Tuesday, April 13, 2010


One of the high school boys that go to our church had to have a Senior Project done. Since he is an athlete, it made sense for him to hold a two day basketball camp at church. He couldn't spread it out during the week, so it is only Monday & Tuesday (starting yesterday) from 4-8 pm. Yes, that's right, four hours, smack dab in the middle of dinner time.

But, that's fine with me. I'm flexible! Plus, it is an opportunity for my kids to learn some fundamentals of basketball. Did I also mention it is free?

He had it really organized, plus he had a few other people helping him out (including my husband).

It was so loud in the gym, but all the kids seemed to have a really good time. They all rotated with drills, and at the end they had girls play against the boys.

Here are the kids getting ready for a fun game!

That's Ryan on the far right. He is the one who came up with this idea.

One of the many drills they did.

Ry and some of the kids! My two boys are in this picture.

Ry asked my husband to do a little devotion with the kids during the break.

Overall, it was a great experience for all the kids, and my kids are looking forward to it again tomorrow! I wish it didn't have to end.

And finally, I want to wish my husband a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! He is turning 39 today!!!

Celebration postponed due to him helping out with basketball. But, better late than never, right?


Denise said...

Really cool.

Susie said...

What a cool event! I love the idea of a Senior Project too! Great way to build leadership:-)

Beth in NC said...

Great idea for the kids.

Happy Birthday hubby!

Veronica Lee said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby. Yeap,it's a great way to build leadership.

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday Gabe!!

That is an awesome way to earn credits for school!!

I bet there are having a blast:)

Buckeroomama said...

Happy birthday to your hubby! :) A basketball camp as a way to earn credits? That's way cool! Not to mention fun, too!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet, sweet husband! : ) What a wonderful post Alicia! I love that your church has so many wonderful people in it. What a great place to worship! I wish this child the very best in all of his endeavors. I love that he is doing something so valuable with his time.
PS Your kids are the CUTEST! Oh my. I would say that your husband is also, but I don't want you to get worried about me : )

Mommy, I'm Home said...

How fun for your kids -- and for your husband!

He & Me + 3 said...

Happy Birthday to your hubs first! I will be 39 this year too.
what an awesome thing for Ry to do. Looks like he had it very organized. How fun. My kids love BBall.

Kelli W said...

What a great idea! I love that he is using something he is good at as part of his project! And happy birthday to your hubby...there sees to be a ton of birthdays right now!

Lauren said...

that is such a neat idea!!! Great photos too! :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby! Looks like alot of fun and free is not bad either:):) Great pictures!!

RoseBelle said...

I was horrible in basketball. Actually any sports as a matter fact when I was in school. Yet, I encourage my kids to be athletic. They'd complain why when I was not into sports and I tell them "that was then, this is now".

We have a lot of April birthdays in the mommy blog community. Happy bday to your hubby!

Darcie said...

First...Happy Birthday to your husband!

What a great thing for the kids to be involved in...totally understand how you would wish it is more then 2 days.

Lorie said...

How Fun!

Happy Birthday to your husband!

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

Wow! He got an incredible turn out... how exciting for him. Looks like a def success... wonder if it can turn into something more long term in the future?!

jen@odbt said...

Look at all those kids - it takes a special person to coordinate all that activity. Happy Birthday to your husband!

Anonymous said...

What a great service for the community!!

Happy Birthday to your hubby :)

Carin said...

Looks like it was a really great time. happy birthday wishes to your husband.

Jane Anne said...

The coolest part is that it's free. The dinner time thing would kill me.

Happy birthday to your man!

Mamí♥Picture said...

How FUN!!!


Amanda said...

I wanna be your neighbor. You have the BEST family!! Seriously. You all are GOOD people.


Muthering Heights said...

Your kids are so multi-talented!! :)

Happy birthday to your husband!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a great sr.project! And even better that it was free! I am sure the kids had fun too! And happy happy to your hubby!