Since it's December, I thought I would do all Christmas Flashbacks! Isn't that fun? I had a hard time picking four of them, but I think I ended up choosing the ones that are very special to me.
This is a picture my sister and I (we are the ones on the far right), and our close friends growing up. I'm the one wearing the funky plaid outfit, and my sister looks like she is on cloud 9!
Our dads were in the Navy together, and we all moved from Moffett Field to San Jose at the same time. Their mom used to babysit us up until I was around 7 years old. We were really close, and used to sleep over their house. I still remember when we were living in Moffett Field (Naval Housing), and their older brother would always pick on us. Typical! We're still in touch through Facebook, and I'm so thankful for that.
Our dads were in the Navy together, and we all moved from Moffett Field to San Jose at the same time. Their mom used to babysit us up until I was around 7 years old. We were really close, and used to sleep over their house. I still remember when we were living in Moffett Field (Naval Housing), and their older brother would always pick on us. Typical! We're still in touch through Facebook, and I'm so thankful for that.
I cracked up on the older brother picking on you little guys. Sounds very familiar :) Universal behavior I guess. You all were cuties! I recognized you right away when the photo loaded up :-)
LOL, I adore the fashion in this photo...great flashback!
I also own of those plaid outfit, LOL!
It is so wonderful to reminisce old photos.
The fashion's reminiscent of Laura Ingalls!! Love the outfits, LOL!!!
What a fun photo! I was cracking up at the plaid pants too!
Gotta love the 70's!! Love the outfits:)
Man, do I ever love filipino parents and the way they dressed their kids in the 70s... ;-) LOL! Love it!
I love old pics! Its so great to look at the clothes - and check out that TV! Kids today probably wouldn't even know how to work it, rabbit ears and all, lol!
You all looked so cute. It's great that you all are keeping in touch via Facebook.
Thanks for entering my giveaway on my HSB blog :)!
you have a great blog! thank you for stopping by mine and leaving a comment. i will have to join in the fun for your friday flashback photo sometime...fabulous theme! :o)
have an awesome day.
so cute!! :D
Oh!! 1973 was a fine year...in Georgia...for my family! :o)
Very cute. I'm digging the clothes.
those plaid pants rock! and the older brother picking on you guys sounds like fun...did you secretly like it? ;0)
That's one good thing about the service, you get to meet a lot of friends from places to places. A salute to your dad for the services rendered!
Couldn't get a holiday photo since we don't have a scanner so I am sharing grade school photos again.
Wow, happy faces! Glad you guys are able to get the communication going.
Mine is here
What a fun Christmas picture! I LOVE your plaid pants...they are too cute!
Aw, thanks for sharing that picture! You all look so cute! What an interesting life you have, I wish I had traveled like that in my childhood, what a fun adventure!
I've been so busy I've missed out on FPF. But I am back with a Chrsitmassy pic. Great to see you and all your friends.
I love old pics! I don't think you can ever have too many :)
You have on the coolest plaid pants! They are so 70s!
My Husbands family did a very similar thing. I think Filipino families are so special that way. Everyone is sooo close!
Happy Friday Photo Flashback!! wooo hoo!! I finally made it back.
Big hugs
Dani Joy
That is the best picture...you all are so cute and that tree is so fun. Love it.
Is it funny that I got excited by reading the words, Christmas 1973? There is something about the older photos that makes me happy. I know there don't even hold a candle to all things digital, but pics of our youth are pretty great.
Loved this!
What a handsome group:-)
Oh, I love this. LOVE the plaid!!
...and... I was born in 73. :)
LOL, the plaid is pretty funny and the pants were a tad short! But nonetheless, you were all so cute!
wonderful memory! love the clothes btw
I am the new kid in the block. Just joined Friday Photo Flashback :)
Oh! all of you are very cute on this photo. A very precious memory for you.
Aww you all look super CUTE!!!
That is an AWESOME picture! I love the tv and wrapping paper...and those outfits! Too hip!
That is sooooo cool that you still keep in touch. Amazing!
Oh goodness seriously I love those plaid pants!!!!!! How cute are those?!?
Wow, cute picture.
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