It feels like I have so much to update, yet I don't even know where to begin.
It's been so long that I can barely remember how to upload pictures!!!
Well, I guess I can give an update in a nutshell, and then just go from here!
The biggest change so far is that I've been exercising alot, and just feeling so much better!
After I had my fifth child, it seemed like my health was just put on the back burner. Not that I never had an opportunity to change, but I didn't have any real motivation.
Finally, something just "clicked" and I decided to take it seriously!
I started walking in September, and did my first 10k walk for diabetes in October (which I don't have, btw). I just wanted to challenge myself by doing this! My family were my #1 supporters!!
After doing this, I knew that I needed something "more." Walking was just not enough.
Finally, I checked out a fitness program called U-Jam!! The first day I tried the class I was hooked!! It's not your typical aerobic class. It's more like a hip hop dance class!! fun, and the cardio kicks your butt. You don't even think of it as exercise!!!
I have to admit that I HATED taking full body pictures of myself in the past. I guess you can call it denial! But, after comparing pictures of me before, and really let myself go. I'm eating better (although I don't deprive myself of anything), and I do U-Jam about 4-5 times a week!! It really has changed my life!!!
The before pictures were from about last May-August 2012!!