Hmmm..where do I even begin?
Remember the other week where I said I was going to clear out all the shoes in the garage?
Didn't happen.
I know...that's just life sometimes. You have good intentions to start something, but you just can't get around to it.
I know..excuses..excuses! My mom is probably shaking her head if she is reading this (hi mom)!
As you know, we are a homeschooling family. With five kids, you can imagine all the curriculum I have in my home! Well, I have new boxes arriving today, and the UPS weight said 24lbs!!!!! And that's just for one child!
That means, I need to start re-organizing our homeschooling area which I'm totally dreading!!!! I'm not even in the school mindset yet, and either are my kids. We don't officially start school till after Labor Day, so I do have a few more weeks. BUT, I don't want to wait till the last minute like I always do.
So, as the saying goes, "Out with the old and in with the new!"
Good luck sweetie.
Oh, I remember those days of getting ready to homeschool 4 kids. We always waited until after Labor Day, too. (I could never see the point of starting the week before and already taking a day off) although I don't remember ever having a 24-pound delivery! It will get all done, just give it some time each day. God bless your school year.
I love organizing, but only when I am in organizing mode to I understand :) You can do it girl!!!
Dear Alicia,
You can do it; YES you can!
Rah Rah Shish-kum Bah!
You go, Girl!
I don't know how I've missed this through all of our time together, but I didn't know you homeschooled all of those babies. Wow, I'm impressed. I can't imagine homeschooling my daughter. I would be afraid I couldn't do it. I envy those Mom's who can. My little one will start preschool at a church in a few weeks, then kindergarten at a private Christian school if it works out. Still praying.
Good for you Alicia!!!
I am praying for you!!
I am so motivated to get more organized now! :P
Good luck getting everything orgainzed...at least you still have a few more weeks! We are in full school mode, and I still feel like I'm not all together!
It is hard to get organized as homeschool is ready to start. Good luck!
I hear ya. I am currently procrastinating cleaning my kids room.
Oh Alicia - I can't imagine what it must be like Homeschooling 5...I only had one and I had a lot of books. Oh my. :) Well, sounds like the shoes can wait, you need to dig around for book space. :)
Have a great day!
I love being organized...I just don't love the process that has to go into organizing!!! We've been remodeling so our house is all disorganized and I can't find anything. So frustrating!
I hope you have a good day with your organizing! Just think how good your homeschool area will look once it's done!
I also love being organized, but am challenged at the doing it part! Bit by bit, step by step helps me not to get overwhelmed. Hope all goes well, you're still way ahead of the game!
oh wow! My eyes popped when you said that those were just for ONE child. I can only imagine when ALL the books come. Good luck. YOU CAN DO IT!
Wow, I can't imagine storing all those books! I had to store lots too.
Since my kids are four years apart I had to store the current books that the oldest and the youngest were using, plus three years of books for the youngest to "grow" into.
So it was four years worth since I had to find room for the current books too.
Now that my youngest is in high school I don't have that many books to store anymore, woohoo!
Today I need to pull out this years books and see what I need to get to fill in. I don't want to wait to long either.
24 pounds! Whoa...that is a lot of books for one kiddo! Good luck reorganizing!
I love getting my school room ready. Good luck with yours!
i have often contemplated homeschooling but for me, I can't feel like I could do it. We supplement at home, I think that is why most of our children have been 2 grades above school level. Except for my second daughter, she struggles a bit more than the others and she is at grade level and higher than grade level in reading.
I commend you and your children. Do a little bit at a time and by labor day you will be ready.
I always have a hard time getting started, but once I start then I can't stop and I organize everything label it, throw all the junk away and then I breath a sigh of relief that I in fact got something accomplished...;)
You'll get it done and feel great afterwards...GO MAKE YOUR HOME SING!!! LOL
Good luck! We have started cleaning out our 2nd floor and it is a mess!
It sounds like a big job, but I'm sure it will be fun to prepare for the new year!
Good luck with the old and getting the new in. You have a big job to tackle my friend. But i know you can do it!
Good luck organizing! I hope it goes by quicker than you expect! :-)
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