Friday, March 12, 2010


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to MckLinky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!

MAY 2001

This is a picture from a Women's Tea that we had at church, when we lived in Hawaii.

I was a baby Christian, and was still intimidated by the fellowship with other Christian women. The women at the church were wonderful, and I'm so glad that that was the first solid church we attended when my husband and I got saved.

I am carrying Miranda, and my sister is standing next to me. Sitting down are my sisters friends, who we sat at the table with.

I will never forget this day, because I didn't feed Miranda before we left that morning. I was thinking we were going to eat as soon as we got there. Little did I know about the worship first, and then a short message. So, after about an hour, Miranda is STARVING, and by the time it was time to eat, she had zero interest in cucumber sandwiches. She literally GAGGED when she took a bite of it. Thank goodness there was a mini store a couple of doors down, so I took her in there to get something in her tummy. And, can you believe the only thing I found edible was a candy bar? I had no choice but to feed her a Hershey's bar. So, here is my poor five year old, starving, gagging, and dry heaving right outside of church! I laugh now thinking about it, but back then, I told myself that I was not taking her to anymore tea's!



Muthering Heights said...

LOL, I would have been freaking out if that were me!!! I'm glad it worked out!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hahahaha poor Miranda, at least you've found a candy bar to fill her up..

Veronica Lee said...

Poor Miranda! I would have totally freaked out if it happened to me! Great FF, Alicia.

Chris said...

hahaha.. poor kid... :) well, there is always a first time. i think this has happened to me before too!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh goodness! What a memorable tea...for sure! Aw! She looks so sweet. Was this on Oahu? What church? We went to Word of Life, when we lived on Oahu from 1989-1991.

Blessings & Aloha!
(I hope to finish my post so that I can link up again :o)

Natalie A. said...

Happy Friday to you! This is a wonderful picture of all of you! Thanks for sharing! I will be posting mine in the morning or afternoon! :) Have a great Friday and weekend!

Unknown said...

Hi Alicia and happy Friday! This is great picture of you all:)sheesh..poor Miranda, I'd be nervous as well. TGIF! Have a blessed weekend, friend:)

Genefaith said...

poor Miranda..that's why when I go to church gathering I see to it that I bring crackers and milk on pouch for my tot:)

Genefaith said...

Mine's up here:

Unknown said...

Cucumber Sandwiches? I would have gagged too! Glad that you can look back and laugh now!

Laurencita said...

Oh! poor Miranda... she looks like my granddaughter Zane now in her!

Amanda said...

OH my goodness!!! You would never guess by this adorable picture! :)


amanda said...

that's a great story!! but i would've gagged on cucumber sandwhiches too...even not hungry. :0) love the picture!

He & Me + 3 said...

The picture is precious. She is so little. Poor thing I hate to gag.

Darcie said...

Too funny! I suppose I can understand that a 5 year old would gag on those kind of sandwiches...nothing like a candy bar to tide her over. I would take one.

Nicole Marie said...

Poor baby! Hey friend i've missed you!!!! how are you?

Susie said...

That's the worst...especially when you are trying to make a good impression on a new group!

Kelli W said...

Poor thing! But look how cute she was! I bet nobody cared a bit that she gagged on their cucumber sandwiches!

Kimberly said...

What a memory! :) I'm sure she didn't mind the Hershey bar as much as you did. ;)

Lorrie said...

hilarious! The story behind the pictures is priceless. Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Poor Miranda. Good thing she doesn´t remember it. I remember days like that with my babies. Especially traveling from church to church.

One day my oldest who was just toddling, fell backwards and hit his head just as we had arrived at a new church. We finally got to the Pastors house only for him to throw up on the their rug! He must have had a slight concussion. UHHHGGG!

Thankfully these days pass and praise the Lord you kept going to Ladies meetings at church! ;)

Dani Joy

myletterstoemily said...

what a sweet photo and memory
for you!

i hate to think of all the horrible
things i have fed my children when
in a lurch.

they survive! :)

Julie Danielle said...

What great memories!!!

Kathy C. said...

What a fun memory to look back on (except for the hershey bar bit, LOL)... I need to get back on the Photo Flashback meme, we got a new computer and I haven't gotten the hang of scanning with our new printer! :( I better get a learnin', eh?

Carin said...

Oh no, it can't get so stressful when our little ones are soo hungry. sounds like you handled it well. And really, I bet she was NOT complaining about eating a candy bar! I wouldn't =)

Pam said...

Poor Miranda. I wouldn't have wanted to go to anymore teas with her either. : )

Debbie Petras said...

It's always funny when looking back. I'm glad you had a solid church when you were a baby Christian. And there's nothing like feeling like you belong. It sounds like a great group of women.

I'm enjoying this meme of yours and I thank you for hosting it Alicia.


Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Poor Miranda, I don't blame her. I get very cranky when I get hungry and as much as I love little cucumber sandwiches it wouldn't do,lol

Tatum said...

I am now following you from FF & hope you have a great Friday!!!

Colette S said...

So glad you had that wonderful experience as a baby Christian. Mine was terrible worse and left scars. It's hard to think Christians can be so willfully hurtful.

I'm glad you could find something too for the baby! that would have had me in a tizzy too!

I always walk with snacks for just these cases!

Lorie said...

Well you certainly can't tell she was gagging....she looks cute as a bug.

Erin said...

I'm not, really, I'm not giggling under my breath...seriously. That would be too unkind of me, especially because my children would never have put me in that kind of situation! Never! Cute picture, really couldn't tell. P.S. Does anyone really like cucumber sandwiches?

Michelle said...

I have a bunch of pictures I really need to go through. I really need to learn to use our scanner. Hey, a candy bar has a the food groups, right!? :)

*Friday Follow*

Serendipityissweet said...

Don't we all have mommy moments like that, lol?

Great pic. You look so pretty :)

Deborah Ann said...

I don't know. If I could say that I lived in Hawaii...all the suffering would be worth it!

More Than Words said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alicia said...

Wow Alicia! You have so many people joining in on this Friday Photo I'm really sad I don't have a scanner! I'm going to go online shopping for one right now so I can get in on the fun.

What a beautiful photos, you all look so Hawaiianly (if thats a word).

Freely Living Life said...

Good evening! :)

We're stopping by from the FF to say hello and wish you a beautiful and relaxing weekend! Come on over and visit the Freely Living Life Family when you have some down time. We already are now following your blog and look forward to coming by to see you again soon! <3 ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

That's just too cute! Gotta love the little one...

Jane In The Jungle said...

Love the story!! And what a great picture!

Amy said...

Friday Following you at Things and stuff! The fudge one post up looks amazing and your family is beautiful!

joeandbridge said...

Hi there! I'm still hopping around from Friday Follow (yes, I know it's Monday-lol-gotta hop when you have the time)I'm your newest follower! I'd love for you to come follow my blog! Thanks!

Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins