Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I love having giveaways...I really do!!

It makes me so happy to bless someone!!!

I really don't have a special reason for having one, but I just wanted to take this time to thank all of you (my blog pals) for how much you bless me with your own blogs, your friendships, your honesty, humor, advice, comments, encouragement, recipes, and so forth! I can go on and on, but you know what I'm trying to say.

So, for my giveaway...

The blessed winner will be able to choose a $25 gift card to one of the following places:



Old Navy


Blockbuster Video

Don't worry, I won't make you jump through hoops to enter. All you have to do is comment which gift card you would like, and for an extra entry, leave me a second comment that you follow!!

That's all folks!

Winner will be announced on Saturday!!!!!


Jennifer said...

I'm the first! YAY! LOL! What an awesome giveaway! I follow you, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Old Navy! ;-)

Pilar said...

Great giveaway!

I would like the Itunes card because it is the only one I can use here :)

I hope I win!

Pilar said...

And I do follow!!!! Because I LOVE your blog!

Denise said...

I would like Chilis, you are so sweet for having a giveaway.

Denise said...

I love your blog, and I enjoy following your blog.

Veronica Lee said...

Great giveaway but do non-US residents quality??

Anonymous said...

Oh fun Alicia!

I would pick Itunes simply because my mom who doesn't have a whole lot of money has been wanting some new Christian music to listen to and I'd give it to her. Seriously :) I know how much I love listening to new music!

Anonymous said...

Oh and I do follow you! :)

Susie said...

Oooo...I would love Chili's:-)

Amber Dupree said...

I would pick old navy...although I would love to pick starbucks. But, old navy would be the smarter option with three kids, right?

I love that you aren't doing some crazy leave a blood sample with your mother's maiden name give-away.

Amber Dupree said...

Oh, I follow...have for some time :)

Kat said...

You know I already follow your blog.

Kat said...

And I am all about the starbucks card!

Sawatzky family said...

I love giveaways lol :)
And I LOVE Old Navy!

Sawatzky family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sawatzky family said...

And I LOVE YOUR BLOG and so of course I am a follower! :)

jen@odbt said...

How fun! I'd love a Starbucks card - with school starting up soon, I'm going to need some caffeine to keep me going. Thanks!

jen@odbt said...

I follow.

Alicia W. said...

Hey Sweets! I would love the blockbuster card so I can watch tons of Disney movies with my kiddo's. :)

Alicia W. said...

I'm a follower of course. :)

Robyn said...

Wow what an awesome giveaway!
I would pick the starbucks card with going back to school coffee is a must....LOL

Robyn said...

Yes Yes I do follow you!

Liz Mays said...

What? No hoops? I'm used to hoops! LOL

I would love the Old Navy card!

Liz Mays said...

I follow you too and always will.

Kelli W said...

I would pick the Chili's card....my hubby and I could use a good date night without the kiddos!

Kelli W said...

I follow along with you!

He & Me + 3 said...

Hmmm, I like so many. Coffee or clothes? Starbucks or Old Navy? You pick if I win!

Chris said...

can I join too? Im from the Philippines... :)

Anonymous said...

If I won I'd choose the Chilli's card. I LOVE it there!

Anonymous said...

I am indeed a follower!

Anonymous said...

Those are some fantastic choices!! When I win I will have a hard time deciding which one :)

Anonymous said...

Oh and I am a follower!!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking some Starbucks would be good...

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Oh how sweet!! I would definitely want the Chili's card. My husband and I are really trying to save money right now, so Chili's has become our long lost friend... It would be nice to have our first alone date night, since my daughter was born over 18 months ago!

Everyday Mom Designs said...

I'm a follower too!

Sara said...

What a great giveaway!

Sara said...

Of course I follow :0)

The Hall Family said...

How fun! I would pick the Old Navy card because mama needs a new pair of jeans!

The Hall Family said...

and I follow you too!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

oooh girl I would rock that chili's card with a dinner for me and hubby alone alone alone lol.
<3 awesome giveaway!!!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

lonnnng time follower ;)

Lauren said...

ooooh --- I think Old Navy or Starbucks!:)

Lauren said...

Oh, and I do follow ... OF COURSE!!!

Why wouldn't I follow such an awesome blog??

ps -- thank you so much for your encouragement and sweet words this week! :)

Pam said...

I would like the Chilis card.

Pam said...

I follow. Love your blog.

Stacy said...

Umm I would like the Old Navy please:)

Stacy said...

I follow!

Lyryn said...

Hook me up with the Chili’s GC!!!!

Lyryn said...

And I love following you! :)

Tara said...

Since I've lost weight, I am in dire need of new clothes so I would choose the Old Navy card.

Tara said...

and I'm still following (though I've been a bad commenter lately). I promise to get back in the groove even if I don't win.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I have some going on too if you want to enter. Gotta spread the love.

I'd pick the Starbucks card I believe.

Lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i follow the blog

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Brandy said...

I would love the iTunes card! This is awesome

Brandy said...

I totally follow your blog! You are such an inspiration to me.

Unknown said...

Oh look at all your comments!! What a fun time! I love the options. Wish I was stateside to enjoy one.
I guess, I would choose Old Navy so I can get some new clothes after losing weight I need some new skirts. but don´t know if I could order online or not.
If not, thank I would get Chili´s for my Mom and Dad.

Unknown said...

