A few months after I started to really get into blogging, I began to notice all these beautiful pictures on other peoples blogs!
I was (and still am) speechless at some of the photos I've come across. I'm sure most of you have read a comment from me that started out with, "Oh my gosh!!"
Well, my husband has heard me talk about getting an updated camera, although I do have a handy Nikon Cool Pix that takes pretty decent pictures (with some editing), and he's agreed to let me get a new one. A digital SLR, to be exact. I know I've asked some of you what kind of camera you use.
It always comes down to two.
Nikon or Canon
I'm just a beginner, and I want to learn as much as I can about ISO's, aperture, flash, etc.! I want those pictures where everything is blurry in the background! You know what I'm talking about!
So, I ask you...my fellow blog pals, who are wonderful photographers, "What do you recommend?"
Can you tell me why you just absolutely love your camera and why it would be the best for me? I just need/want a simple SLR that I don't have to spend thousands on.
Thank you!!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
This is one of those random shots I took when my daughter sang in the choir a couple of weeks ago. I was trying to get a good shot of her while she was standing there, and ended up getting this. I didn't realize how much I was going to love it until I uploaded it to my computer.
Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday
Wordful Wednesday
Danny, my 7 year old is my "boys boy."
The older (high school) boys at church love to play fight with him because one, he can take it, and two, he LOVES it!!!
Well, the other night, I told my husband that he should teach the boys how to wrestle. My husband was a wrestler in high school, and I know he has some skills that he can pass on to our kids. Even our girls!
Danny was all over that!
It was so funny because our puppy Mocha started to growl a few times, and started to protect MY HUSBAND!
The older (high school) boys at church love to play fight with him because one, he can take it, and two, he LOVES it!!!
Well, the other night, I told my husband that he should teach the boys how to wrestle. My husband was a wrestler in high school, and I know he has some skills that he can pass on to our kids. Even our girls!
Danny was all over that!
It was so funny because our puppy Mocha started to growl a few times, and started to protect MY HUSBAND!
Gabe explaining the basics and what to do when he's in that position.
"See my elbow Danny? This is the reversal."
Danny's turn!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
On Sundays, I usually post something random. But, besides doing that, I decided I would share a scripture with you all instead. I pray that it will be a blessing to whoever reads it!
"For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."-Isaiah 9:6
"For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."-Isaiah 9:6
Scripture Sunday
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I recently won this book in Pam's giveaway, and I didn't realize at the time that this is a movie that is coming out in February. I knew the title sounded familiar, but when I saw the cover, I was like, "YES!!!!"
I LOVE to read, and when I get my hands on a book that totally draws me in, there is no putting it down for me. Nicholas Sparks is the author of a couple of my favorite books/movies. For example, The Notebook, Message In A Bottle, and A Walk to Remember.
I knew this was going to be a tear jerker!
So, last Saturday, I started the book around 5pm, and finished it around 11! My kids were looking at me like I was so weird for crying at certain parts...LOL.
I could literally read it over again, and I can't wait for the movie to come out in a couple of months! If you are a "romantic", and love these sappy love stories, then I highly recommend this book!! I won't give it away, but if you are familiar with his movies, you know there are always twists in the end.
The next day, after church, my husband went to lunch with some of our friends. I didn't go because I was not craving for Pho (Vietnamese Soup). If you read my blog, you know that my husband LOVES this particular restaurant. It's literally crowded all the time because it's that good.
Okay...moving along.
I actually went to my mom's after church because I had to help her set up a TV that she got, and while I was there, my husband calls me.
He says, "You know that guy on your book that you just read? The guy from G.I. Joe?"
Me: "Yes, why?"
Hubby: "Well, he's here at Pho with Cung Le!!!!
Let me explain that Cung Le is a popular mixed martial artist, who is a local guy in my area. I have friends who know him and are also affiliated with him. If I saw him walking down the street, it wouldn't be a "shock", because he is from here. Well, he was in a movie with Channing Tatum called "Fighting" that came out earlier this year. He had a short fighting scene with him, and obviously they became friends after that. Cung Le had a local fight the day before, and that is probably why he was in California. My husband sees him (Cung) eating at Pho many of the times he is there too, so it's really not a big deal to see him there.
