Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Ever since my oldest son was little, he was infatuated with about every video game console out there (I guess just like every other boy). We started with the first Playstation, then came Game Cube, then PS2, then XBOX 360, PsP, the Wii, and now and Ipod Touch!! If there is someone around and he is getting ready to play a game, he'll ask, "Do you want to watch me play such and such a game?" I always think to myself, "I'm boring for the other person!!!" My two younger sons will watch him play (sometimes), but then they finally come to their senses!

Well, now that we have our puppy Mocha, I think he's found someone willing to sit there and watch him play his games! What do you think?


For more Wordless Wednesday, click here.

For more Wordful Wednesday, click here.


Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

That is too funny! Dogs really are a boys best friend!

Krisha said...

I never understood that, too! Growing up, I had younger brothers & they were into video games. Sometimes they would ask if I wanted to to watch....I would wonder, why would I just sit there and watch you? Especially since I wasn't even going to play....LOL

That's cute Mocha sits with him now :)

It's late & I gotta get up in about 4 hours. I got lost in bloggerville!

scrappysue said...

they both look enthralled!!!

One Mom said...

Mocha looks like his biggest fan!

Debra Kaye said...

Ahhh....that picture says it all, Alicia! Blessings to you today!

Hootin Anni said...

Sweet photo!!! And I think Mocha is a terrific name for the cute dog!!!!!

My W W is now published. I hope you can stop by sometime if you find time. It's a YOU TUBE I made of slides on a walking tour I took my husband on this past Saturday. If you have speakers, turn up the volume...some good music was added! Happy Wednesday!

Rob said...

LOL, looks like it. We need a dog then cause ,y sons always asks if I want to watch him play his Nintendo DS.

Susie said...

Dogs are great for so many things! Video watcher can now be added to the list:-) Too cute!

April said...

Awww...buddies for life! Happy WW!

Angela said...

That is so adorable.

Stacy said...

That is a cute picture. I never have understood that either.Could it be fun to watch someone play?

Stephanie said...

Oh that's funny...I can't believe he likes people to sit and watch him. Wonder how long it will take for him to bore the puppy :)

Beth in NC said...

Ha, how funny. Poor doggie. :o)

Lana said...

Alicia, that is so funny!! Persistance pays off. :) Lana

really.truly said...

My boys would watch him!! That is so funny. My boys do the SAME thing. Hmmm, maybe I need a Mocha!

Miti said...

Boys and their video games. Bless her heart. She's such a loyal doggy. Maybe she'll come to her senses too someday. (he he)

Susan Holt Simpson said...

Ha! My boys are screen obsessed - He's lucky to have the dog - you don't have to give the dog a turn!

Alicia W. said...

Mocha is so content. How adorable.

Staci said...

lol! too cute!

Unknown said...

maybe a dog is the answer for my son, he's always asking for someone to watch him LOL

I must say what a gorgeous family!!!!

I am Harriet said...

Puppy and Puppy's best friend look happy to me..

Anonymous said...

My oldest doean't understand whyno one wants to watch him play. Umm, becaue it is really boring!! :) Glad my boys isn't the only one!!

Brenda said...

Thats cute, dogs are such great companions

Anonymous said...

Okay, that picture couldn't get any cuter!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Mocha and Video Games...a boys dream...sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

How funny....must be a boy thing...Ethan and Sawyer always want me to come and watch them play the Xbox. They don't understand how boring it is to sit and watch. I give in sometimes but sometimes I just have to say no. Maybe I should bring our dog Max in and let him!!

Kelli W said...

That is too cute!! My boys are quite old enough for video games yet, but I'm sure the day is coming when they want me {or anybody}to watch them play!

The Mud Bug said...

That is so adorable. Your puppy is just too cute!

Laura said...

LOL, Mocha looks really into it!!!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

HAHA! That is GREAT!

Tia said...

Looks a lot like my son! lol! He is a wee bit addicted to gaming. So is my husband though, so he comes by it honestly! :o)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Mocha is EVERYWHERE in your household. I love how all members of your family have such a great relationship with your darling puppy.


Betty said...

What a cute doggie. :)

BrnEyedGal said...

That is just precious...I wanna buy my son his first puppy for his Bday in June. Yours is so cute....what kind is it?

Jennifer said...

Now that is precious!

tiarastantrums said...

TOO hilarious!!

CalvaryGirl said...

Oh how sweet!! Looks like he found the perfect solution ... my 10 year old does the same thing- asking for ppl to watch him play games.

~*~ Wendy ~*~
Book Giveaway: Love as a Way of LifeWordless Wednesday: Hurricane Hannah

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

Oh, they look like such a happy pair. I don't think the puppy minds at all!

Sharon said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww I wuv it!! My step son use to do the same. hahahaha
Great,great picture thanks for sharing :)
Have a beautiful day!

Staci A said...

That's great! At least he's found someone to keep him company!

Joy said...

That is cute! Now he needs to teach him how to fetch drinks and he'll be all set!

Thanks for stopping by my site today!

Happy WW! And Happy Earth Day!

Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

So cute! My 9 month old is infatuated with watching my five year old play Mario Galaxy, so funny that it starts so young.

Momisodes said...

That is too funny the dog is watching :)

jen@odbt said...

I'm having visions of what my 8 year old will look like in a couple of years. Question about the itouch - can he get email on it...anywhere?

Femin Susan said...

Cute dogs are such great companions.

~Sandy~ said...

super cute! a boys best friend :O) Happy WW!!! thanks so much for stopping by

Muthering Heights said...

Awww, she looks like the perfect gaming buddy!

momstheword said...

Yeah, I don't know why they'll watch each other but they do. Cute pix of Mocha watching her big "brother."

Melissa said...

LOL! that is just way too cute! :o)

ocmist said...

That little one is just way tooooo CUTE!!! Still reminds me of Dott when she was a pup!

Kelly said...

Mocha looks like she wants in on the action! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

How did you get a puppy and I not know about it? What planet am I living on? I knew about the lice, but not about the puppy!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

Man's best friend!! well ... Boy's best friend I guess. :)

Daphine said...

LOL! This is hilarious! Yep, I think you're right though! lol!