Here is my cute little husband when he was just four years old! I thought he was a baby here, but he said, "I'm not even wearing a diaper!" Either way, I think he looks adorable!!
I'm also linking up with Amanda @Parenting by Dummies since we have similar Friday meme's! You will enjoy her blog, and also love seeing pictures of her beautiful kids! You can also link up on her blog too! So, I encourage you to go, and make new bloggy friends!
What a cutie.
how cute! and 1975,huh? I wasn't too far behind :)
What a cute pic ...I posted a WWII pic on my wednesday blog post =)
Awww! Such an adorable young man ur hubby was... : )
Really sweet.
Oh yes Alicia, he is adorable!
He has hair! *gasp!* ;p
...and such pretty curls, too! :)
Look at that cutie pie!
He's so handsome!
I think I've told you before but I wish I had lots of kid/baby pictures of my husband!! I have a total of 1 photo album (and a small one at that) of him through his entire childhood! Ugh!
That is very cute. I don't have many pictures of my husband when he was a baby. I might have two if I really look. I have to get out all my pics and make an album for my kids, I think they'd get a kick out of seeing picks like this of their parents. I love your site, it makes you pull out those old pics and brings back great memories.
Sweet picture!!
He does look adorable!
Haha he IS adorable! lol susie
He was wresling with our brothers at our uncles house in Texas.
Big time wrestling was big in there/our house
Yes...either way he is adorable!
Well, yes he is definitely a cute little boy. I totally agree with you, but I see a head of curly hair, and I look at your hubby today, and oooops WHA HAPPEN?!!! ~HEHE~ Don't worry it's happening to my hubby too.
So cute!!
Cute little baby picture, indeed! I'm glad to be able to visit again and join in! Have a great weekend!
Too cute! I love that you aren't really sure how old he is:) I think Miranda looks a lot like him...I guess him having hair makes her look more like him!
Awww...what a cutie! Love the curls.
He is a cutie!
What a great flashback! So cute!!!
He was a little guy! What a funny story about the differences in the photo. Have a great week!
How cute!
I've missed visiting with you lately my fellow Alicia. I noticed you haven't blogged since Friday. That's not like you. I hope everything's ok. Take care my friend!
Gee... Your hubby is only one year older than my oldest son! He sure had a cute head of curly hair, too! Great pic. These posts are really tempting me to start doing this too. Grammy
Cute! Don't you want to know what he was thinking at this time? He looks like he wants to get into "something" :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you so much for adding me to the list! Since we were on our way to Hawaii...there was not a chance to get to any computers and then with our delay, missed inter-island flight, and unexpected late night in Oahu...computers was not possible...sleep was calling :o)
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