Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This weekend, I will be childless.

Leaving Friday afternoon.

Coming home Sunday.

I will have a weekend to myself. What is that like?

This will be the first in many, MANY years!

Our church is having their Womens Retreat, and I will be going!

I look forward to the fellowship, worship, Gods Word, and being refreshed as a wife and a mom.

I also look forward to the F.U.N.!!!!!

I will miss my family, and I KNOW they will miss me.

But, I won't be too far away. I love the town we're going to. In fact, this is very close by to where my husband and I got married (Monterey).

Look at where we'll be staying, and the views I will be forced to look at.

And yes..that is the ocean you see in the last picture. Just a hop, skip, and a jump away.


Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday


Cortney @ said...

Have a wonderful time. We need to get away once in awhile with just other women and get refreshed! Enjoy the fellowship, God's Word and getting some "alone" time without the kiddos! I am jealous (although I was able to get away last month so I can't complain :-))

tiarastantrums said...

have a wonderful weekend! It sounds glorious!

Kim said...

Have a wonderful, well deserved getaway!

Buckeroomama said...

Aw, have fun!! I'm still debating whether I should go with my parents on their weekend trip to our ancestral city (where I've never been!), but I don't think I can bear to be away from the kiddies that long. Maybe I'll do an overnighter and come home the next day...

debi9kids said...

Oh how lovely!
Have a wonderful and blessed vacation!

Happy WW!

Robyn said...

Oh sounds wonderful many Blessings on your getaway!

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

You are so fortunate! I would love to do something like that! Our women have an annual retreat but it tends to be the older ladies that go. I was invited before but couldn't afford it etc. Maybe one day!!!
Love Collette xxx

Terra Heck said...

Here's wishing you a wonderful time full of fun and worship.

4 Lettre Words said...

Oh, how wonderful! Have a fantastic time, Alicia!!

Susie said...

Oh my gosh...that looks horrible:-) Just kidding...I am just jealous. Have a great time:-)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh I am so excited for you Alicia! I am going away this weekend too! The I Heart Faces workshop. Kaishon and Gary are both telling me they don't want me to go... : ) It is nice to be needed, isn't it?

Kimberly said...

What an awesome opportunity for you! I hope you enjoy the view and come back home filling refreshed and recharged. :)

Tara said...

Sounds like a wonderful time and the pictures are lovely. I am sure you will be re-energized. Have fun and enjoy the time away!

Jane In The Jungle said...

That's we're both getting away...have as much fun as I plan to!!

Chris said...

have a great time! :)

Kelli W said...

Sounds like an amazing place! I hope you have a great time....though I am a little jealous!!

Carin said...

Oh Alicia, that is so awesome. I bet you are already relaxing just thinking about it. Have a wonderful time!

Lauren said...

wow!! Have a BLAST!! I know you will! You're family is sure to miss their wonderful mommy and wife, though! I'll pray that God will gave you amazing blessings this weekend! :)

Momisodes said...

If there is anyone who deserves some time for herself, I believe it's you. I'm sure you will miss everyone, but it will be nice to getaway just for a short while. I hope you have an amazing weekend!

Darcie said...

Oh my word wonderful is that going to be??? You go and have a beautiful time and come back with a lot of pictures we can all feel like we have been there!

He & Me + 3 said...


I am so jealous. Have the best time & enjoy your being away with other women friends. So fun.

Jac said...

What a wonderful, wonderful weekend! And it looks absolutely beautiful! This sounds like just what you need (and deserve!)

Jac @

Denise said...

Enjoy yourself sweetie.

Twincerely,Olga said...

looks gorgeous! Enjoy your fellowship and time away! You will come back refreshed!!

Deborah Ann said...

Whoa, girlfriend! Take me with you! Pretty, pretty please. I could hide in your suitcase, no one would even know I'm there. I'm quiet as a mouse...

Have a great time with the girls and the Lord!

Annie said...

Enjoy your vacations and have lots of fun.

Stopping from 7 clowns

PS: Gracias por visitar mi blog.

Dandy said...

Gorgeous! Have a wonderful and refreshing time!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

What a great getaway for you! Enjoy yourself and be sure to tell us all about it!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh that sounds heavenly! I hope you enjoy every minute of it! You deserve it my friend!

Michelle said...

Lucky you. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time. Make sure to take plenty of pictures. :)

Kiki said...

have a wonderful time. i am super jealous. not sure what i would do by myself for a weekend. i would probably sleep and eat junk food the whole time. have fun and take care.

grace said...

God bless your retreat!

Ms. Latina said...

Have a great time!

I have never gone away on a woman's retreat but if the times I get in the Women's fellowship is filling, I am sure a whole weekend will make you feel reborn!

Have a fabulous time Alicia!

really.truly said...

I hope that you have a wonderful time Alicia! I know you will. A weekend away to the water...lovely!!

Lana said...

Oh, that looks like so much fun! I hope you and the ladies have a great time as you renew your spirits and draw closer to Christ!

Lana :)

...And I'm sure it goes w/o saying, but take lots of pics!

Claudya Martinez said...

Oh you poor, poor thing I can't believe you will be forced to look at such beauty. I can only hope it does not leave you spoiled.

Have a great time.

mama's smitten said...

Hi Friend !
It has been a while ! I haven't been much of a blogger lately! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! My mom will be there also! I would of like to have gone but I have a class for school this weekend.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I just got back from my childless girls' getaway. It was heavenly. Although, I did sure love seeing my 16 month old run toward me when I got off the plane! Hope you have a blast at yours. : )

Serendipityissweet said...

Looks amazing! Good for you! I am sure you will have a wonderful time :D

Laura said...

What a blessing! I hope you have fun and I hope the Lord works in all of ya'll's lives! :)

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh! Have a blessed time! And the reunion with your sweeties when you get back will be awesome :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

(Thank you dear friend for stopping by and for answering my question :o) In my next post, I will definitely show some of the crosses that I have drawn :o)

Muthering Heights said...

I hope you have a WONDERFUL time!!! :) :)

Sara said...

Yea! Have fun! Can't wait to see some pictures!

Casey's trio said...

Oooooohhhhh Monterey! Have fun:)

Nicole @MTDLBlog said...

I'm all for Mom time! I try to do it once a year, some years it doesn't work out, but I enjoy it when I can!

Colette S said...

Oh yes! You'll be delightfully forced to look at those wonderful views.

I hope you'll have a refreshing time at the retreat.

Our church has these and I wish I could go but no one to watch my children....maybe soon I'll get to go.

Liz Mays said...

No wonder they call it a retreat! Faith and friends and God's majesty all in one!

Nina said...

Have a great time.... looks like a wonderful spot to have a retreat.