Saturday, November 28, 2009


Did any of you brave the crowds for Black Friday?

I'm totally not a shopper, so the idea of shopping in a massive crowd has zero appeal to me.

Instead, the kids and I relaxed, and when my husband came home from work, he lit a fire. It was so cozy, and the kids were excited! It was our first fire this year.

We were going to do s'mores the old fashion way, but we didn't have the sticks for the marshmallows. I guess we could have just used regular sticks, but oh well. I just lined them up on a cookie sheet and put 'em in the oven. Look at that yummy goodness!! And yes, the chocolate melted on the warm marshmallows.



Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

oh those look delicious! what are they sandwiched in? yum and great fire!
Love Collette xxx

Sara said...

YUM! Hmm... I bet the kids would LOVE me forever if I broke out the smores for breakfast tomorrow?!?!?! LOL.. maybe a little too much. But, sounds really good!

Helene said...

Those looks SO good!! I made smores for my kids a few days ago and they thought they were gross. Not sure what I did wrong but yours look so much better than mine did!

Denise said...


L2L said...

i think i'm going to add those to my desert list for next week!!!!! sure wish i lived close to you, lol!!!!

Buckeroomama said...

That looks like something my kids will absolutely LOVE! I'm not a big fan of marshmallows, though.

Mo said...

oh yum!! A few months ago [random] I started craving a smore so I put little marshmallows and hersey kisses on a gram cracker then up it in the micro. Not that great...but craved the sweet tooth. Next time I'm just coming over to your house!

Stacy said...

Yes, I love shopping on Black Friday!!! We left Thursday night at 9pm and came home at 12 on Friday for a quick nap then went back out

The s'mores do look yummy and so does the fire! I didn't know it got cold enough for a fire in CA?

Parsley said...

Oh yeah, chocolate and marshmallow goodness!

Couldn't help noticing your Chihuahua. What a cutie.

Kimberly said...

You drive me crazy with your yummy foody goodness! ;) I love your version of Black Friday much better than the norm btw. I'm not much of a shopper either. :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh now I want some smores...and it is 8:45 in the morning. :)

I have done the black friday shopping once a few years ago. I would rather sleep.

Anonymous said...

That looks SO Yummy! I think I'm going to treat my family to some today! :)

Lana said...

Great idea! That definitely gets me in the mood for winter! :)

jen@odbt said...

I tried one store but it was at 10am and it was wiped out. We hung out too and s'mores would have been a great idea. Yum!

Colette S said...

Oh my oh my looky at yummy!

I must try this!

I love how you spend family time :)

Susie said...


Mommy, I'm Home said...

Those look yummy....

Melissa said...

Mmm! S'mores!

Nope, I didn't do any wild Black Friday shopping. Just went to the mall in the afternoon in search of something to dress the kids in for Christmas pictures. There weren't that many people there and no crazy long line-ups or anything.

I think the people who line up and spend the night in parking lots camped out are INSANE!

Kelli W said...

Yum! Those look great...I could have used one around 3 am when I was shopping LOL!

Muthering Heights said...

What a GREAT idea!

I've done them in the microwave before, and haven't been satisfied with the results...I'm going to try it your way next time!! :)

Kim said...

Great idea! I just bought stuff to make s'mores tonight, It has been unusally warm where we are and I thought it would be fun to do around the fire pit out back. I never think about doing them in the fireplace or the oven is a great idea!

P.S. No Black Friday shopping here either!

tiki_lady said...

i adore smores!

He & Me + 3 said...

What fun. We never light our fireplace. I am too scared. It is a gas one though.
Cute pictures and yum

McCrakensx4 said...

the fire looks so cozy! And those s'mores look so yummy! Sorry I have been is still on the fritz :P

Unknown said...

What a perfect day! We did not go out to shop either! We did go to the paint your own pottery place. That was FUN : ) Hope your week is wonderful!

momstheword said...

No, I stayed home but the kids went out early. They left at 2:30 and were in line by 3:00 a.m! Got what they wanted and home again by 7:00 a.m. Lol!

Mocha looks so cute in her little sweater......awwwww! I need to get my doggy one!

Mocha Momma said...

I agree with you on the whole shopping ting. I don'r like it anymore.

Black Friday means stay home & decorate to me. Now a fire & S'Mores sounds really awesome too.

Have a great week,

Jennifer said...

Mmmmm, those look delicious!

christschild said...

Hello..I'm Elizabeth and I found you on my best friends blog..she blogs at Blessed Adventures. Nice to meet you. I love fire in the fireplace and homemade smores:) One day we'll have a fireplace. Hope you have a very blessed day.

JMBMOMMY said...

Fire and Smores--life is grand! :)

I did do Black Friday--my hubby LOVES shopping so he woke me at 3:30 am--crazy man! But it was fun to be crazy with him.