Monday, December 7, 2009


This past Saturday, our church had the Children's Christmas Tea. It was awesome, just like last year. They have crafts on the tables for the kids, games for everyone to participate in, the Children's Choir sang a couple of songs, we all sang a couple of Christmas worship songs, watched a puppet show, had a message from our Pastor about the true meaning of this holiday, and of course, food! It's such a great time for everyone, and it's all done in two hours!

Here was the centerpiece on all the tables. We won ours! Isn't it cute?

A sample of the finger foods. And no, I did not eat those three scones! My friend didn't want hers and put them on my plate. They were so good! It's so funny because my kids are not sandwich eaters. They kept asking if I could take them to McDonald's afterward.

I stole this picture from my friends Facebook. These are the kids getting ready for the puppet show. Our Children's Ministry leaders go above and beyond. They are such a huge blessing to us!

I really wanted to take a picture of all of them smiling. Miranda is being sarcastic here because I told her to smile, and she just raised her eyebrows. My boys kept asking when they could take their sweaters off. I told them they could after I was done taking all the pictures I needed. Aren't they cute? I got them at The Children's Place. Oh, and if you noticed, my oldest son is not in the picture. Can I just say, "Drama?" Well, he was taking FOREVER AND A DAY just to get ready, so I just left him at home. No worries, he's old enough to stay home by himself.

Here they are with their buddies.

Working on some crafts.

Yay, there's a smile! Such a "tween!"


Helene said...

Awwww, those are all great pictures!!! Your family always looks like they're having so much fun!

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

this looks amazing and how wonderful to see so many there! fantastic.
Love Collette xxx

Denise said...

Sounds like an awesome time.

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a great time and the kids look fabulous in their sweaters..:)food looks yummy too:)

Buckeroomama said...

I loved looking through the photos; looked like you all had a lovely time. :)

(I totally heart The Children's Place big time! I build up my stock of their clothes every summer when we visit Canada.)

Susie said...

Looks like a wonderful time:-)

Parsley said...

What fun memories. They'll be glad you took pictures when they get older and need a reminder of all the fun they had as kids.

Robyn said...

Looks like a wonderful time!

Kelli W said...

What a fun time at church! I love the pic of you kiddos 'smiling'!! Too funny! And the boys' hair dos are cracking me up...I don't think I'm ready for my boys to fix their own hair and want stuff in it!

He & Me + 3 said...

We had a tea at our church, but it was for the ladies. It was so nice. Yours looks so fun too.

Jac said...

What great photos! It looks like it was a great event.

I love the center pieces! How cool that you won yours, do you have plans for it at home?

-Jac @ Wuzzle Makes Three .com

Darcie said...

What great pictures to capture a fun time with family and friends. Looks like you truly had a fun time.

PotterMama said...

great pics! I'm glad you had fun, the center piece IS cool! My husband and I were looking at those at toys r us over the weekend!

Liz Mays said...

Your church has the best goings-on! I had to look at the picture with the craft table for a minute. It looks like there's an arrow or something going through your son's head! LOL

Lauren said...

you have such a fun church!!! I love it! :) Great pictures!

PS - thanks for buying coffee!! You're wonderful!! :P

really.truly said...

Your kids are adorable. My boys always give me drama with picture taking too!!

Love the won it?! Nice.

Carin said...

What a wonderful time! the pictures are great, your kids are so beautiful and I love that last picture!!

The imPerfect Housewife said...

What a great idea that is!! Our church does a ladies tea every year but doing it with kids would be a neat idea. Look at that crowd you all had - AWESOME! Thanks for sharing those ~ ♥

Melissa said...

Great pictures! Looks like a great time.

I miss Children's Place..... :( We don't have any here in Alaska! Gonna have to stock up whenever I get a chance to go home for a visit!

jen@odbt said...

What a fun outing. I love the pic of the kids in their coordinating sweaters.

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Love that picture of your kids together. They are all so beautiful!

Kimberly said...

That does it. I'm moving across the country to go to your church! :)

Happy said...

Sounds like your church has an awesome kids department! What a wonderful idea...a Christmas tea!

I love the sweaters your boys are wearing so handsomely! Children's Place is a great store!

All your kids are so cute! Happy Holidays!

mama's smitten said...

Your church has such cool events. You guys look great!

Anonymous said...

Oh I have missed reading your blog and keeping in touch. I am back blogging again and I plan on keeping it up...I have missed it so much...but mainly I have missed my "bloggy" friends. Just wanted to say hi to you soon.

Muthering Heights said...

That sounds like such a fun event! Your church really knows how to throw a wonderful party!

Kim said...

Looks like a fun event! Everyone looks great all dressed up! I love the boys' sweaters!

Michelle said...

It sounds like you attend a really special church. said...

I too was really impressed with your church after this post. Seems your often posting about really awesome family activities at your church, which I am sure are also great for outreach. What a blessing!