Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Do you remember how my oldest son got an Ipod Touch for an early birthday present?

Well, having such items require responsibility on his part. We don't ask for much, really. Just the basics, such as getting up when you're told, and not when you want to because you were up too late playing with your new toy, cleaning your room, doing school work, etc. Simple right? I think he's got it pretty good, if you ask me!

Unfortunately, by him not being obedient in those areas, he got his Ipod and cell phone taken away for a couple of days until he proved he was "mature" enough to have them back. Last Saturday, he was so bored, he started playing around with MY phone. I thought he was playing games on it, but then I noticed he sent a text to my husband.

This is what it said...


Be sure to visit 5 Minutes For Mom for more Wordless Wednesday, and 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday.


scrappysue said...

that is PRICELESS!!!

Femin Susan said...

he is using a quite tricky way in having that ipod back.

Rob said...

That is funny that he used your phone since he was taken away. Something I would have done at his age. LOL. Happy WW!

Check oout my WW post at

Susie said...

That is too funny! It's hard when you have such a smart and talented child because you have forget that they really are still just children. Then they do something like that to remind you:-)

One Mom said...

oh he's a charmer, that one!

Stacy said...

Lol...he is something:) So did he get the ipod back?

He & Me + 3 said...

That is too funny. Gotta love his effort.

just another mother said...

sweet - a determined young man!

Stephanie said...

Now that's a good one!

really.truly said...

That is so funny! He needs to help me figure out how to text :)

Threeundertwo said...

How clever!

Fun to find your blog! Happy WW.

Amber Dupree said...

He's a smart boy =)

Staci said...

lol! That is too funny!

jen@odbt said...

Kids are so tech saavy these days. I don't even know how to text. I'm going to need some help. Hopefully I have a couple more years.

Laura said...

LOL.. did he get it back after that??? Your husband should have played with your son's ipod while he had it taken away! hehe :)

Robyn said...

The way we communicate these days......LOL

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Too funny! It's hard work teaching responsibility, isn't it?

Happy Wednesday my friend!

Anonymous said...

That is pretty funny :)

Anonymous said...

To sweet -- now you have to give it back. TFS

Shoebee said...

Amazing how kids learn so quickly when they are missing what they love.

tiarastantrums said...

TOO funny! I'm not quite there yet and I have to say - I'm so happy!

Elizabeth said...

That was great!! ;)

Melissa said...

but it's so hard being mature! ;)

I'm getting old, but I'm not quite too old to remember all too well how it feels to be a kid! Here's to hoping he can live up to his promise. :o)

momstheword said...

Very cute, lol! Oh yes, we had to put a few restrictions on them so that they could learn some balance and responsibility!

BTW, yes he thought of the idea on his own. He just wanted to have her feel like she was connectig with him since he doesn't see her as much as he used to.

Leland's Mama said...

LOL. Smart kid!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

ahahahahaha!! love it :)

Momstart said...

That's really funny

Sara said...

HA HA HA HA AH A AHAH A A- that is funny! Poor kid, you should give it back to him just because he gave you a good post today. LOL

Anonymous said...

One of the best WW posts yet! He does seem so sincere. That's so sweet!

Joy said...

How funny! Sneaky little stinkers aren't they? I love how he says he promises to be mature and not just asking for the I-pod. Looks like you've got a smart one there. Be careful!!! :-)

Thanks for stopping by my site! Happy WW!

Nina said...

Don't you love how they go from one parent to the next trying to get someone to give them what they want.

Pilar said...

hahah soooo funny! Smart boy :)
Btw love the flowers in your phone.

Unknown said...

He's so resourceful, isn't he? Too funny!

Unknown said...

LOL that is too funny! Thanks for the laugh!!!

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Jodi said...

LOL...where there's a will, there's a way, right?! LMAO Thanks for the laugh!

Staci A said...

Too cute! At least he was being creative about asking!

Denise said...

Funny, lol

kimmiekat said...

That was great. Mature huh!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Hahaha! Too funny!

Brenda said...

Thats actually kind of sweet, and creative.

Muthering Heights said...

Oh my goodness, that is absolutely HILARIOUS!

Julie said...

That's hilarious!

amanda said...

LOL so funny!!

Tabitha Blue said...

Hahaha, that is too funny. My girl is just two and if she throws a fit and then sees that she's going to get in trouble, she stops and says, "I'm not crying anymore." The learn so fast, LOL


jenn said...

Haha. That's too funny.

debi9kids said...

Too funny! Kids and technology crack me up. LOL

Happy WW!

Shannon said...

Scrap that or save it to show at his graduation or wedding lol.

WAICSoCal said...

HAHAHAAHAHAH! I love that you took a picture.

Lisa said...

awwhhhh.....if they only knew discipline is hard on us too.

Daphine said...

HILARIOUS!!!!!! Oh my goodness!