Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This is a picture from my son's 8th grade graduation.

They asked all the graduates to write a sentence or two about what their goals were in the future. So, when they called their name, the announcer would also read what they wrote.

I knew this advance, so we were all trying to help Isaiah come up with some ideas on the way to the ceremony!

We (including his friends) came up with some pretty interesting "goals" for Isaiah!

Of course, this was all done for laughs!


I'll share some of them with you....

"My goal for the future is to have a goal."

"My goal for the future is to be the best video gamer EVER!"

"My goal for the future is to wake up before noon."

"My goal for the future is to go home and play my XBOX 360."

"My goal for the future is to just get through the next year."

And finally, the one he ended up going with was, "My goal for the future is to study hard and to do well in school."

You go, son!! I know you can do it!!

Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday


Lauren said...

those are so funny! I love what he ended up with though... so sweet!:)

Lisa said...

Gotta have goals. I was thinking about you all day, so proud of Isaiah. He looks very studious in that picture.

Michelle said...

Great shot and what funny goals (with a serious one thrown in).

Robyn said...

Great photo and ending goal!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

That's so funny. I think my son has very similar goals,lol.

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

Cool goals!! How smart does he look? I was looking at your family photo at your blog header and can't believe how big they all are!
Love Collette xxx

Goryo said...
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Goryo said...

I like the first five goals... (LOL)

But of course I like the last goal BEST!!!

Go for it!!! =)

Buckeroomama said...

I think my husband has similar goals (the ones pertaining to video games and XBox)!

amanda said...

the goals are great. :) yay to homeschooling an 8th grade graduate. only four more years to go. it's encouraging to see.

Stacy said...

Those are great goals:)

Congrats again!!!

Veronica Lee said...

LOL! Your son is very focused!
Great goals!!!

Happy Wednesday Alicia.

Susie said...

That is hilarious!!

Carin said...

Aw, that is too fun! What a kid! I've been gone too long from your blog, sure like the look of it!!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

too funny.

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Congrats again to Isiah!

McCrakensx4 said...

Congreats to the graduate! What an exciting year...freshman! And those 'goals' are pretty funny! Gotta love kids!

Cascia Talbert said...

I like that last goal. Congratulations to your son!

Thanks for stopping by the Healthy Moms!

Darcie said...

Hey Alicia! LOVIN' the new look around here. See what happens when I take a small blog break..blogland goes on. ;-)

Congrats to Isaiah and you know what...he just might meet all those goals! ;-)

Mamí♥Picture said...

Congrats to your sweet boy!!!

Happy said...

I'm all over his sleeping till noon goal! :)

Congrats and I'm so glad the ceremony went well! He looks super cute!

jen@odbt said...

Those cracked me up. Congrats on his graduation!

Together We Save said...

Great goals... I guess when you are his age those are high expectations! Congrats on the graduation.

Liz Mays said...

Stop it right now!!! He's just looking too grown up!

Kelli W said...

Too funny! I love the goal he chose! I'm sure he can do it with you helping him along the way:)

Stephanie said...

haha love those!

Glad you guys had a great day yesterday-what a wonderful accomplishment!

Denise said...

He is a very handsome young man. I was LOL at the goals, he sounds very level headed to have picked the one he did.

Pam said...

Those are some goals. I want my new goal to be to sleep until after noon!

GottaLoveMom said...

Those goals are attainable! Great job, Mom :)

Muthering Heights said...

Your family is so much fun!

He & Me + 3 said...

To wake up before noon. BAA HAA.
Too funny.
Love the one he came up with. He is so handsome.

Casey's trio said...

Love the goal list :) Glad he chose the best one on the list-HA!

Michelle A'etonu said...

I love this and all the pictures from his graduation day. You've got a great son on your hands and I'm sure he's going to have a bright future thanks to his devoted parents and siblings!

Kimberly said...

Hey, those are some good goals. And I bet he achieves most of them. ;)

tiki_lady said...

hey,i have similar goals, LOL