Thursday, August 26, 2010


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to MckLinky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!


San Francisco

Fisherman's Wharf

San Francisco makes me think of my mom and dad. When we were little, we would always take drives over there, and my mom and dad would always get the shrimp cocktail at Fisherman's Wharf. My sister and I would bring a pillow as if we were going on a long trip, and my dad would always have his Bit O' Honey candy, and my mom would snack on her peanut brittle. It's funny because I can't stand those two things!!

In this picture are my mom and I on the left, and my aunt and my sister on the right. I was two, and my sister was four years old.

Do you see those buildings in the background? Those two restaurants are still open to this day!

What is also pretty cool about this picture is the cop car on the left side! Is that so old school or what?!

I'm also linking up with Amanda @Parenting by Dummies since we have similar Friday meme's! You will enjoy her blog, and also love seeing pictures of her beautiful kids! You can also link up on her blog too! So, I encourage you to go, and make new bloggy friends!


XmasDolly said...

I still say you were so cute & your Mama she was HOT! Now we all know where you get your good looks from, huh? Look at that police car - talk about old school! lol Have a great weekend.

niko said...

whoa!!! that cop car is definitely OLD school :) lol

you are so pretty little darling.. just like your sister!!

nice picture ha! mine is just 4 years ago.i definitely need a scanner! :D

Kim said...

Great picture! Love the outfits!

The Farmer Files said...

Gotta love the mustang and vw bug in the picture, too. Your mom was stylin'!!

Anonymous said...

you look a lot like your beautiful mom. i mean if i have to look at you now..and the police car is so old school indeed. but maybe it was hype and cool that time..=)

Veronica Lee said...

Is Fishermen's Grotto the place where they serve the best clam chowder on the planet? I remember that place well and I think I have a photo of it somewhere!!! Love the pic. It brings back wonderful memories.

Happy FF!

Karen Mortensen said...

Love the picture. I was just there a couple of weeks ago. said...

That is an awesome picture. That cop car is so classic... like something right out of tv!

Natalie A. said...

This is a great picture! It's fun to see the backgroud! Have a great Friday!

Laurencita said...

Oh! you're so cute! as always. lol!

Buckeroomama said...

Love that cop car!

We're on our way to another Fisherman's Wharf this weekend... maybe I'll post some photos next week. :)

(Yes, I'm still using my old camera... haven't really had time to sit down and really sift through the research for a new camera yet.)

Debbie Petras said...

Alicia, you were so cute. I've been to Alioto's Restaurant on Fishserman's Wharf many times. And it's funny because I graduated high school in 1971. I love how our blogging world brings so many of us of different ages together.

Blessings and love,

Stacy said...

That cop car is awesome!!!! It seems like you had a great family, and childhood! Love looking at your FBF pics:)

Stacy said...

That cop car is awesome!!!! It seems like you had a great family, and childhood! Love looking at your FBF pics:)

Anita Johnson said...

Hi Alicia,
I think this is a great idea, so I'm happy to join the fun! I was 13when your photo was taken. A teenager already. Hmmm, I have to admit the style of the cars look familiar. Yikes!

Susie said...

It's like a little time capsule:-)

He & Me + 3 said...

That is a cute picture and that is so cool that those restaurants are still there. Says a lot for their food.

Lauren said...

that cop car is hilarious! reminds me of older movies!! haha

Cute picture! :)

The imPerfect Housewife said...

The cop car - CRACK ME UP! 1-Adam 12, 1-Adam 12 ~ you ARE old! HA HA I know I'm older than you so of course I'm TOTALLY kidding!! ♥

Cascia Talbert said...

What fond memories! Thanks for sharing the great photo.

Chris said...

wow! great photo... so classic!!!

by the way, id like to share with you

NENSA MOON said...

Mmm.. a litle Alicia was so cute...!!
Love this classic photo!!


Stephani Cochran said...

I participated for the first time today! Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

You were so cute!

Just look at how big the cars are - I remember those days.

Wonderful photo!

Muthering Heights said...

This picture is so looks like a vintage postcard! :)

Teacher Engineer said...

the picture is beautiful and lovely;) Its my first time to join..
Blessed to see this meme i love to share old photos and memories;)

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

I love looking at your photos when you were little! A lot of the styles remind me of some of our old pics :o)
(I am older than you and would have been 7 or 8 in 1971...but I remember my mom wearing a headscarf like your mom's.)

Blessings & Aloha!
(late linking up...again :o) I still have to visit the other participants from last week!!!)

Stephanie said...

That's like a Barney Fife cop car - so cool!!!!!!

I'm trying to semi catch up - I have to get back in the groove :)

4 Lettre Words said...

Goodness! That yellow suit is so sweet.

Unknown said...

you're cute in this pic! I gotta agree that you get it from your mom:):) I'd love to visit San Francisco and check out one of those restaurants..Great pic,Alicia!