Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I really like this picture in color, but love it more in b&w.


Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday


Veronica Lee said...

Love the pic. Don't know why but when I saw the pic, I just thought of the video clip of the song "Goodbye" by Air Supply. Very nostalgic!

debi9kids said...

What a lovely photo. It makes me wonder what he was thinking....

Cecily R said...

I love the black and makes me want to know the story behind it.

Erin said...

Oh, I like & white adds drama.

Julie said...

Ah, I love this shot!

Self Sagacity said...

In black and white it shows a lot of character. Nice capture! HWordfulWednesday.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

Sometimes, there's something about the B&W photo that you can't appreciate in colors. Nice Shot!!

Casey's trio said...

B&W pics are my faves! This is a great one!

Buckeroomama said...

There is something about BW photos that just adds a bit of mood and drama... :) I love this pic of your boy!

Ms. Latina said...

Love this picture and agree it looks great in black and white. I find it makes me focus more on him versus the background.

Denise said...

Really nice picture.

Susie said...

He looks so pensive:-)

Anonymous said...

It looks like he is in prayer.

Michelle said...

Hmmm...wonder what's on his mind.
I'd like to join him.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Great photo! Yes, I wonder what he was thinking? If he remembers, that would be fun to know :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
(thank you for stopping by! I have been out of town so am just now catching up on blog reading! Yay for a mid week day off! have to catch up on housecleaning too...)

Mamí♥Picture said...

oh I ♥ it!!!

jen@odbt said...

This looks like it could be taken during any era in time. So classic.

Lauren said...

that's a wonderful photo!! You take such great pictures! :)

Kelli W said...

Fun picture! It looks like he is deep in thought!

Stacy said...

That was a great shot Alicia!!! He does look like he is really thinking about something hard!

Kristin said...

I agree - this picture in black and white is great!

Liz Mays said...

I just love it too! I think I'd even frame that!

Cathy said...

Great photo!

Happy said...

It is such a beautiful picture!

Marice said...

wow! this is one amazing shot! did you enter this on I Heart Faces? this is perfect for this week's theme.

The Drama Mama said...

Wow, that is a great shot. He looks so pensive like he can't decide if he is going to continue on or go back the way he came. THe journey is looking long perhaps and he needed a rest.

Great shot!

He & Me + 3 said...

It is an awesome shot. Beautiful scenery too. So peaceful. It is a great book so far.

Killara girl said...

is he in deep thought....or just waiting for everyone to catch up...i know how boys can be! they like to be on the move at all times

Pam said...

I like these black and white photos you have posted recently. They look so peaceful.

yonca said...

Beautiful shot! Makes me think, what he is thinking?

Darcie said...

Sometimes B&W's to me have so much depth...just like this picture.

Diana Ferguson said...

Great pic!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo! I love the angle!

Muthering Heights said...

I can see looks great!

Anonymous said...

What can I say that hasn't already been said.

This picture is very captivating...makes you wonder.

Much Luv,

Miti said...

Hey Alicia! That's a great pic!! Either he's in really deep thought about something or he's got a funny way of sleeping, haha.

Colette S said...

There is just something about black and white photos.

This is a very good capture of this moment.

Makes you want to know what he was thinking about.

Talk about a picture worth a thousand words!

Michelle said...

Great shot. Sometimes black and white just makes a picture so much more dramatic.