Thursday, September 2, 2010


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to MckLinky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!

May 2001

We lived in Hawaii in 2001. My husband was working for my brother-in-law at the time, building custom homes. We were also new Christians, and this was my first "Women's Tea" that I ever attended. It was beautiful how it was all set up, and I wish that I had taken more pictures back then.

However, the one memory that stands out from this day is with my daughter Miranda. I didn't think of feeding her breakfast that morning because the tea was at 9am. Little did I know that there would be a speaker first, and we wouldn't eat till about 10:30. Well, when it finally came time for us to get our food, she was not interested in any of it. I guess I don't blame her. I'm sure that tuna or chicken salad sandwiches weren't too appealing on an empty stomach, plus that early in the morning. Well, since she didn't want to eat anything, I had to walk her to a store nearby to get something..anything! Well, as we were walking out of the church, she started dry heaving!!! She was so hungry, and her stomach was probably hurting! Well, the only thing I could find was a Hershey's bar, and that ended up settling her stomach till lunch!

Here is Miranda, me, my sister, and my sisters friends sitting down.

I'm also linking up with Amanda @Parenting by Dummies since we have similar Friday meme's! You will enjoy her blog, and also love seeing pictures of her beautiful kids! You can also link up on her blog too! So, I encourage you to go, and make new bloggy friends!


Muthering Heights said...

What a sweet memory! :)

I think if we had digital cameras back then, we would all have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more photos, LOL!!

Dumb Mom said...

Candy usually does it for me too! Way more tasty than tuna.

Karen Mortensen said...

Poor thing. I think I would eat the candy too.

Unknown said...

Hershey's would do my tummy good too:) Wonderful flash back pic, Alicia!

XmasDolly said...

Beautiful picture, everyone looks so nice, but what a memory about your poor baby not eating. At least you had something to hold her off, and a little bit of something sweet does it every time. Good thinking.

Buckeroomama said...

Oh, a Hershey is a great cure-all! :)

I'm always amazed at how alike you and your sister look.

Stephanie said...

Bless her heart! I think it's cool how we can look back and remember so vividly those memories years and years ago!

He & Me + 3 said...

Isn't it funny how that picture can spark that little memory? I love that pictures spark different memories for different people. You are so cute.
I'm having a Dunkin Donuts/Starbucks gift card giveaway at my blog today. Stop by

Susie Buetow said...

I joined your link up and put your linky on my blog. I ran into this a few weeks ago and finally participating this week!! I love older photos! (old is all relative!)


Susie said...

Those things are so hard with little kids! Because if you would have fed her before you left, she would have to potty the whole time. You can never win:-(

Kelli W said...

Look how little and cute she was! Thank goodness for chocolate:)

LBDDiaries said...

I'll have to link to you - I was posting about my son's upcoming birthday and had scanned his baby pix along with the more current digital ones. This is such a GREAT idea because I have so many amazing OLD pictures from grandparents and great grandparents - the 1800's - this will be NEAT! Discovered you via Follow Friday 40 and Over!

The Farmer Files said...

Started a tea at our church in hawaii. Fond memories. Did you ever go to any of the tea houses there?

McCrakensx4 said...

What a fun memory and I'm sure she doesn't remember much about it anyways!

Natalie A. said...

Great picture of all of you! That's so nice that your memory is good to remember everything! That must have been a special day!

XmasDolly said...

Just wanted to tell you about my new meme that I just started today. It's called, "Monday's Music Moves Me". I sure hope you stop by and check it out & possibly play if you like. You can pass the word if you like too. Thanks!

4 Lettre Words said...

Oh, to say..."We lived in Hawaii in..."!


Serendipityissweet said...

Sweet pic. Hershey's always does the trick ;)

Stacy said...

Aw, poor thing!!! Great picture though:)

Hey, I have been slacking and may have missed it, but have you blogged about Miranda starting school? I wanna read all about it:)

Liz Mays said...

I don't think I'd forget that either. Poor little thing!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Ah! Alicia! You are the best!!!! Thank you for linking me up when I was not able to!
I love seeing your past photos! Miranda was such a dolly!!!

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you sooooo much for stopping over at my last post... I hope that I can get my post this week up! Our trip to see our kiddos was wonderful, but it went toooo quickly!'s back to work and havent had time to do any blog stuff til now...

Anonymous said...

LOL. Hersheys for Miranda it is..=) She's such a darling here and she grew up to be a fine woman..=)