I think my husband was super cute when he was little!! Surprisingly, I'm not sure which one of my boys resembles him the most. I know which one is the most like him as far as personality goes, but I think they each have a feature of his and/or mannerism.
He was five years old here, and obviously with some friends from his soccer team. Isn't it funny how kids will choose a name for what is popular at the moment?
And if you're not sure which one he is, he is the one in the middle.
He was five years old here, and obviously with some friends from his soccer team. Isn't it funny how kids will choose a name for what is popular at the moment?
And if you're not sure which one he is, he is the one in the middle.
That is such a cute and funny name for a soccer team!! LOL!
Yeap, cute pic and name for a soccer team!!
Have a great FF, Alica!!
Oh that is a cute picture. I love the sign. We are the same age...how fun.
Oh you're right..he's adorable! I have so few pictures of my husband from when he was little I cherish the ones I do have!
great memory! 1976... was my birth year! :D
Ah they're so cute! The Star Wars above them too! I'm the same age as your hubby :-)
Oh. My. Goodness. That is way too stinkin cute!
So cute indeed.. I think who resembles him is your daughter Miranda.. They have the same face shape..
I was gonna say that he was the one with the long hair hahaha..
They're handsome!
Don't be bored with my Flashback
By the way, Thank you so much for casting your vote which led to Rylie's Victorious Smile.
Great photo! What a cool team name as well!
Love Collette xxx
That is one great flashback right there! Those were the days.
Check out how the Smokes gets in your lungs
what a cool pic..Gotta luv Star Wars!
good times...
I agree with chubskulit, I thought he's the one at the far right.
Great photo!
Such a cutie.
He is a cutie! Great picture!
Go Star Wars!!
cute little guys! :)
I'm a year older pala sa hubby mo.
Aww, he was cute!!!
What a great memory to share!!
So cute. And how forward thinking of the parent who made the banner - those are so popular on the fields today!
awwww - cute!!! And how funny is that name???? hahaha -- yep, definitely the 70's!!
Yes, super cute!! I bet your kids love that picture :)
So cute and I love the awesome banner! :)
Too cute...I love seeing pictures of my hubby when he was a little boy.
I guess I know where your kids get their passion for soccer.
Have a great weekend!!
Cute name for a soccer team! :)
cute naman ng soccer name, haha, cute din nila
Great photo!
Love the name for the team! lol
thanks for always putting my link up for me :D
by the way, maybe you would like to join us at Mommy Moments.. its on every Friday :)
How funny is that banner!!
What a name for a soccer team!
There is something for you over at my place today :)
Yeahhhh!!! I was finally able to find a way to get my pics on to this laptop.
btw/Star Wars is an awesome name for a soccer team! LOL
Yeahhhh!!! I was finally able to find a way to get my pics on to this laptop.
btw/Star Wars is an awesome name for a soccer team! LOL
That's so great! I just love photos of my husband when he was a little guy too. My son is the spitting image of him, I love it. :)
Oh what a cutie!! Boys and soccer...like peanut butter and jelly or salt and pepper ~ can't have one without the other! OK, yeah you can but you get the point!! ha ha Have a good weekend ~ ♥
Love the pic! LOL! My cousin played for the "Wookies" (however it's spelled...) so the name just cracks me up.
Jac @ Wuzzlemakesthree.com
awww how cute!!!! I love how stars wars is popular in all generations! :)
I started doing a Flashback Friday a few weeks ago and just found yours...lol
What a cute picture! I love their soccer uniforms and the cute sign!
so cute!! Love it!!
How cute! I think your oldest daughter looks like him and the rest of your kids look like you.
Ahh... he was a cutie!
You are so right. Kids do choose names like that!
That's adorable!
Sorry I missed this week's FPF . It's a long story, but hubbie's bday weekend plans went terribly awry (read $200 in lost football tickets). We finally were able to work it out, but not without a lot of aggrevation and drama! All's well that ends well though, I guess. We're heading to the UNC/Duke game tomorrow. Go Tarheels!
I'll get back on board next week :D
Cute photo, he looks like your daughter Miranda. lol!
How cute!
love the team name!
What a fun idea for a Friday post! I bookmarked you so I'll remember to participate next time!
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