Friday, August 14, 2009


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to MckLinky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!

Here are my three oldest kids when they were just little babies!!! Oh my gosh, they were so cute! This was in 2000 when Eli was maybe a couple of months old! Isaiah just turned 4, and Miranda just turned 3! I remember going from two to three kids was a big transition! Eli was my first baby that had colic, so it was a whole new ball game when it came to him. Isaiah was such a huge Toy Story fan! We had everything Toy Story for him! Miranda was such a cute little girl, and she was never into "one" thing. She's still like that till this day!

This just reminds me of how fast time goes by! I know it sounds redundant when I write that, but it seems just like yesterday when I took this picture! Makes me a little sad...



Aubrey said...

OH! All those little baby faces! They are adorable now, they were absolutely adorable back then!

Unknown said...

Hi Alicia, I joined again.. It's quite fun as we have the same photo theme this week- Our kids when they were babies and young.. =) Cute kids you have..

Mamí♥Picture said...

Aww, they are so cute!!
You make BEAUTIFUL babies☺!!!
Have a ♥Lovely♥ Friday!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

OMWord they are so cute and so little. I love love love her little hair cut. So cute. I always wanted my girls to have that cute do, but they never had the right hair for it. Precious picture. Yuck to Colic Actress had that.

Muthering Heights said...

They were SO cute! They still are, but there is just something about that stage that is so precious!

Anonymous said...

This makes me sad and they aren't even my kids! But I've seen their recent pics and they've grown so much that I'm sad for you. All old pictures make me sad this week. My babies start kindergarten Monday. :(

Anonymous said...

aww what a sweet picture! sister is doing a good job of holding baby!

i'm about to go from two to three babies this month :) any words of advice??

GottaLoveMom said...

Where did all those years go by?
They're adorable then...they're adorable now!

Krisha said...

OMGosh.... I posted a photo of my girls when they were younger, too!

I will have to post some photos of my youngest daughter. She wore her hair like that all the time. She didn't like her hair fixed so I had to keep it cut short.

Krisha said...

is that blues clues??? Keightlyn loved blues clues! They are so cute!

Denise said...
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Denise said...

Such sweeties.

Denise said...
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Carin said...

What an adorable picture!

Colette S said...

Such little cuties! It is true and alive that times goes by sooo fast!

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh, they're so little!!! So cute!

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

What a sweet photo! I think they are just too cute aren't they! My friend is about to go from 2 toddlers to 3 kids in December.
Collette xxx

Chris said...

thanks for sharing such a precious picture! they are so cute.. and time does pass by so fast! :)

emegren said...

Oh man, that is so funny! We are watching Toy Story right now!

LivingforGod said...

Your kids were and are very cute. Kids grow so fast; we just celebrated our daughter's 16th birthday last month.

PropellerHeadMom said...

Awwww - they are so cute! My boys are both big Toy Story fans!

Liz Mays said...

Eli looks a little concerned there! LOL

Cuties, all of 'em!

Stephanie said...

That is so sweet! I love baby pictures! I used to say that the hardest was when you went from 1 to two kids. Of course Lucas was in daycare when Jacob was born so he wasn't home all the time and it wasn't that big of a chance. When Allie came that was huge for me...Caleb was still so little and wanted me so much and Allie needed me. Different world!

Your kiddos are so precious!!!!!! I need to start looking for my pic for today...I'm so behind!

Casey's trio said...

Time does go by too fast....and I can totally relate to looking at old pictures and saying "ahhhh...look at my babies!" Just did that last night :)

Susie said...

What a great memory!! Kids are born to break their mom's hearts. Growing up is part of that:-)

Mommy24cs said...

They are so adorable! I remember going from two to three was a huge transition for us too. So many little feet in the house and the noise times three LOL.

Lauren said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! What precious and adorable and sweet and cute babies!!!! Eli is so perfect too!! I love it!! :P

Theta Mom said...

So little and so cute! Where does the time go???

Unknown said...

Before I saw you picture I was totally planning to post a picture of my three together when they were all in diapers. jeje.

You got a head start on me on the baby making. LOL and you kept going! hats off! So love big families. wanted 8! can you believe it? Well, God had other plans but I am thankful (most days jeje JK) for the ones I have.

un abrazo!

really.truly said...

Oh they are so cute! You are right...time goes by so quickly!

Nishant said...

Thanks for sharing precious picture really its cool........

Work From Home

Pilar said...

aaww, so cute. I love your girls hair, mine wear it the same game, it is comfy for us uh ? ;)

My scanner is not working so couldn´t join you today. Next week I will be there though, if my scanner cooperates ;)

Kat said...

there is some serious hair on that Baby, Alicia. Mine are usually bald until about 3!

Unknown said...

They are so, so cute Alicia. I just want to hug and squeeze them : )

Darcie said...

awwww...look at your babies!!! They are so precious looking...then and now.

I can't wait to get back to Friday!

Have a great weekend!

Jane Anne said...

Oh, they are so cute! Don't be sad. Just remember and enjoy the memories. I just read a friend's post about looking back but savoring the present (and that's why I am handing out the free advice- ha!). Great photo, though. They are all so sweet.

Pam said...

Your kids were adorable then and still adorable now. Or maybe, now that they are older, I should say, "Handsome" and "lovely." : )

LivingforGod said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! My husband did not go to school there; he went to share the Gospel with students there (he went on a summer project with Campus Crusade for Christ in 1988 and 1989).

Mozi Esme said...

They are all adorable in this photo!

Erin said...

Crazy, isn't it? How three is exponentially more than two were? I remember realizing I had more children than hands and that I'd be in trouble if they ever mutinied!

As for time flying, tell me about it! I can't believe it has been more than 18 years since I brought my first baby home from the hospital and more than 10 since I brought the last...sigh...

Alicia W. said...

Sweet sweet babies! You do make some beautiful children that's for sure.

Laura said...

CUTE! Miranda doesn't look the same at all!!

kanishk said...

he went to share the Gospel with students there (he went on a summer project with Campus Crusade for Christ in 1988 and 1989).

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