Monday, April 11, 2011

Back to Junior High

This past Saturday, I was able to take a stroll down memory lane!

My oldest daughter had a soccer game at my Junior High/Middle School. I played on that same field she was on, but that was 30 years ago, friends! Whoa!

During her halftime, I walked around the campus to take some pictures. So many things have changed, but some things have stayed the same. I still remembered little details about where I hung out, and where some of my classes were.

For example. See those horseshoe benches? We sat there before P.E. started, and many times I would wait there after school for my friends. The locker rooms are on the right. The big building on the left is a new addition. It is a community center, and it's only been there a few years.

This is the stage at our amphitheater. So many fun events happened right on that stage. This is where I read my 8th grade speech to be 8th grade President (I won), there were dance contests held there, and of course, many other things. Directly behind it are doors to the gymnasium, and to the right is where the line was to to get food from the cafeteria.

This is the sitting area facing the stage.

This is a funny memory. I had my first kiss right there by the middle column!! LOL!!!! I would DIE if my daughter kissed a boy at 13 years old!

The gym where we ate lunch and also had our school dances! So much fun!

 And lastly, the field my daughter is playing at! My #37!!


Susie said...

You are so lucky that you can go back. All my schools are gone:-(

Helene said...

How fun for you to be able to go back and relive all those memories!! We often drive by the high school I attended and I excitedly tell the kids that this is where they'll go to high school too.

Love the mountains in the background in the pic of your daughter playing soccer.

Marice said...

it is always so much fun crossing down memory lanes :)

Liz Mays said...

So cool that you have such memories to replay. But yeah, about that kiss....

Lyryn said...

That is so cool! So fun!

Lauren said...

love it!!! Reminds me of my middle school in San Diego... the mountains behind the field and all the outdoor benches. Miss the west coast so much! :)

Anonymous said...

How fun to go back and revisit memories. Thank you fir your comment on Blueviolet's post.

Kat said...

Just stopping by to see what's up in your corner of the world. Not been able to do much visiting but was thinking about your gang.



Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

How fun, fun fun!!! I love to go back to a place from the past...and would love to visit more of them! How neat is that, that both you and your daughter can say that you both went to school here!

Blessings & Aloha!
trying to catch up on my return visits...and it is already almost time for my next FPF post!

He & Me + 3 said...

I would love to take my kids back to my old stomping grounds one day. How fun that you got to go back. Neat. Beautiful scenery in the soccer picture.