Monday, December 28, 2009


For presents to be opened....


And it was all over in five minutes.



Buckeroomama said...

I just sigh when I survey the damage after the kids open the pressies. A happy sigh, though. :)

Veronica Lee said...

That's the highlight of Christmas for the kids!!!

Jag said...

Wow! That was one happy Christmas!

Parsley said...

I know. It's a little sad how quickly it's over and then the mess that's left behind.

Susie said...

Holy Massacre, Batman!! Looks like a GREAT Christmas:-)

jen@odbt said...

Isn't it so fun? We open one gift at a time...torture for the kids but it makes it last a little bit longer for us.

He & Me + 3 said... that is a lot of presents:) YOu had a present explosion huh?

Kim said...

I love the before and after pictures of opening gifts. I am sure it is really crazy with a large family but more fun too. Do they take turns or is a free for all? We make ours take turns so it lasts longer, a little mean I know:).

I will have to let you know how the camera works out. So far it is nice, it is 10 megapixel so the pictures are so clear and easy with auto shooting. I may need a class to learn the manual stuff :)! I am going to post some pictures of the kids in the snow tomorrow.

Have a great week!

Darcie said...

For as quick as it is over, hopefully the gifts keep on giving, huh? Looks like you had a very merry Christmas...good to see.

Chris said...

that was what i witnessed too..

Anonymous said...

It does go way to fast!!! But I love the feeling in my house right after it all.

Looks like a good Christmas at your house!!

Sara said...

That looks like my house did.. Did you ever find your floor?

Christmas is so much fun, even if it does only last for a few minutes. The best part is hearing my four year old say he got everything he wanted with a big grin.

Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

That looks like exactly what happened at our house too! I love watching the kids unwrap their gifts- its the best!

Julie said...

Too funny! Ours was a long process. The boys had to play with each gift before they would open the next one! Glad ya'll had a great Christmas!

Deborah Ann said...

Oh, I know. I feel the same way about the big feast I prepared. It was downed in just minutes, and the cleanup took 100 times as long...

Michelle said...

Isn't it amazing how fast it goes by? Too bad creating the moment was as quick. :)

Kelli W said...

I house was the same way! I even took the before and after pictures too!

Laura said...

I know, right?!?! said...

It truly is amazing, isn't it? I had to laugh on Christmas Night when I looked around at the mess realizing that only 24 hrs prior I had the house all clean, presents wrapped and everything in its place... oh well, it was fun though wasn't it?

Lisa said...

Ain't that the truth. Love that post, I hope everyone was happy and Santa did good. This was the first year I did all our shopping with cash so I don't have any credit cards that became over loaded.

Muthering Heights said...

But what a FUN five minutes!! :D

mama's smitten said...

Isn't that the truth ! Glad you had a Merry Christmas!

Casey's trio said...

It is amazing how fast it is over isn't it? Looks like fun:)

Kristin said...

ahh, yes, the planning and preparation....and then it is over in minutes! at least the playing continues!!

Marice said...

hahah we got the same scenario at home :)

Sawatzky family said... must be the same in houses all over the world! :)

Ms. Latina said...

Looks like my home! Meanwhile I stayed up all night wrapping gifts LOL

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

haha... love the aftermath shot! takes several days to wrap the gifts and mere seconds to unwrap!

Blessings & Aloha!

Colette S said...

This makes me laugh so. IT's perfect. And it's true :)

I hope you had a wonderful time with the family

Mocha Momma said...

Wow! What a stack of gifts. I guess when you have 5 kids the gift piles seem endless.

That's a lot of work mom & dad and Santa.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.


Stephanie said...

HaHa so fun! We do one present at a time so it takes much longer around here. Allows me to get pictures of everyone and for us to enjoy the time together that only comes once a year.