I'm not sure on the exact year, I had to be around 7 or 8 years old. This is my sister (the one in the front) and I sitting on the couch like young ladies..heehee. Not sure what we're reading. Could be one of the encyclopedia books we had. Our house was filled with books because my mom loved to read. That's where I get my love of reading from, it's just now it's hard to make time to sit and read uninterrupted. And, my parents were smokers, so that is why there is an ashtray on the end table. Surprisingly, my sister and I did not pick up that terrible habit!
What a wonderful picture! You both look great, and happy!
nice picture... agree you guys luck great. i love encyclopedias when I was a child too but surprisingly, we don't have any in our house now and i don't have enough time to read books as well. :p good that both of you didn't turn out to be a smoker. :)
Cute picture.
Look at the pair of you sitting there like little ladies... :) This is what every parent would like to see their kids doing (either that or sleeping peacefully!).
Look at how adorable you both were...sitting like little ladies together!!
Great picture! You do both look very proper! My parents both smoked too, so glad I never picked up that habit! Unfortunately, my brother wasn't as lucky and he's been struggling to quit for a couple years.
Such proper little ladies. My mom loved to read and is a smoker too. Thank God, I picked up the reading but not the smoking (though I did try but I never liked it).
Such a great picture.
You and your sister looked so well-behaved. I remember encyclopedias. Can't believe how precious those things were back in the days. Now we have the net. Wish we had the net back then.
You both are so cute!!!
I love to read too but it's so hard to find time for it now. Wish there were more of it :)
Glad you didn't pick up that smoking habit - that's one thing I can't stand the smell of.
Yes, very ladylike! I had to laugh at Buckaroomama's comment :o)
I love to read too, but haven't read a book in a bit-Lately, I find myself falling asleep so so early after coming home from work, showering, & making/eating dinner...ah, such exciting evenings! Actually, I find that if I start a good book, I don't want to put it down til its done! (so, probably better that I haven't started one lately.)
Blessings & Aloha!
awww- you're both so beautiful! :)
You can see how much your kids look like you when I see this picture! Beautiful. Have a great weekend and happy 4th
Oh, the encyclopedia days! I remember those. Too fun! Love the photo.
Boy, I did the post and all most forgot to sign up here until now. Oh well, silly me. Love the pic. Sister pics are fond memories. Aren't you just the cutie pie! Have a fun and safe weekend to you & your family.
so cute Alicia, what a thing to pass down to your kids...reading.
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So cute!!
Thankfully you only picked up ONE habit... :)
so it runs from the genes..=)..you guys look so cute here..=)
How cute you both are!!
Happy 4th July, dear Alicia.
One of your daughters looks very much like your sister. I love that picture...just watched Apollo 13 with my two younger children and kept telling the kids, that is how Grandpa really dressed when I was a kid and that is how kids dressed when I was a kid. YOur photo is proof!
i love old photos... they tell soooo many stories!!
I love this photo!
My dad also gave me the gift of loving to learn and to read. He got us a set of Encyclopedia too, where I was young, and, since my hubby is an even more voracious reader than I am, we also got a set for our kids. Don't know how often those came in handy for doing reports, etc. while they were in school.
My dad also smoked, and after he passed away when I was 17, I found that I was hooked on tobacco smoke even though I'd never picked up a cigarette. I'd dream about the smoke and find myself following people in the stores just to get a whiff... Pretty pitiful...! I never did pick up smoking though and now it sets off an asthma attack.
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