Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We've had the same gal cut our kids hair for the last 11 years!! We're not even related to her, but our kids call her "Auntie Teresa." The first time she gave our oldest daughter a pixie cut at one year old, I knew she was going to be a keeper! She's a perfectionist, but can do a great haircut effortlessly, and in no time! And you know how a kid gets "a" lollipop after a haircut? Well, no joke, she empties the entire lollipop container in a plastic bag and gives it to our kids! No wonder they love her!

This was probably around 1998. Miranda was probably close to 2 years old at the time.

I had nothing better to do but to take pictures..lol! This was just last Saturday.


Stylin' and profilin'!
All done! She LOVES her new cut! Photobucket
Ahhhh..my soon to be my tween #2!!! She'll be 12 in May, but she asked for Littlest Pet Shop toys for her birthday! Gotta love it!


Susie said...

She looks so grown up!! Just beautiful:-)

Denise said...

Wow, she is very lovely.

Stacy said...

Aw the pic of her when she was little is too cute! Is does look beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Her new cut looks so good. Emily was just telling me yesterday that she wants more layers in the front of her hair. Her hair is all the same length in the back and layered around her face. Anyway your daughter looks older with the new hair cut!! Isn't it funny when they are stuck between wanting to be a kid in some ways but wanting to be so mature in other ways??

Unknown said...

She is so beautiful Alicia! I just love her haircut! I love her smile! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that she likes Littlest Pet Shop! I can't stand when kids grow up too fast.

Julie said...

Love her hair in both pics! It's great that you can stick with the same person! I swear after a year with one stylist they can't "change up" my style, so I always have to switch. I guess it's okay now since I don't have a style...maybe someday. :)

really.truly said...

That is so sweet that she asked for the lps toys for her b-day--I love that!

She is so beautiful. Her hair is amazing!! The pictures remind me how fast time goes by. How cool that you've know your stylist for that long.

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful girl you have!!!!! Gorgeous

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

I love her hair! She is beautiful!

Carin said...

How fun to see her as a little girl and starting to grow up, but not too fast (the Littlest Pet Shop, just darling). She is a beautiful girl!

Kelly said...

Looks great and so grown up! Doesn't that make you sad!!?

Kelli W said...

Her little pixie cut was so cute!! And she really does look so grown up in that last picture! Her hair is gorgeous!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh she looks so pretty and grown up! Twelve is coming way too fast my friend!

He & Me + 3 said...

she is so beautiful and that hair style looks great on her. Love the face frame.

Sara said...

She is a doll, love her haircut!!

Neisha said...

Love her new hair style. She looks beautiful.It's awesome that she is still asking for Littlest Pet Shop toys...so cute and innocent. Kids are growing up to fast and it's good to see that she isn't. BTW, love the picture of your son with his Itouch. He looks so happy.

Anonymous said...

Love it Miranda! Very cute!... but you always are! :)

mama's smitten said...

That is a cute cut! So cool to see her pic when she was little too! Have a Great day. Stay Cool.... ;)

momstheword said...

Oh, the kiddies look so cute! I love her new cut too.

LOVE your new button. It's so cute. Now I have to find a picture and send my hubby out to upload it until we can locate our cord thingy.

Daphine said...

She is just beautiful!!! WOW! Lovin' the hair cut on her.

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful!! Good luck keeping the boys away :)

Laura said...

Looks great!!! I've had the same girl do my hair since 2004!! We were together in Japan and now we're together in Florida. I don't know what I'm gonna do when she leaves or we do!

Anonymous said...

Ok I think she and I bought out the store on Saturday for those Pet Shop Toys !
Love the hair and Miranda.

Love Lisa

tiki_lady said...

she is so sweet i love the new do

amanda said...

love the look. my aunt cuts my hair. i do not know what i'll do when she quits!! yikes.

amanda said...

love the look. my aunt cuts my hair. i do not know what i'll do when she quits!! yikes.

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

That lookd great! I love the bangs! So grown up! Wish I had silky hair like that!!!

Debbie said...

You may not want to hear this but she looks much older than 12 to me. She is gorgeous.

Leslie said...

A decade later and still a cutie!

Beth in NC said...

Lovely! And she SMILED without that gangsta pose. hee hee She is a beautiful girl!

Momisodes said...

Oh my goodness! She is beautiful! What a lovely haircut. She has such luscious, shiny hair.

Casey's trio said...

What a pretty girl!

Krisha said...

Love the new hair cuts! Your tween is beautiful.

Miti said...

Awww...look how cute they were...and still are! I love her new do. She's got the pretties hair.

I wanted to let you know about my B-Earth Day Giveaway. Come visit me and I'll tell you all about it.

Melissa said...

she looks gorgeous, as always! :o) And she was absolutely adorable in that first picture as well! What a cutie!

Girl, you have gorgeous kids! :o)