Okay, so back to me.
Me: "What????? Are you serious?????"
Hubby: "Yes. There are a bunch of people asking for his autograph."
Hubby: "What? I'm not going to tell him that. Plus, it wasn't "his" book."
Hubby: "Yah, but, I don't want to bug him because he's trying to eat. He's right there, about twelve feet away."
Hubby: "Okay, let me see. But, I don't want to bug him cuz he's eating."
Well, let me just say that I wanted to rush over there!!!
I normally don't get star struck over celebrities, but because I just read the book the night before, I still pictured him as that character. Does that sound weird? Yah, I'm sure it does. If I did not read the book, I know I would have just been like, "Oh, that's cool."
But, just to think I could have met him and act like a total idiot, makes me SIGH....
And no...no picture!!! :(
But, it did make me want to rent G.I. Joe again!
I LOVE to read, and when I get my hands on a book that totally draws me in, there is no putting it down for me. Nicholas Sparks is the author of a couple of my favorite books/movies. For example, The Notebook, Message In A Bottle, and A Walk to Remember.
I knew this was going to be a tear jerker!
So, last Saturday, I started the book around 5pm, and finished it around 11! My kids were looking at me like I was so weird for crying at certain parts...LOL.
I could literally read it over again, and I can't wait for the movie to come out in a couple of months! If you are a "romantic", and love these sappy love stories, then I highly recommend this book!! I won't give it away, but if you are familiar with his movies, you know there are always twists in the end.
The next day, after church, my husband went to lunch with some of our friends. I didn't go because I was not craving for Pho (Vietnamese Soup). If you read my blog, you know that my husband LOVES this particular restaurant. It's literally crowded all the time because it's that good.
Okay...moving along.
I actually went to my mom's after church because I had to help her set up a TV that she got, and while I was there, my husband calls me.
He says, "You know that guy on your book that you just read? The guy from G.I. Joe?"
Me: "Yes, why?"
Hubby: "Well, he's here at Pho with Cung Le!!!!
Let me explain that Cung Le is a popular mixed martial artist, who is a local guy in my area. I have friends who know him and are also affiliated with him. If I saw him walking down the street, it wouldn't be a "shock", because he is from here. Well, he was in a movie with Channing Tatum called "Fighting" that came out earlier this year. He had a short fighting scene with him, and obviously they became friends after that. Cung Le had a local fight the day before, and that is probably why he was in California. My husband sees him (Cung) eating at Pho many of the times he is there too, so it's really not a big deal to see him there.
Okay, so back to me.
Me: "What????? Are you serious?????"
Hubby: "Yes. There are a bunch of people asking for his autograph."
Hubby: "What? I'm not going to tell him that. Plus, it wasn't "his" book."
Hubby: "Yah, but, I don't want to bug him because he's trying to eat. He's right there, about twelve feet away."
Hubby: "Okay, let me see. But, I don't want to bug him cuz he's eating."
Well, let me just say that I wanted to rush over there!!!
I normally don't get star struck over celebrities, but because I just read the book the night before, I still pictured him as that character. Does that sound weird? Yah, I'm sure it does. If I did not read the book, I know I would have just been like, "Oh, that's cool."
But, just to think I could have met him and act like a total idiot, makes me SIGH....
And no...no picture!!! :(
But, it did make me want to rent G.I. Joe again!
Dear John
Friday, December 25, 2009

This is one of my favorite pictures of my three older children. I still remember this day like it was yesterday. This was the year we moved back to California from living in Hawaii for ten months. My mother in-law and I took them to the mall to get their picture done with santa.
I pray that whatever you do today, that you will be blessed and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Don't let the stress of gifts or even family members distract you from this special day that we are all celebrating. Life is too short, and we are never promised tomorrow.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
My baby lost her first tooth!! Such a major event, right? She literally just showed me that it was loose, and then she pulled it a few minutes later and showed it to me!
She really wanted that dollar!! Just kidding, we gave her two..lol.
She's totally fascinated by the gap.
Well, today is Christmas Eve, and our plans are to head over to my moms and to church. I actually went shopping yesterday, and surprisingly the mall was not crowded. I got some really great deals, and plan on going today as well. I know, call me crazy. I'm a procrastinator like that!
