I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to MckLinky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs.
1970This is me (not a little boy) when I was less than a year old. The corners are cut on the picture because this was part of a set that was fit into one of those collage frames. I remember staring at the pictures alot when I was younger. And now, all I can think of is how much photo studios have improved in the last 40 years!

you are as cute as can be =) look at that ...I love baby pics no matter when they are from
Awwww, you can definitely tell that's a photo of you!! :)
what a little darlin' you were!
Oh, you were adorable, Alicia! I swear I had that same look at that age...
how cute are you???? adorable!!!
Photogenic from the beginning, I see! Do you still play? (the piano...) lol.
you are adorable! it is amazing how much photos have changed over the years, isn't it?
Cute from the very beginning!!! I love FF but I need Friday Follow for followers to get traffic for my sponsors!! How about changing FF to another day like Take Me Back Tuesday or Thursday??!
Have a great day, Alicia.
Awwww, beyond cute.
The little piano cracks me up!
What a great 'Old' photo!
so very cute...
Oh my word you are so cute. My dad has a picture of him...one of the only ones...and he is in a dress for his professional picture. My brother could not believe that Grandma would put him in a dress. :)
Yes, the studios have changed. Even since my first was born too 10 years ago. Always changing.
You are so cute!
It's wild to look back and see how much has changed.
Awww... :)
I had one of those shots, too, except my "prop" was a toy telephone. :)
i love how you said 'not a boy'. lol. i don't think you look like a boy!
it's amazing how photos have changed over time isn't it?
Alicia, that piano isn't life-size is it??? HA HA HA I had really short hair, too, when I was little ~ what's up with that?? You're just wayyyyy too precious! ♥
How precious! Look at your beautiful eyes...and I am just lovin' that little piano.
So cute! I love it. We have some pictures like that at my mom's house too! Fun meme!
What a cutie! I think I had those same kind of shoes when I was little! And I love the little piano in the picture too:)
so cute. I like how you have certain days dedicated. I shall ponder if it would be a good thing for me to try to keep up with. I wonder if I have so many pictures to do this
You were such a cutie! People confuse my daughter with my son in those pictures where they are around a year old. I'm always saying, "She's wearing a dress!"
Of course you can use the question and answer idea!
aww Chica!!
You are so ADORABLE!!!
Feliz dia del Niño!!!
Waht a cute photo! And the minature piano is such an effective prop. I guess they wanted you to look "all grown up". I need to haul out some of my baby pictures one of these days!
You are so cute!!!
Oh! You are soooo cutie pie! :)
Oh, a child prodigy! You were adorable, even if you looked a little masculine!
This is such a cute picture of you! Have a great weekend!
You're the cutest thing ever!
What could be cuter than a kid playing a tiny piano? Haha, too cute.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm following you now so I look forward to reading your posts.
This is a cute picture of you! I remember those backgrounds, etc. lol..love the little piano!
what a great blog! I'm a new follower, thanks to Lorilynne. And I'm going to do Flashback Fridays too! hope you stop by for a visit sometime. you have beautiful kids.
so stinkin' cute! I think I had that dress when I was little! lol...and love the teeny tiny piano!
Cute from the very beginning!
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Hi Alicia, you are so cute! Very cute.
Am sorry am late in submitting my entry. It's been up 2 days ago yet but because of serious power interruption for the last 48 hrs, i just had the chance to leave the link now.
Will come back soon to blog hop. Wishing everyone a happy weekend!
that is soooooo cute! awwww!...adorable! =0) alicia, how do you do these kinds of posts? i'm not understanding how you do that. very nice! =0)
Mrs. Kepa Faleta
Oh my word, look at that cutie pie at the teeny tiny piano!
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