I have been following your blog all year! I so look forward to your comments and seeing all your fun pictures.

I love your family and can´t wait to one day meet you all. I think our boys would get along so well.

Oh another added benipit is our Pilipino Pamily! (accent added hope it´s ok we joke like this all the time with Joseph´s family)

Stephanie said...

How fun...the hardest part is choosing which one you'd like. I love Old Navy so I suppose I'll go with that one :)

Love your idea!

Stephanie said...

And I follow of course :)

Doreen said...

I love your blog and you have a lovely family! So blessed! :) Thank you for letting this be such a simple way of entering a giveaway! Often, I have to dig through a mountain of ways to enter giveaways and with my slow comp, it takes me forever...lol. So, thanks for the easy entry! I would prob choose Old Navy! Thank you for the chance to win!! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

Doreen said...

I'm a Follower of your bloggy! God bless you and your family! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would Love an Old Navy gift card! Great giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!

Laura said...

Oh, you're so sweet!!!!

I have no idea what I would pick!!! I love all those places, hahaha! ;)

Brooke said...

I'd love to win the Old Navy card!

Brooke said...

I follow you!

Muthering Heights said...

Ack! I can't decide...Starbucks? iTunes? Old Navy?? Hmmm...


Muthering Heights said...

And I follow! :)

Veronica Lee said...

I would have followed even if there were no giveaways!! I love, love your blog!!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

WOW! You are feeling generous my friend! How exciting!

Oh so many good choices, how's a girl to choose?!?! But I must choose Starbuck's. It's such a treat!

Thank you for hosting this!!!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh and I am definitely a follower. I mean you have a cool name, why not follow ;)

momstheword said...

Hmmmm. How about Old Navy! Sounds like a winner.

momstheword said...

You know I follow you girl!

Grace said...

Wow! This is fun and I love give-aways. I would go for "Starbucks". And yes, I followed you, Alicia. :)

Unknown said...

I think I'd like the itunes gift card. I love music but am too cheap to buy it!

Unknown said...

I am following your blog.

Honey Mommy said...

That's a tough one. I would LOVE to win the Chili's one or the Old Navy one! Ok.. give me the Old Navy one because then I can buy clothes for ME!

The Farmer Files said...

woo hoo I follow.

The Farmer Files said...

I would choose the Old Navy card for some post partum clothes because I know I am going to be very weepy about the way I look after I have the baby!!

Chris said...

cool giveaway.. :)

id love to join..

i would want the starbucks!

Chris said...

i am a follower!! :D

louann said...

What are my chance of winning that Old Navy GC if I am half way across the globe?!! Teehee!

Carin said...

Ooooo, what a giveaway! We don't have any stores here but I could sure have fun when we head to the city =)

Carin said...

I follow your blog =)

Darcie said...

How sweet you are!!! Seriously so sweet!

Ok...if I was thinking about myself...you know it would probably be Starbucks, but the mom in me would want to enjoy something with the family, and since we love music and eating...it would probably be a tie between Chili's and Itunes.

Darcie said...

I love following you!!!

Lorrie said...

This is so sweet. I would LOVE the Chili's card since my husband and I would love to go out and eat together...alone...this way we could afford a nice youth as a babysitter.

Lorrie said...

I'm entering a second time...tee hee...I love your blog so I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to enter twice...

Nina said...

You are so sweet to bless others with such a nice gift.

Shasta said...

It is so awesome for you to do this giveaway!! =)

I would choose the Old Navy gift card.

Shasta said...

I follow you! =)

Mamí♥Picture said...

Hey pretty Girl!
I am Back! well that was some clean up I tell you, LOL!
Now I can visit all my lovely bloggy friends' blogs, =)
It is way better to keep up when you have only 63 blogs to follow!
Anyways, I would love to have the one from iTunes, it will be great to download some new music for Phill(oh Phill is my iPhone, that is the way I call him)
Well Beautiful Friend have a Blessing♥ Week almost Weekend!! =)

Mamí♥Picture said...

Now this is my second entry HOORAY!!
iFollow you because you ROCK!!(wink)

Kimberly said...

Wow, you have "94" comments already. Awesome! I'd spring for the Blockbuster card if I were the lucky winner. :)

Kimberly said...

Color me entered a second time, because I fol-laa-laa-low!

Leslie said...

Which one to choose? I can't decide, so I'm closing my eyes and pointing to...

Old Navy!!!

Leslie said...

I'm a follower from




Kathy C. said...

Gee, that's a tough one, hmmm...chilis with hubby or Starbucks with Kim???? Ok, HUBBY wins. :) Chilis. :)

Kathy C. said...

Of course I follow you! :) Your blog is on my sidebar, I try not to miss you because you are such a sweetheart and have such a lovely family. :)
Have a beautiful day!

LivingforGod said...

It's so sweet and thoughtful of you to have this giveaway. I would choose Chili's giftcard because we hardly eat out anymore due to our tight budget. It would be a treat :).

LivingforGod said...

I follow your blog.

By the way, I'm having a book giveaway (10,001 Ways to Live Large on a Small Budget) on my blog. Today is the last day to enter. If you're interested, please stop by and leave a comment on this post: http://bornagainandblessed.blogspot.com/2009/08/book-review-and-giveaway-10001-ways-to.html.

amanda said...

chili's would be super great fror a date night.

amanda said...

following YOU!