I will still do my Friday Photo Flashback, but I will assume that the majority of you may not participate since it is Christmas. No worries, I totally understand. Just jump back in when you can!
I will still do my Friday Photo Flashback, but I will assume that the majority of you may not participate since it is Christmas. No worries, I totally understand. Just jump back in when you can!
Lost first tooth
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I just received the CUTEST collars from Lucky Fiona. I heard about her through the gal that designed my blog, and have been admiring them for a long time now.
Well, I started to follow her blog, and she started having specials every day for her blog readers! I took advantage of the $7 per collar sale, which normally sale for $16/ea.
She does not disappoint! The quality is superb, and there are so many patterns to choose from. I know I will be buying more, for each season!!
If you want to find original dog or cat collars, I highly recommend LUCK FIONA!
She did not ask me to write about this on my blog. I just wanted to share this with you!
Well, I started to follow her blog, and she started having specials every day for her blog readers! I took advantage of the $7 per collar sale, which normally sale for $16/ea.
She does not disappoint! The quality is superb, and there are so many patterns to choose from. I know I will be buying more, for each season!!
If you want to find original dog or cat collars, I highly recommend LUCK FIONA!
She did not ask me to write about this on my blog. I just wanted to share this with you!
Lucky Fiona Dog Collars
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
This past Sunday, the Elementary Children's Choir and Youth Choir both sang before all three services. They were all so cute! There is nothing better than seeing kids worship the Lord! Out of all my kids, my oldest daughter is the only one who joined choir this year. Her friends did too, and they all did such an awesome job!
I "stole" this picture from one of my friends. His pictures came out way better in the sanctuary than mine did. My daughter is in middle, front row. The girl to her right with the jacket, and the girl to her left are in high school, but the rest of the girls are all her buddies.
I "stole" this picture from one of my friends. His pictures came out way better in the sanctuary than mine did. My daughter is in middle, front row. The girl to her right with the jacket, and the girl to her left are in high school, but the rest of the girls are all her buddies.
Gosh, it was hard to get a picture of them just standing still. This was after their early morning practice, before service.
I love this picture I took of them outside. I think it looks better in black and white! Of course, my daughter was making faces the entire time!
Youth Choir
Monday, December 21, 2009
Last Thursday, I had plans for my oldest daughter and I to have some quality one on one time. It's always such a blessing for me to be able to spend undistracted time with each of my kids.
Our plan was to go to the mall (what else does a tween girl like to do besides that), get her nails done (a French manicure to be specific), find a top for her to wear on Sunday (because she was singing in choir at church that weekend), and then to go to the movies.
She has been wanting a French manicure for awhile now, and I was going to get one too, but there was only one lady working at the time. But, that was okay. I got to take pictures of her!
Our plan was to go to the mall (what else does a tween girl like to do besides that), get her nails done (a French manicure to be specific), find a top for her to wear on Sunday (because she was singing in choir at church that weekend), and then to go to the movies.
She has been wanting a French manicure for awhile now, and I was going to get one too, but there was only one lady working at the time. But, that was okay. I got to take pictures of her!
Soak those hands, girl!
Makes me think of those old Palmolive commercials.
Doesn't she look EXCITED???
She loved it! So did I. I think they came out great!
We had about an hour to spare at the mall before our movie started, and she was able to pick out a couple of things she liked for Sunday. The closest mall to us is an outlet mall, so we always find great deals at Tilly's and Papaya.
Now came movie time!! My favorite part!
Well, if it was up to me, we'd watch Invictus. I'm totally into those kinds of movies. But, she kept insisting that we see "Everybody's Fine" with Robert De Niro. She was saying it was funny because she saw the previews. So did I, but I didn't think much of it. Anyway, I gave up, and we ended up seeing that movie.
Well, if it was up to me, we'd watch Invictus. I'm totally into those kinds of movies. But, she kept insisting that we see "Everybody's Fine" with Robert De Niro. She was saying it was funny because she saw the previews. So did I, but I didn't think much of it. Anyway, I gave up, and we ended up seeing that movie.
