Being that I homeschool my children, and that I'm with them practically 24/7, one could assume I have alot of "quality time" with them. Since I am being honest here, I would say that I have more quantity than quality time with them. Yes, there are times I have my "mommy and son/daughter" time, but that is hardly enough.
It feels like I'm trying to do so much in so little time that I forget what really counts. I don't want my kids to be 18 and then me regret not doing certain things with them. My two older kids are tweens and are already starting to be involved in extra curricular activities away from home.
Yes, we do many things as a family, but what about my time with them when hubby is at work, and it's just "us?" What I'm going to do is give them my undivided attention each day to play whatever game they choose, watch them ride their bikes, cook with them...whatever "they" want to do. I won't be distracted with my blog or my cell phone, and I'm not going to worry about the laundry because it will still be there when I'm done!
I'm blessed to be a stay at home mom, and I want my kids to have fond memories of their childhood when they're older. I want them to know that I treasured our time together!!!
Oh my goodness, Alicia. I had no idea that you homeschooled your kids. How on earth do you make time to blog? You are even more amazing that I realized! :)
Let the laundry pile up because it will be OK.Enjoy your quality time with the kids:)
I think plugging back into your kids is a really great goal. However, don't be so hard on yourself. You are already a really great and involved mom. Don't forget that you need to take care of their mom too:-)
I give you lots of credit, I could not home school. reading your post I realized how fast Adrienne is growing up...she has been out of state so many times without me already b/c i have the littler ones here at home. she is my independent one and it is a good thing. I don't think my home would be singing if I home schooled....lol Good for you.
You are a very blessed woman, I never could have children but was blessed with a step son, I cherished every moment with him that I could, cause yes when he turned 17 we didn't see much of him anymore, so know it starts early. But yes those clothes aren't going anywhere! Enjoy :)
Have a beautiful and Blessed week my friend :)
I think this rings so true for so many mamas. I could definitely stand to put the computer down more often and pay more attention to the boys.
Here's hoping for lots of quality time this week...
Great post! I am at almost the end of our homeschooling journey and I couldn't agree with you more. Spending quality time with our children is so important. What I have found really works is to let them work along with you. If you have to make dinner, they can be there with you, helping, and it can be fun. They are learning something and they are spending time with you. Isn't that what homeschooling is all about?
Sing it sister! What you shared is a great reminder for me. These seasons change so fast...I want to treasure time with them too. Have a great day!!
Wow...Big KUDOS for you homeschooling. That's great! Being a stay-at-home mom IS a blessing! We're really lucky to be able to spend so much time with our kids. Some moms only wish they had all this extra time with their kids. A while back, I realized that I was taking all this precious time with Mason for granted. My time was consumed with taking care of the house and his needs (bathing him & feeding him.) and not enough quality time with him. Then I thought about all these poor moms who have to give that special time to daycare teachers and here I am wasting this awesome opportunity to spend time with him. So, I started taking him to the library for storytime and other activities. And now that the weather is finally warming up, I'll be taking him to the park on a regular basis. I guess I need to get off this computer too. LOL! Have a great day with your kiddos, my friend.
Good 4 YOu.
Isn't it the truth? Homeschooling can end up being more quantity than quality if we're not careful. I struggle to make sure we do both...and that I turn off "teacher" sometimes and just be "big playmate". It is all about balance. Thanks for the reminder.
I can totally relate to the quantity versus quality time..it's something I've been working on myself. Hey once I get into my new house this weekend I might start this meme...it's a great idea. Can't wait to bless my home and family :)
What a awesome post. It is so easy to have the time pass you by, isn't it.
The nice thing is you have four kids. You could even schedule one kid a day and you'd still have extra days, lol! That would work for giving you some one-on-one time. You could just schedule a half hour or hour per kid per day.
I just have two, but my 20 year old is busy, busy! We take off and go to Costo together for some one-on-one times occasionally.
Thanks for joining us today!
I have no idea how you juggle it all. You are an inspiration homeschooling your kids, devoting so much time to your family, and always keeping such a positive outlook.
Thank you for the reminder.
I know what you mean about quantity and not quality. That is also my goal, to have more quality time with the kids. And I admire you for being able to home school your kids. I have heard great things about home schooling. I had to laugh at your post on my blog about the Ponds. I remember using Ponds too. Brought back memories.
How true my friend! I know exactly what you mean and I only have one. What a great goal! You are right, the laundry will still be there.
Have a great week my friend!
I know exactly what you mean...it is so hard! I homeschooled my kids for one year (two years ago) and it was so hard. I enjoyed it though and sometimes I wish I wouldn't have quit. I am definitely homeschooling Sawyer though. We plan on starting next school year. Ethan is begging to be homeschooled again so I am praying about that. Emily says no thanks she will stay at school...lol! And Daniel...oh my gosh...he will be out of school next year...so weird. They do grow up so fast...it seems like yesterday Daniel was Sawyer's age. Thanks for the great post and the reminder!! You are a great mom!!
I loved being a SAHM I had so much Time with my girls and now it just seems like they are growing up way too fast. Now that they are in school I chose to go back to work, but I couldn't have asked for a better place than our church office. Thank you for sharing this with us Alicia, we are all blessed!
I bet they already know you treasure your time with them. You wouldn't even be worried about that if you weren't a great mom.
Hey girly. The picture of that sunset was taken from my front porch. The sky looked so beautiful. I had to take a picture of it.
You are so right on so many levels with this post, and above all...we truly are blessed when we get to stay home with our kids...don't ever want to forget that. Thanks for the reminder.
I almost got upset because I was looking forward to Not Me Monday but........How sweet! I know they will appreciate your dedication and the blessing you are to them.
You are so awesome.
it is all about making the memories in whatever you do! I made my home sing by doing the yard work and letting my kids do nothing!
You get a big amen from me on this one. Quality time is so important.
It is very difficult to have quality time with your family when there are so many things competing for our attention!! It is seems like I am never going to get caught up and be able to spend the quality time that I envisioned with my children. I have to MAKE the time. Like you said, not work on other things while providing them my undivided attention. I definitely need to practice more time management while allotting my children a much larger portion of my time.
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