Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I love to bake!

Even more than I like to cook a meal.

I don't always bake from scratch, but that's okay.

Still tastes as delicious!

Veronica requested cupcakes for her soccer team on her birthday, so I happily obliged!

Thank you Duncan Hines, and also to my handy dandy frosting tool (that I used for the first time).

I wanted to make them look as "professional" as I could, verses the spreading of the frosting with a spoon.


And this is how they turned out! Pretty good, eh?
Mmmm!! They were yummy!
And here is part of her team singing "Happy Birthday" to her after their game.

Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday


Unknown said...

I just love this! The cupcakes are so pretty. And your baby! Well, she is adorable and she always makes my day : )

Denise said...

Those cupcakes look delicious.

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

ohh..those look so good send me one.. i'll email you address..LOL

Marie said...

Pretty cupcakes! Very cute family!

debi9kids said...

MMMMmmmm...they look DELICIOUS!! YUM!

Buckeroomama said...

Yum yum! I love to play around with the frosting tool, too! :)

Susie said...

Ahhh...they look really cute!

Liz Mays said...

Who makes cupcakes from scratch? Pretty!

Mamí♥Picture said...

They look so Yummy!!!

Sara Elizabeth said...

Those are beautiful cupcakes. They look yummy!

Kimberly said...

She bakes, she swirls! They look delicious - and very nicely done. :)

really.truly said...

Beautiful! They look delicious.

Kelli W said...

I love to bake too! Those turned out so good! Where did you get that cool frosting tool...I really need one! My cupcakes always turn out so sad!

Marice said...

i heart cuppies and that looks sooo yummy!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Those are great! Oh, and I looked at your halloween shots last night but my internet was crazy and wouldn't let me comment. YOu have a beautiful family!

Darcie said...

They look could put any bakery to shame!!!

Lauren said...

those cupcakes look amazing!! So cute --- she must have had such a fun birthday! :)

Kacey said...

Those look fantastic! And the sprinkles are! I never realized what a mess sprinkles could be until I tried them for the first time. It was still fun though! You did a great job!

Sara said...

They look great! Good job girl!

Anonymous said...

Th cupcakes turned out great!
That is a pretty cool icing tool, i don't even like to make cupcakes because the icing always look so gross on them when they are done.

4 Lettre Words said...

Oh...they are lovely!

Pam said...

They look delicious and the frosting looks great!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Yummy! Will you make me some?

Cascia Talbert said...

Those cupcakes look great! You are really talented. I bet she had a wonderful birthday.

Brandi said...

Really good! Yummy... I'm going to have to get one of those frosting things! :)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh, they do look yummy! You did a good job, Mama!

Nina said...

Those looks so yummy! Now I am in the mood for a cup cake.

Michelle said...

I think that no matter how you dress up a cupcake they are always perfect.

What's not to love!

He & Me + 3 said...

You are such a good mommy. Those do look yummy. That little frosting tool is cool.

jen@odbt said...

Fancy. They look like the ones in the magazines. What a great mom you are!

Kim said...

Great job! I am sure the soccer team was very impressed and the other soccer moms too :)!

Killara girl said...

One day, I'll swear, I'll make cupcakes like that! I bet you dd loves you just for that!

Kiki said...

did you save one for me? they look delish. i made some cupcakes this past week for my kiddo's b'day. that tool would have come in handy. happy ww and take care.

joanofalltrades said...

Those look very professional and very yummy! I'm hungry as usual. LOL!

Honey Mommy said...

Great frosting job! They look SO yummy!

Claudya Martinez said...

The cupcakes look fantastic and I just love that last picture; it's so sweet.

Jenni said...

Oooooh. Looks DELISH!

Stacy Uncorked said...

The cupcakes look extra yummy! ;)

Happy WW! :)

Happy said...

Love the professional look to the iccing! Are they funfetti? Because I totally heart some funfetti cupcakes.

As a matter of fact I may have to stop looking at all the pictures of your adorable children and excuse myself to make some cupcakes....

Brenda said...

Very pretty cupcakes. How fun for her to celebrate with her friends.

Stacy said...

They look great!!

What kind of icing did you use?

Deborah Ann said...

Oohhhh, those are beautiful cupcakes! Yummy...

Stephanie said...

I love to bake too....dessert is my favorite meal of the day so I have tons of those recipes!!!

Your cupcakes turned out great and I don't think I've ever seen that tool before...where'd it come!

McCrakensx4 said...

So pretty and so yummy looking! I have one of those too and I love using it! Great job mom!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Happy Birthday to your sweetie! And yummmm, the cupcakes look very professional!

Blessings & Aloha!

Thank you dear friend for stopping by! haha...It really is fun to imagine our friend's and our family brought together through our kids! Too cute that your friend's son is already "in agreement" with future plans.

And thank you for your kind words about the drawings that I do.

Brooke said...

I want a cupcake now! Ha! Love the icing spreader!

Momisodes said...

I've been craving cupcakes like mad recently!

Those look very professional. And very delicious :)

Muthering Heights said...

Wow, they look awesome!!! I want to try that cool icing thingie!!

Anonymous said...

MMmmmmm.......Girl your so bad lol...I'm trying to lose weight here but those cupcakes are surely looking pretty tasty!


Helene said...

Wow, awesome cakes!!! They look store-bought!!!

momstheword said...

Now you've got me wanting cupcakes! They look delicious. Happy birthday to your baby girl!

momstheword said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
momstheword said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
momstheword said...

Sorry, those two extra comments were mine. It triple posted!

Apron Senorita said...

Hello, this is Yoli. I want to sincerely thank you for recently posting comment on my old blog, Apron of the Month Club. Your words of faith and encouragement are very special to me especially with our sudden relocation news and increased stress.

The company I work for is relocating my job to a new city by January 1st. I also co-own an online boutique with my sister Jessica, and we have decided to professionally seek solo creative directions. So, I am opening up a new online boutique and new blog. I look forward to God opening new doors. My kids and are excited about new adventures.

Please know that I read each and every comment you post. They are my inspiration and confirmation of God’s love. Please add me to your list of blogs that you follow.

God Bless You!

Serendipityissweet said...

Wow, great cupcakes! I need a handy dandy tool like that.

I also love to bake (so I can eat it!) Duncan Hines is my friend ;P

BTW, I'm hosting a little giveaway that may help with your baking hobby!

tiki_lady said...

holy yum, and holy cow check all your comments out!

Ms. Latina said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Veronica! She looked so happy as they sang and the cupcakes look beautiful!

Question: What is the name of the frosting tool? I would like to buy one for myself. My son's school no longer allows cakes and buying 30 cupcakes can be expensive in Manhattan (app $3 each!) so I am goin to try to make some LOL Wish me luck!

louann said...

Now those look YUMMY!

Sawatzky family said...

WOW!!! I agree great job on the frosting :)
Very tastey!

Sawatzky family said...

WOW!!! I agree great job on the frosting :)
Very tastey!

Jennifer Bowen said...

Another tempting dessert photo? You have to stop trying to get me off this diet I'm on. LOL They look so yummy! And where did you ever get such a cool frosting tool? I can't really find any good ones around here. Most of them break after a few use.