Monday, April 26, 2010


Just this past Friday, I was one of the winners of a giveaway at Latina On A Mission! She was giving away free passes for a free movie screening to the first people who commented on her post, and if you were able to visit one of the theaters in certain cities/states. I was so excited to get her email with the free printable pass. It was good for four people, and for a showing the next day at 10am. I knew my two older kids wouldn't wake up to get there early because I planned on getting there at 9am since it was first come first serve, regardless if you had a pass. My youngest son Danny was still sick, so it was just Eli, Veronica, and myself. We were one of the first people there, so I was happy about that, plus it was inside of a mall so I was able to get them McDonald's for breakfast while we waited in line. I couldn't imagine them eating popcorn and candy at 10am!

But, I wanted to say that we really enjoyed the movie. It's rare to watch a "kids" movie these days that does not have at least a couple of bad words (even though it's rated PG), and also without any sexual innuendos. It was just fun, clean humor, and I will take my other son when it comes out in the theaters.

It comes out next week, so if you are looking for a movie to watch with your kids, I highly recommend this one.

**And this is just my opinion. I'm not getting paid for writing a review for this.**


Mommy, I'm Home said...

Thanks for sharing your opinion. The Midge wants to see it, so now I know it's appropriate for her.

Denise said...

Glad you and your kids enjoyed the movie.

McCrakensx4 said...

What a fun time! My boys want to see this!! And congrats on winning...what a fun prize!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

I homeschooled for years and loved it! Now my kids are in a great charter school run by Christians. Loving the Jesus love and the fun writing on here.

Veronica Lee said...

Movies with good, clean humour are hard to find these days. I'm definitely going to watch this with my boys.

Happy Monday Alicia!

Anonymous said...

Nice - I like that actor guy (don't remember his name), glad to know it's a good one.

... and yes, better late than never! :) Post office tomorrow.

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Yes- born and raised in the Bay Area. (=

Stacy said...

What a fun prize t0 win!!

Buckeroomama said...

Great to know, thanks! Would you say I can take J (5 yrs old) to watch this?

He & Me + 3 said...

The cover of the Movie looks funny. Thanks for the review. We will see it when it comes to the dollar show:)

Susie said...

Sounds like a fun movie:-)

Darcie said...

How cool for you and your two kiddos! Not much beats free tickets to movies!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

OH how fun! What a great win! Now if I can remember to see it when it comes out on DVD, I'll be doing good ;)

Kathy C. said...

Thanks Alicia...silly kid movies are right up our alley! Even though our nest is empty, we don't watch movies other than "clean ones" so recommendations are appreciated!

The imPerfect Housewife said...

What could be better - free tickets AND a fun movie?? Good times ~ ♥

Serline said...

If nothing else, you can count on any Brendan Fraser movie for some action and laughs...

Anonymous said...
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Liz Mays said...

What a fun treat for you!!!! said...

how fun!! Congrats on winning and so glad it was a winner of a movie!

Pam said...

That sounds like a wonderful time. It is rare to find clean movies.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Nice to know! I, too, am tired of "kids" movies that are filled with bad language. Nice to hear that there is one out there that is not too bad!

Lauren said...

good to know! I love kids movies and this one looks funny - thanks for the tip!! :)

Diana Ferguson said...!!!

Muthering Heights said...

I'm glad to hear that the humor was clean...sadly, that seems to be uncommon anymore!

Sarah said...

Alicia, I wanted to thank you for being a part of my first year of blogging! What a wonderful year it has been. I'm throwing a little party and as an honored guest, I would love for you to stop by and share a highlight of your year with all of us.

Cactus Happy,

Laurencita said...

Yes, I like some of the movies of Brendan Fraser..

Erin said...

I just adore Brendan Fraser...he never takes himself too seriously and always seems to enjoy the work he does. Glad to hear that this one was a fun one, too. Congrats to you guys for winning those tickets and making a long morning out of it.

Ms. Latina said...

I am so glad that you enjoyed the movie! I thought it was hilarious as well =)

Unknown said...

What a fun great deal! two awesome things... movie and Mc Ds breakfast! we can´t get those here. miss em. (well on occasion of course)

I think I will wait to see the movie in English though. I can´t get the spanish humor sometimes and when it´s translated humor it´s totally different. jeje

well, see you.. oh guess what? WE are coming to N. Cali in later October!! I want to try to get to see you and your family. Lord willing. What do you think?

Dani Joy

kanishk said...

Glad you and your kids enjoyed the movie.
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