Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We were finally able to take Junior home on Sunday afternoon!

He is just sooooooo cute, soft, and TINY, and very playful! He's actually the tiniest of the litter, and the only black one, too. We weren't sure how Mocha was going to act when we brought him home, but surprisingly, she did good. But, I feel kind of bad for her because most of the attention was on Junior (and still is). I'm sure in time, she will totally warm up to him, and hopefully start "mothering" him too.

Isn't he just adorable???? Oh, and don't mind my oldest sons knuckles. That is from punching the punching bag in the garage.

Junior & me!

And here's a short video of him playing "catch" with my husband.


Anonymous said...

Oh goodness he is the cutest puppy ever! Such a smart puppy!

ocmist said...

That sure is another cutie! I remember when you first got Mocha and how excited you were. Even had pictures of her BEFORE you brought her home, and she looked so much like our Dott!

Since he is so young, if she is given plenty of attention, too (dogs can get so jealous if they don't get THEIR attention, too just like kids) she will start to take to him in a little while, and they should get to be great friends.

Brooke said...

He is so cute!

Buckeroomama said...

Oh my, he is SO, SO cute!! Z kept asking me to replay the video so she could see the "little doggy." :)

Mo said...

cute, cute, cute! you guys have a packed house for sure!! : )

Susie said...

What a cutie pie!! Congratulations on the new addition to your family:-)

Jag said...

Can I hug the puppy? So cuuuuuuute!!!

Parsley said...

It's been so long since our dogs were puppies. I miss that. He is adoreable!

Veronica Lee said...

Totally adorable!! Congrats on the new addition to your beautiful family, Alicia!

Kelli W said...

That is one seriously cute puppy!

Kathy C. said...

What a cute little fuzzy bundle of lovin'! :) I was wondering how he was gonna get that huge ball, so cute how he snags the fuzz with his teeth. :)

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Oh, he is cute!

We got into Oakland last night. Can't wait to meet you Wednesday.

Unknown said...

How adorable!!

tiki_lady said...

sooo cute!!! happy potty training! it's like having a baby all over again!

Darcie said...

Oh my word Alicia..he is the cutest thing ever!!!! I want me a puppy now. ;-) They are just to adorable at that stage.

jen@odbt said...

Oh my gosh - he's so cute. I love that the ball is as big as him.

Muthering Heights said...

Awww, he's so TINY and ADORABLE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is def. one smart pup!
I'm gonna show this video to my Chihuahua and see if he finally learns how to fetch...
Lessons courtesy of Junior ;)

Much Luv,

Denise said...

So precious.

Happy said...

He sure looks like something I want to cuddle up with! How cute!

ps...that tea party looked awesome! I want invited to the next one! lol!

Happy said...

He sure looks like something I want to cuddle up with! How cute!

ps...that tea party looked awesome! I want invited to the next one! lol!

Kimberly said...

He is sooo tiny! And you can tell just from the photo that he's soft as can be. Congrats on the new family member. :)

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

so sweet and cute!!! congratulations on the new addition to your family! :-)

Mamí♥Picture said...

awwwwwwww what an adorable puffy puppy!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh what a cute little ball of fur!

Unknown said...

How cute is that!!

Honey Mommy said...

I just want to squoosh with that sweet puppy!

Daphine said...

WAIT!!! I CAN NOT BELIEVE that you beat me getting another puppy!!! Excuse me!?!?!? lol! Girl, he is sooooooooooooo CUTE! I LOVED watching the video! Seriously, you have gone from no inside dogs/puppies to now two in less than a year? Looks like you're becoming a TRUE animal lover! lol! Also loved hearing you say..."Take it daddy" in the video...sounds like something I say to Gooch with Dirk.

Miss you lady!

Have a great weekend!