be in good condition!
It only has the primer on it, so now I have to decide what color to paint it.
And those are not stains on the door. You can just see the "knots" through the primer.
I'm contemplating whether or not to use it in the homeschool room for their supplies, or in our bedroom.
So, it's in the garage till I decide the best place to put it!
As soon as I saw the picture of the armoire, I knew I wanted it!
I asked her how much she was selling it for, and she said $75, but she told me she'd sell it to me for $50!! She told me to hurry up and decide because people were swarming around it!
Normally I would ask my husband about it first, but I knew we needed that piece, and I know I would not find something like that for that price. Plus, I know the people, and I knew that it was going to be in good condition!
It only has the primer on it, so now I have to decide what color to paint it.
And those are not stains on the door. You can just see the "knots" through the primer.
I'm contemplating whether or not to use it in the homeschool room for their supplies, or in our bedroom.
So, it's in the garage till I decide the best place to put it!
Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday
Wordful Wednesday
Monday, August 9, 2010
Till our school year starts!
Where did the summer go?
When I was in school, I remember starting AFTER Labor Day.
Well, I guess the upside to starting early, is ending earlier next year.
So, now I will have a Freshman, an 8th, 5th, 3rd, and 2nd grader! Wha????
I can't believe this is our 9th year of homeschooling!
I told my eldest that this is when it "counts." Not that it didn't count before, but high school is no joke. I know I will have to stay on top of him to make sure he stays on track.
The one thing (which was the most important) that I failed to do last year was have a devotion with them in the morning. This way, our day starts off right, and it's not as chaotic during the day. Not that it won't ever be, but at least our hearts will be in the right place (especially me). It's not enough for me to have my alone time with the Lord, but we all need to be in one accord.
One thing my oldest daughter requested was that we do more field trips. I'm glad our church has a homeschool group, and they plan trips throughout the year. But, of course, we won't be limited to just that.
All the new curriculum is organized, and the kids dread hearing me say, "We're staring school in one week!"
So, have your kids started school already?
Where did the summer go?
When I was in school, I remember starting AFTER Labor Day.
Well, I guess the upside to starting early, is ending earlier next year.
So, now I will have a Freshman, an 8th, 5th, 3rd, and 2nd grader! Wha????
I can't believe this is our 9th year of homeschooling!
I told my eldest that this is when it "counts." Not that it didn't count before, but high school is no joke. I know I will have to stay on top of him to make sure he stays on track.
The one thing (which was the most important) that I failed to do last year was have a devotion with them in the morning. This way, our day starts off right, and it's not as chaotic during the day. Not that it won't ever be, but at least our hearts will be in the right place (especially me). It's not enough for me to have my alone time with the Lord, but we all need to be in one accord.
One thing my oldest daughter requested was that we do more field trips. I'm glad our church has a homeschool group, and they plan trips throughout the year. But, of course, we won't be limited to just that.
All the new curriculum is organized, and the kids dread hearing me say, "We're staring school in one week!"
So, have your kids started school already?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
On Sundays, I decided I would share a scripture(s). I pray that it will be a blessing to whoever reads it.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."-Hebrews 13:8
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."-Hebrews 13:8
Scripture Sunday
Friday, August 6, 2010

Here's another one of my sister and I (me being on the left). I was four, and she was six years old, and were still living in Moffett Field on the Navy Base.
I'm sure my dad loved the face I was making, and there goes my sister with another peace sign!
Oh..and you gotta love my mom's Dr. Scholl's shoes! It's funny because a few years ago, I had about three pairs of the same shoe! Totally uncomfortable, by the way!
I'm also linking up with Amanda @Parenting by Dummies since we have similar Friday meme's! You will enjoy her blog, and also love seeing pictures of her beautiful kids! You can also link up on her blog too! So, I encourage you to go, and make new bloggy friends!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My son, Eli, loves to paint, draw, and build anything and everything. Literally!
Before the paint...

And after!

Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday
So, while dad was working on a project outside, it was the perfect opportunity for him to build something too.
He wanted to make a birdhouse. Of course, my husband cut the pieces for him, but he basically did everything else himself.
I can already tell that when he gets older, he is going to either be an architect or an inventor!
He wanted to make a birdhouse. Of course, my husband cut the pieces for him, but he basically did everything else himself.
I can already tell that when he gets older, he is going to either be an architect or an inventor!
Before the paint...
And after!
Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday
Wordful Wednesday
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Not today, but yesterday I turned 41! And believe me, being over 40 is so overrated! They say that 40 is the new 20! But, I say it's all in the attitude! Plus, my kids keep me feeling young (or so I tell myself).
I'm not a big birthday celebration type person. I don't like all the attention on me. I don't like to "plan" things for myself, so whatever happens, happens, and I'm totally, 100% fine with that! Seriously!
But, I was so blessed, and everything I did was spur of the moment. Well, except for breakfast. That WAS planned! Our church is having another fun week for the kids, so that gives us moms a chance to have some "me" time. A bunch of us planned on having breakfast together, and it was a great time of fellowship!
One of my friends offered to watch my kids so that way my husband and I could plan on doing something by ourselves. Of course, I took her up on her offer!
It was such a relaxing night, and we actually got to talk without being interrupted! And surprisingly, our conversation wasn't all about the kids!
We had Mexican food (and I didn't take pictures because I already have the same food on my blog), and afterward we headed over to Yogurtland for dessert!
Let me just say that it was SO NICE to take my time in there to decide what I wanted! I didn't have to help anyone else, or keep an eye on everyone.
I'm not a big birthday celebration type person. I don't like all the attention on me. I don't like to "plan" things for myself, so whatever happens, happens, and I'm totally, 100% fine with that! Seriously!
But, I was so blessed, and everything I did was spur of the moment. Well, except for breakfast. That WAS planned! Our church is having another fun week for the kids, so that gives us moms a chance to have some "me" time. A bunch of us planned on having breakfast together, and it was a great time of fellowship!
One of my friends offered to watch my kids so that way my husband and I could plan on doing something by ourselves. Of course, I took her up on her offer!
It was such a relaxing night, and we actually got to talk without being interrupted! And surprisingly, our conversation wasn't all about the kids!
We had Mexican food (and I didn't take pictures because I already have the same food on my blog), and afterward we headed over to Yogurtland for dessert!
Let me just say that it was SO NICE to take my time in there to decide what I wanted! I didn't have to help anyone else, or keep an eye on everyone.
This was so yummy! And no, those are not croutons, those are cheesecake bites! Mmm! Oh, and there are also mini brownies and crushed up butterfinger candy in there too!
After we got the yogurt, we headed over to my friends, and they surprised me with a cake that they baked! We hung out there for awhile, came home, and the kids crashed! We all had a long day, but a blessed one at that!!!
God is good!
God is good!
Monday, August 2, 2010
After church yesterday, we decided to go get some sushi!
This is a popular place that our friends go to because it is all fresh, and you also have the choice to get the "ALL YOU CAN EAT" sushi! It's totally worth it because just three orders alone equals the same price as the "all you can eat" option. It's really neat how you order it because you just mark which ones you want on the menu and they make it right then!
For the kids we got them their teriyaki & beef dishes, but for us, we got all varieties of sushi. I can't even remember the names of them, but just take my word for it that they were all delicious!!!

This is a popular place that our friends go to because it is all fresh, and you also have the choice to get the "ALL YOU CAN EAT" sushi! It's totally worth it because just three orders alone equals the same price as the "all you can eat" option. It's really neat how you order it because you just mark which ones you want on the menu and they make it right then!
For the kids we got them their teriyaki & beef dishes, but for us, we got all varieties of sushi. I can't even remember the names of them, but just take my word for it that they were all delicious!!!
Doesn't that look awesome?
The kids loved it!
They combined all of our orders on these huge platters. I wish I could tell you the names of each individual one, but I forget. But, they all had crab in them, and some were deep friend in a tempura batter. The ones on the foil had melted cheese on it, and those were awesome! It also had a little spice to it!
Here was the other platter! You're probably wondering, "What is all that on the top left?" I think it was called something like "The Lion King Roll." But, what that is, is tempura batter with a sauce drizzled over it, and underneath are the crab rolls. Out of all the sushi we had, that was the best one! On the bottom are beef rolls, which were really good too, and the ones on the right had soft shell crab in it.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
On Sundays, I decided I would share a scripture(s). I pray that it will be a blessing to whoever reads it.
"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."-Hebrews 10:24-25
"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."-Hebrews 10:24-25
Scripture Sunday
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