Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Our plans for tomorrow? Harvest festival at church, and I'm going to surprise her by having a couple of tables decorated in the cafe, all decked out in a Princess theme! She will be so thrilled! I am picking up a cake, and they're going to announce "Happy Birthday" to her! And yes, I will be going picture crazy! Look out for those on Saturday!
Now in the "bow stage"
One of my favorite shots of her

Our new obsession


To see more Thankful Thursdays, click here
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I knew I should have brought my camera today! Last week, our friends from church decided to put a bbq together today, after service. There is a building across the street that our church owns, and there is a volleyball court on the grassy area. It's literally like being at a park because it's practically all grass and tons of shade! There was tons of food, and lots of us there! I'm so glad I didn't have to drive home after church and then come back for the evening service. We all just had to go right back across the street! I took only one picture with my cell phone (which is of Veronica & two other girls drying off in the sun). The kids had water balloons and got soaking wet. We kept telling them to stand in the It was so fun watching everyone play volleyball, too!! I'm glad we still have 80+ degree temperature in October! It was a great day of fellowship, fun, food, and more food!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Warren's Memorial
Warren also LOVED singing praise & worship music. His daughter sang his favorite song "With Him" and I don't think there was a dry eye in the sanctuary. He would be so blessed to see his daughter leading worship with his favorite song! I attached a video of the last song the worship team played. His daughter is the girl in the front. My hubby is on the far right playing the congas!
Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
One On One Time
My sister in law asked if she could take all the kids to the movies since we weren't going to our friends for dinner anymore, and there were no other plans of anyone getting together today from church. So, that was a blessing for her to take all of them! It gave me & hubby a chance to go out to dinner ALONE! My husband LOVES Pho (pronounced Phu). It's a Vietnamese soup, and there is a restaurant that he and my eldest son go to frequently. However, that would be my last choice if I had to pick where to go for dinner. Not that I don't like it, but I'm more of a pasta or burger and fries kind of gal. But, I knew he was tired, and was really looking forward to Pho. I told him that I wouldn't mind going. Besides, there's other dishes that I like from there besides the soup. I should have taken a "before" picture, but I wasn't thinking, so I just snapped a quick one when we were almost done with dinner. It was nice to be alone, and not be interrupted by all the kids. I almost forget how nice it is!

Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008
Me: "Yes, it is Columbus Day."
Miranda: "So, we don't have school today, right?"
Me: "No, you do have school."
Miranda: "But, it says it's a holiday."
Me: "Yes, that's true, but, you STILL have school today!"
Now, repeat the same dialogue with Isaiah and Eli! Get real, they just started school last month and they're already looking forward to the holidays! Mind you, I already gave them a vacation day last Friday! I had my phone conference with their teacher this morning, and I felt so encouraged after we hung up. I also found out that one of my friends sister-in-law is also doing this same program with her children! There is so much offered to them (support with work, field trips, etc)! Miranda and Eli are also enjoying their Spanish class as well! It's cute listening to them repeat what they have learned. Well, I'm off...I need to finish school, go to Costco, and pick up my sister in law at the airport! Busy, busy!
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Oh..and I have a cute story to share. This time it's about my husband! Anyway, if you notice on my blog, I put one word adjectives under my children's names that would best describe their personality. So, with the help of my husband, we chose ones that fit them to a "T." Anyway, I then asked him what I should put for under our picture. His first word was "stuck." I'm like, "What?????" He says, "I don't mean stuck as in a bad way, I mean stuck because we are close that we're stuck together." Now, picture him using his hands too to show how stuck we are. I said (in a matter of factly voice), "Well, I was just thinking of writing 20+ years so it can show that we've been together that long!" So, he's like, "Yah..that's a good one!" Well, he has to leave to go to church to work out, so I get back on the computer and start adding all my cute little one word descriptions! I write ours out, "20+ years", and it just seemed so blah! That could mean 20 years of anything! I start to search my heart while I'm looking at our picture (lol), and I think to myself, "He's my first love!" But, then I think, "Oh no..can't write that because Jesus is my first love now!" So, I decide on "Love Of My Life" which really is the truth. Through all the thick and thin we've been through before we were married, and before we were Christians, I loved him like you wouldn't believe! So, I'm talking out loud while I'm typing it and saying, "Yah, well because you are the love of my life!" As soon as I'm done typing it up, hubby walks through the front door because he wants to know if I've seen his ATM card. I quickly remind him how he had it in his hand yesterday and then put it somewhere! He then asks me to look in the bedroom while he goes back out to the van to double check in there. When I'm done searching, I walk outside to tell him that I didn't find it. He says, "Oh, it was in my backpack in the side pocket." So before he drives off (I promise, I'm getting to the end), I tell him how I changed it from 20 years to...blah, blah, blah (you know the story)...because you are the love of my life. Being the smart aleck that I am, I say, "Well, at least that could apply to my end." Of course he rolls his eyes, and then tells me about the first girl to break his heart. LOL (laughing out loud), he was like, what, 14 years old???? So, we just kinda smirked at each other (teasingly), and as I was walking away and he was driving off, he YELLS out the window, "BUT YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!!" Of course, that just confirmed everything!!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008
We got totally blessed again today because one of our friends gave us a brand new scanner! It's so God because just the other day, Gabe was saying that he wished we had a scanner to put post our old pictures on Facebook!! Anyway, I hooked it up today and scanned a couple of pictures already! I know I'll be having fun with it tonight after church! Here are a couple of pictures of my "little rascals" this afternoon!