This was my high school, Freshman year picture!
Whoa! Look at that eyeliner! I can't believe I used to wear it like that!
Well, in the "80's," that was the style back then!
Do you remember wearing those little buttons on your shirts? The ones that had famous bands or singers on them, and some just had words?
I had to look closely at this picture because it's only a wallet size, but from what I could make out, one of them is Duran Duran, and one says "Rude Girl" on another. I can't make out what the other picture is! I just wish I still had them!
Why was I trying to look so hard core??????
And no comment on my hair!
Like I said..it was the 80's!
You look fine to me.
and I still wear my eye liner like that! mmkay? :)
I thought you looked pretty. What's wrong with the eyeliner??!!!
Happy FF, Alicia dear.
Hahaha, I used to wear my eyeliner like that too!!! It was totally the look back then! We thought we were hot stuff!!!!
I remember those pins too!!! Wow, Duran Duran...makes me feel so old!!
wow! you looked lovely as usual.
Whoa! What a beautiful Diva! Shut Up! You're gorgeous back then, and gorgeous now! Have a great weekend.
You looked fine sweetie.
Hey well aren't you just the cutest little Diva! You're gorgeous. I so love old pics. Have a great weekend.
Awww I like your liner :) You are primped and ready to go! not many teenagers can apply liner like that - you should be proud :)
I so remember those pins back in the day. THey were the best things going or at least one of them. This past winter I took the kids to a convention for Christian teens I saw a table selling pins like these purchased a few and gave them to my teens. They were not a big hit at all some of them even asked me what do I do with them. Guess goes to show times have changed.
You were completely in style and on top of the trends!
Look how cute you were even back in the dreaded HS days!
You have the BEST flashbacks, girl!!! The whole thing is perfect - from the puffy hair to the eye liner to the little buttons. You had it goin' on! :D Have a great weekend ~ ♥
Wow, look at you! You look really cute! I wore my eyeliner like that too. Love looking at your old pictures. :)
I so loved Duran Duran!!
Great photo, Alicia. Have a wonderful weekend!
you're so cute! i especially love those pins you're wearing :) happy friday!
Hilarious. I wish I could make out the other button too! I remember I had a Wham! one and a New Edition! Don't laugh....I just saw New Edition 3 years ago...yep and tried to take my kids too!
And you looked great for the time...I still get confused and try to do my make up like that from time to time
Such a fun picture! I love the hair and the eyeliner:)
that is awesome!! I was born in 84! haha
I don't even have words for this Alica : )
Don't even have words!
LOVE the buttons...they came back in style when I was in high school!!
Ahhh! Gotta LOVE the 80s pics!
hm...I don't think that I wore eyeliner in high school...(my dad was pretty strict haha) I'm still "learning" or getting tips from our daughters! I do use an eyeliner now, but that is about it...how awesome if I could have my own personal makeup, hairstyle and wardrobe person! ;o)
Blessings & Aloha!
It's after midnight and I'm still trying to get my post together! I had to work all week...late.
Oh my gosh, that picture is LAUGH OUT LOUD funny. Rude Girl??!?!?!! Priceless!!
Be blessed-
I think I have one or two with that same hair do. LOL Oh the 80's...great music bad hair. :)
I think you could pu my face in this photo of you and it would be exactly me in 1984! Weren't we cool? Or should I say "rad"? :)
oh wow! You look cute in this pic:) I love the buttons..lol..I definitely remember those..gotta love flashback photos:)
I graduated in that year, I remember that style well.
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