Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Just giving props to my oldest daughter, Miranda (who will be 13 in May), for taking these pictures. I love all these expressions that she captured on Veronica.




Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday


Helene said...

I'm first...really? One good thing about living on the same coast, right?

All 3 pictures are beautiful...I especially love that last one. She just looks so lost in thought...what a beautiful little girl! And your other daughter took those?? She has some talent!

Upstatemamma said...

Those pictures are beautiful!! I really like that last one. It is so soft looking.

Cecily R said...

FAntastic captures!!! You have a talented girl on your hands!

Mamí♥Picture said...

Awww this are so so beautiful!!!
I love the last one!!!!

Kisha said...

Holy cow, she did a GREAT job! What gorgeous pictures!! Thank you for sharing!!

Colette S said...

I agree, These are so real. It's like you are there with.

Very good captures!

Denise said...

Awesome pictures.

Lisa said...

very precious, we have a model and photographer there.

Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

Awww, good at taking pictures just like her mommy! I love the last one - that should be framed.

Buckeroomama said...

Sign her up for some photography classes. She really has a very good eye. Really. :)

Susie said...

She should take some classes to nuture that gift she has!!

Lana said...

I love those pictures. My favorite is definitely when V- is looking out the window. Precious!

Chris said...

she is really doing a great job.. able to capture the expressions!

Darcie said...

Those are so sweet Alicia!! Love the middle picture and capture of joy in it.

Jane In The Jungle said...

Those are great and yo're right...she does have the eye!

Parsley said...

Really wonderful photos and beautiful subject.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

those are great pics! she did a wonderful job.

Jaysi said...

Wow! Looks like you have a budding photographer on your hands!

Amanda said...

Look at those eyelashes!! And sweet, thoughtful eyes... such a beauty!


Kimberly said...

The third one is my favorite. Wow. Here's a tip for your daughter. Get her to try the "flower" setting on your point and shoot. She'll get more background blur in her photos and bring more focus to the face. Lovely!

Kelli W said...

Those pics are great! I really like the first one! Veronica is such a cutie:)

Together We Save said...

Wow - these are wonderful!!

Kathy C. said...

Beautiful! The photos AND Miss V. :)

Pam said...

Those are all great shots.

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Veronica is such a cutie! And Miranda is such a great photographer!

He & Me + 3 said...

Wow those pictures are gorgeous and you should get a collage frame and frame them. AWesome!

Claremont First Ward said...

They are amazing shots! Wow.

jen@odbt said...

The last one is my favorite - she's so expressive and your older daughter did a great job capturing her.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I agree!!! so pretty in the window like that.. how old is the one behind the camera!! wow.. great job.. I like the soft blurred ones!

Michelle said...

Wow, she did a fantastic job. The natural lighting is awesome on her sweet little face.

Lauren said...

wow - those are fabulous!! She is so beautiful! I think the last one is my favorite! :) said...

Truly beautiful... and all the more precious, knowing they were taken with the eyes of a big sister!

Jenni said...

She's got a GREAT eye!

Cathy said...

Sooooo beautiful! Your dd is doing very well! Keep the pics coming! :)

Genny said...

She really did a great job! I think you have a budding photographer on your hands!

Maude Lynn said...

These are really, really good!

Brandie said...

So cute!! She is adorable. Oh and so are those cute dogs in the last post! Love it.

Melissa said...

She's so adorable!!! Love the last picture. It deserves a frame!

Marice said...

Miranda did a great job! :) all photos are beautiful :)

Mc Allen said...

aww, she did great!!! I love these Alicia. Such sweet girls! xoxo LA

Stephanie said...

Wow I can't believe she took those! She did an awesome job!!!

Love the second one-I think that one is my fav!

Veronica Lee said...

I love the first pic. Your daughter is beautiful.

Diana Ferguson said...


Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh wow! She did a great job! And Veronica is super cute!

Muthering Heights said...

She really captured Veronica's sweetness! :)

Kim said...

What sweet photos! Amanda did a great job capturing them!

tiki_lady said...

stunning pictures!

Serendipityissweet said...


girlytwins said...

She did a great job. She seems to have a talent for capturing the beauty in her photos, even if her subject is helping out by being gorgeous herself.

Unknown said...

Oh. My. Gosh. well, first of all, Veronica is TOO cute for words. I can't take it : ) And what great pictures. Maybe you will have to get her a camera for her birthday :)

Alicia said...

Awwwww, I love the last one. She's so sweet. You need to give Miranda a camera for her 13th birthday...she has a great eye!

danette said...

Wow, the first one is my favorite but those are all beautiful!