Tuesday, August 10, 2010


My friend was having a garage sale this past weekend, and on her Facebook page, she posted a couple of pictures of the furniture items she was selling.

As soon as I saw the picture of the armoire, I knew I wanted it!

I asked her how much she was selling it for, and she said $75, but she told me she'd sell it to me for $50!! She told me to hurry up and decide because people were swarming around it!

Normally I would ask my husband about it first, but I knew we needed that piece, and I know I would not find something like that for that price. Plus, I know the people, and I knew that it was going to be in good condition!

It only has the primer on it, so now I have to decide what color to paint it.

And those are not stains on the door. You can just see the "knots" through the primer.

I'm contemplating whether or not to use it in the homeschool room for their supplies, or in our bedroom.

So, it's in the garage till I decide the best place to put it!




Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday


Jane Anne said...

You are going to be able to do great things with that! What a great find!

Helene said...

It's beautiful!!!!!! I'm sure all that storage space will come in handy!!

The Farmer Files said...

So glad you scored. Your hubs must have been ok with your find!! You know, we have had a $50 dollar rule in our house for the whole 12 years of our marriage. If it costs $50 and under we can buy it w/o consult. After that no can do!

Buckeroomama said...

I think that's a steal! The drawers would be great for big pieces of art paper... just saying. :)

NENSA MOON said...

Nice cabinet, Alicia!
happy to hear you find it online..with a little lower price.
have a fabulous Tuesday!!

Michelle said...

Awesome "garage sale" find.

Liz Mays said...

What a deal and how incredibly useful!

Kimberly said...

Good friends and good finds. You are blessed! :)

Together We Save said...

Wow- you picked up a great piece of furniture. What a deal.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh that is such a good deal. Wowza. So glad you nabbed it.

Denise said...

Great find!!! It's gorgeous!

Veronica Lee said...

You always find the best things!! It's fantastic.

Have a wonderful day, sweetie!!

RoseBelle said...

$50 is a great bargain for it. It looks like the top shelve is big enough for a TV or is it just the picture that makes it look big?

debi9kids said...

What a great buy! Can't wait to see what color you choose and how you use it :)

4 Lettre Words said...

Awesome find! I would love to have it.

Anonymous said...

i think it would be more good in your kids' homes school room..quite a catch..=)

Kelli W said...

$50 is an awesome deal! I love that piece! I think it would be great in a really bright color...maybe red!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a steal. I love, love, love the drawers at the bottom!

Susie said...


amanda said...

beautiful. what a find!!! it'd be great for my scrapbooking supplies. :)

Colette S said...

Oh goody that's a great deal! Wow. Glad you grabbed it!

Colette S said...

I would love something like that too. Look at all the space!

Sara said...

NICE! That is perfect, lot's of room, and it looks like it will be easy to paint! Make sure you post an after pic too!

Brenda said...

You sure got a bargain on this. It looks like a great piece of furniture.

Anonymous said...

$50.00? Wow, what a deal. The potential is HUGE for this piece! cannot wait to see what you do with it!!!

Pam said...

That's a great buy and it will go anywhere too! I have a similar one in the family room.
The drs. don't know what happened to my daughter's eye. It was one of those "freak accidents" that has no logical cause. Of course, those kinds of things seem to happen a lot in our family. We are weird.

Muthering Heights said...

What a great find...and an awesome deal!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Great deal is right! I want it!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I can never find such great pieces at garage sales. Now I know why! You mean I have to pre-shop on Facebook? LOL

I have missed blog hopping and am happy to finally be back and see your beautiful face! Hope all is well!

Melissa said...

great find!! I would do it white, or black, depending on the space you're using it in. :) One day I'll have to post pictures of all my furniture re-furbs that I've done in my house over the last few months. :)

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

What a wonderful find!! I'd def use it for homeschool supplies... Love, it, love it!!

Honey Mommy said...

How fun! Storage with doors is always wonderful! What a great find.

XmasDolly said...

What a fantastic piece of furniture. Now don't forget to give us a picture when it's all done being painted too! Gee Whiz! That's only half a story without the painted pic! ~hehe~ CONGRATS!

Denise said...

Nice find.