Monday, November 16, 2009


If you are a Costco (or even Sam's Club) shopper, I know you must love the free samples just as much as I do.

If you go at the right time, you can have dinner and dessert while you're there.

I went there a couple of weeks ago and one of the samples was the seven cheese tortellini.

I've bought it before, but I've always used a marinara of pesto sauce with it. The sample lady used something much simpler and tastier (in my opinion).

Shredded parmigiano reggiano and olive oil.

My daughter kept going back for seconds and thirds, so I decided to buy some for ourselves.

The pasta was $2.00 off, so that was a score!!

This was all I needed!

Done in less than 15 minutes. I add the fresh spinach just for color.

So yummy!


Jennifer said...

Mmmmmm! I love Costco and their economy sized deliciousness! ;-)

Susie said...

I love the simplicity of the dish:-)

Stacy said...

Goodness, we went to Sam's the other day and I couldn't get my kids to stop

That does look very good!

Darcie said...

Have to laugh...when I go with my mom she tells me if I don't want it to grab it anyway's because she will eat it. ;-) Your meal looks delicious!!!

Parsley said...

Wonder if my picky eater would try this? Looks good to me.

Anonymous said...

That looks so yummy!!

Mayhem and Moxie said...

I am such a sucker for those free samples too. It is like fine dining for my kids. :)

Happy said...

So yummy looking...what a great idea!

Kimberly said...

That looks delightful. My mouth is literally watering. LOL!

4 Lettre Words said...

Yum!! I do something very similar, but instead of the oil I use browned butter. It's really good too. (I copied it from a local "nice" restaurant!)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Sounds yummy! We love a good bowl of pasta at our house!

Lauren said...

that looks amazing! I am allergic to dairy -- but I bet I could find some dairy free tortellini and add veggies to it! YUMMMMM

Sara said...

Costco is the BEST! Yum!

Jac said...

So yummy!!

Isn't it funny how sometimes the most simplistic stuff is the best tasting??

Jac @

Deborah Ann said...

That looks heavenly! I love shopping at Sam's, especially for the freebies!

Robyn said...

On yummy that looks so good, I love pasta!

Mommy24cs said...

It looks delicious!!

I love going to Costco for the samples.

Kelli W said...

Yum! That sounds and looks SUPER good! I have done the cheese ravioli before, but never tortellini...I will have to look for them next time!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...That seriously looks good :)

I've never gone to Costco or Sam's Club I've been meaning too for the past 2yrs but I guess I've forgotten.


Mommy, I'm Home said...

That does look yummy! I might have to try it -- or go hang out in Costco when they're giving away free samples...

He & Me + 3 said...

It looks awesome and I can do 15 minutes in the kitchen. :)

Anonymous said...

We are Major Sam's Club shoppers, My Hubby saw online lst night that they are having there Hoiliday Taste testing next week, So guess where we will be next weekend! Lol!
I shop and they eat! Works for me!

Michelle said...

I love Costco. In fact the girls and I skipped lunch yesterday due to all the samples we tried. :)

Carin said...

Ooo that looks good and easy, my favorite combination. I better have my mom pick me some up next time she visits. Or... I could just come to your house =)

amanda said...

we love sam's club! and that looks SO yummy! love how you added the spinach for color. lol

Pam said...

My kids love those free samples at Sams. That does look yummy!

Helene said...

We're famous for going to Costco around lunchtime on any given Sat or Sun and then we don't have to worry about making lunch for the kids. I usually end up buying whatever they have for samples if the kids really like it so I guess in a way, I'm actually paying for lunch without even realizing it..LOL!!

Love the simplicity of this dish!

Tara said...

We aren't members of either so I guess I'm missing out. The dish looks delicious though and so very simple!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Yummy...can you bring some over..I am starving!

Liz Mays said...

Doesn't Rachael Ray go on and on about that cheese? This looks good but alas, no Costco.

Denise said...

Sounds delicious.

Claudya Martinez said...

That sounds delicious. I think I would prefer it without the red sauce, too.

I love Costco!

Kim said...

Sounds yummy, thanks for the tip!

really.truly said...

Yummy! I had that last night for dinner....same pasta...except ours was with broth and spinach. So good(my friend made it for dinner).

Muthering Heights said...

Awesome!! You can't beat quick, easy, AND tasty!

Unknown said...

I saw this post and laughed out loud (I looked crazy!!) I just said this exact thing the other day when I visited Costco..the lines for the samples were out of control :)Happy snacking!!

ocmist said...

We love Costco and grazing through the store while shopping. I'll have to look for those igredients as they really sound delicious! Linda from Corgi Country

Laura said...

I miss having a costco near us! That looks so good, yum!!! I love that your posting more recipes/home dinners!! :-)