Monday, July 12, 2010


I shouldn't give in to those cravings.

I end up making these kinds of things!

And in one day!

Since my husband doesn'tcare for pound cake, I made a yellow cake instead.



Laurencita said...

Wow! it's so delicious.

Lisa said...

MMMMMMM.......We had ice cream sundae's the other night, we sure gave into our

Veronica Lee said...


Happy Monday, Alicia.

Kelli W said...

Oh my! Those both look so good! I am really bad about giving in to my cravings and then baking something that I SO don't need! At least you have a house full of kiddos to help you eat it:)

Susie said...

And the problem is????

Susie said...

And the problem is????

Stacy said...

Yeah, I don't see a problem with that:) Both look YUMMY!!

Robyn said...


Sara said...

Yummmm... that chocolate cake looks so good, I want a piece. I may have to make one right. now. Or this afternoon.

Karen Mortensen said...

Looks good. Who could blame you?

Lauren said...


Deborah Ann said...

Whoa, not a big fan of strawberry shortcake, but that second one looks delish!!!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Oh, geez, now I'm going to need some cake today...

Cathy said...

I have three words...Yum, yum, yum!!!

Nina said...

I certainly could not resist such temptations. Yummy!!!

Anita Johnson said...

I love chocolate and now I have a craving for it. Thanks a lot. :-)

Buckeroomama said...

Major cravings for you to make all that in one day! :)

Darcie said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy! You and your food pictures are enough to make me want to get off this computer and go bake! HOWEVER...I gain less pounds just by looking at your pictures.

Mostlygrocery said...

I'm so weak for pound cake... gosh I envy you Alicia...

Liz Mays said...

I have a very real sweet tooth also!

cheeky rose said...

Thats so not fair, tempting me when I cant even have it.

Jane Anne said...

They both look very, very tasty but I really want the strawberry shortcake. Strawberries are my favorite!

Nicole Marie said...

butter yellow is my to die for favorite cake of all time! AND with chocolate icing!!!! omgoodness!!!! u got me drooling over here!

Denise said...

I am hungry now.

Muthering Heights said...


Michelle A'etonu said...

these look amazing! i left ya an award on my blog. hope you don't have it already!

Jesson Balaoing said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post!

Stephanie said...


He & Me + 3 said...

Now I am craving those things. Thanks.

tiki_lady said...

my pants just popped

Unknown said...

All I can say is that I have been giving into cravings all summer and I am sooooooooooooo fat. Yes. So with 13 extra o's.