Now, I'm not going to spoil the movie for any of you, but let me just say that it is FAR FROM FUNNY! There was some language in it that really did not have to be in there, but in terms of an emotional movie, this takes the cake. See this movie with your girlfriends, or even your better half. Not your kids. This will just go over their heads. When it comes out on DVD, I will definitely buy it!
Overall, we had a great night together! My daughter loves "quality time" and we really get to connect when it's just her and I.
Overall, we had a great night together! My daughter loves "quality time" and we really get to connect when it's just her and I.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
On Sundays, I usually post something random. But, besides doing that, I decided I would share a scripture with you all instead. I pray that it will be a blessing to whoever reads it!
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, in penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."-Hebrews 4:12-13
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, in penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."-Hebrews 4:12-13
Scripture Sunday
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Sorry, no homemade goodies this time, but still goodies, nonetheless.
After going out to dinner last week for my sister in-laws birthday, we decided to stop by Marie Callender's to pick up some dessert. If you're not familiar with them, they are a restaurant + bakery who are well known for their pies. I normally don't buy pies because my husband and kids prefer cakes and cookies. If it was up to me though, that would be my first choice (next to cheesecake). So, while everyone waited in the car, my oldest daughter and I went inside to pick a couple. Since it was my sister in-laws birthday, she got first pick of what she wanted.
Kids choice, Chocolate Cream.After going out to dinner last week for my sister in-laws birthday, we decided to stop by Marie Callender's to pick up some dessert. If you're not familiar with them, they are a restaurant + bakery who are well known for their pies. I normally don't buy pies because my husband and kids prefer cakes and cookies. If it was up to me though, that would be my first choice (next to cheesecake). So, while everyone waited in the car, my oldest daughter and I went inside to pick a couple. Since it was my sister in-laws birthday, she got first pick of what she wanted.
Her choice, Apple pie.
Since Miranda didn't want pie, she opted for these! They were huge, and the kids jumped all over that! I tried a piece, and it tasted just like a chocolate donut. And no, that's not my chipped polish nail in the picture. That's my daughters hand. I just had to point that out.
Friday, December 18, 2009

Since it's December, I thought I would do all Christmas Flashbacks! Isn't that fun? I had a hard time picking four of them, but I think I ended up choosing the ones that are very special to me.
I'm pretty sure this was in 1978. I could be off a year or so.
This is my sister and I (she's the one who is about to blow her nose), and we obviously just got done opening presents! I have to admit, my parents always got us the greatest board games and toys. The best one was our pool table and a two player pinball machine! I'll always treasure the memories of my sister and I playing those games with each other.
I'm pretty sure this was in 1978. I could be off a year or so.
This is my sister and I (she's the one who is about to blow her nose), and we obviously just got done opening presents! I have to admit, my parents always got us the greatest board games and toys. The best one was our pool table and a two player pinball machine! I'll always treasure the memories of my sister and I playing those games with each other.
Thursday, December 17, 2009

This was the first time I actually used the self timer on my camera. I love it!! I can't wait to take better pictures with me in it..lol.
52 weeks MEME
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I'm starting to think that my husband's cell phone takes better pictures than my digital camera.

Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday
Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday
Wordful Wednesday
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Here's another one of my families favorite meals! The preparation is easy, and with just a few ingredients, you have a great homemade dinner.
All you need is:
4-5 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
1/2 Onion
1 Can of Enchilada sauce
Mexican Cheese (or whatever you like)
1 Tomato
I didn't take a picture of it, but I started with 5 boneless skinless chicken breasts. I realized after the fact that I could use this as a blog post! Anyway, I put the chicken in a pot of water and boiled it with the onion. When that was done cooking, I shredded the chicken and diced up the onion. I added in two small cans of Mexican Salsa (but you can also use any salsa you have on hand) and mixed it all in a bowl.
All you need is:
4-5 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
1/2 Onion
1 Can of Enchilada sauce
Mexican Cheese (or whatever you like)
1 Tomato
I didn't take a picture of it, but I started with 5 boneless skinless chicken breasts. I realized after the fact that I could use this as a blog post! Anyway, I put the chicken in a pot of water and boiled it with the onion. When that was done cooking, I shredded the chicken and diced up the onion. I added in two small cans of Mexican Salsa (but you can also use any salsa you have on hand) and mixed it all in a bowl.
This is how it will look.
Get a flour tortilla and put the chicken mixture in the middle with shredded cheese.
My family prefers the green sauce as opposed to the red.
I put a thin layer of the sauce on the bottom of the dish so the tortillas don't stick to it when it bakes.
All done rolling!
I add the rest of the sauce on the enchiladas. You want to be sure that they are covered or it will be dry when it comes out of the oven.
Here comes the best part! Take more of that shredded cheese and don't hold back baby! You can never have enough cheese! Cover with foil, and bake it at 350 for 30 minutes.
While it is cooking in the oven, I cut up my tomatoes, and heat up my refried beans.
Mmmm! Look at that!
Plate it up with your beans, tortilla chips, sour cream, and whatever else you want, and dig in! They are even better the next day.
Monday, December 14, 2009

I Heart Faces is a photography blog focused on the art of capturing faces and other various emotions. This is such a fun carnival, with different themes each week.
I Heart Faces Pets
Sunday, December 13, 2009
On Sundays, I usually post something random. But, besides doing that, I decided I would share a scripture with you all instead. I pray that it will be a blessing to whoever reads it!
"Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite."-Psalm 147:5
"Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite."-Psalm 147:5
Scripture Sunday
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I thought I'd share another quick, tasty, and easy recipe.
If you like Asian food, then you may like this.
All you need is:
1/2 an onion
4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast (cut up in bite sized pieces)
Salt & Pepper
Mr. Yoshida's Marinade
I love buying pre-cut and prepackaged veggies because it's quick. The broccoli you see here is from Costco, as well as Mr. Yoshida's Marinade sauce. This is probably one of the best teriyaki marinades, and I believe you can only get it at Costco or Sam's Club. I could be wrong though.
If you like Asian food, then you may like this.
All you need is:
1/2 an onion
4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast (cut up in bite sized pieces)
Salt & Pepper
Mr. Yoshida's Marinade
I love buying pre-cut and prepackaged veggies because it's quick. The broccoli you see here is from Costco, as well as Mr. Yoshida's Marinade sauce. This is probably one of the best teriyaki marinades, and I believe you can only get it at Costco or Sam's Club. I could be wrong though.
Basically, all I do is cut up the chicken breast and onions, and cook in a pan until the chicken is cooked. I will season it with salt and pepper, and then add the broccoli. I add about 1/3 cup of water so it can steam the broccoli while it cooks (plus it also thins out the marinade). While doing that, you can add as much Mr. Yoshida's sauce as you like, and then let it cook until broccoli is tender.
This is what it will look like when it's done.
Put it over hot steamed white rice, and you're good to go! Eat up!
Teriyaki Chicken Broccoli
Friday, December 11, 2009

Since it's December, I thought I would do all Christmas Flashbacks! Isn't that fun? I had a hard time picking four of them, but I think I ended up choosing the ones that are very special to me.
This is a picture my sister and I (we are the ones on the far right), and our close friends growing up. I'm the one wearing the funky plaid outfit, and my sister looks like she is on cloud 9!
Our dads were in the Navy together, and we all moved from Moffett Field to San Jose at the same time. Their mom used to babysit us up until I was around 7 years old. We were really close, and used to sleep over their house. I still remember when we were living in Moffett Field (Naval Housing), and their older brother would always pick on us. Typical! We're still in touch through Facebook, and I'm so thankful for that.
Our dads were in the Navy together, and we all moved from Moffett Field to San Jose at the same time. Their mom used to babysit us up until I was around 7 years old. We were really close, and used to sleep over their house. I still remember when we were living in Moffett Field (Naval Housing), and their older brother would always pick on us. Typical! We're still in touch through Facebook, and I'm so thankful for that.
Thursday, December 10, 2009

This is last week at the Children's Christmas Tea at our church. I am missing Isaiah in the picture though. He was supposed to serve that day, but he was taking so long to get ready. I left him at home, but it turned out that he didn't really want to go anyway. No wonder he was lagging.
52 weeks MEME
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