When I tell my kids that I used to work, it's almost like they can't believe I did anything BUT be a stay at home mom!
It really does seem like ages ago that I had to get up early in the morning because I HAD to be at work at a certain time. I did work up until Isaiah was 2, and Miranda was 1 year old.
I thought it would be fun to look back and reminisce about the jobs I did have!

I had my first job "illegally", meaning I was still underage. You had to be 16 years old to get a work permit from school, but I just delayed in getting one so I could work longer. I was only 15, and I really liked working here because one of my good friends worked there too. I only worked there a few months, but this was not my last gig at the food industry.

My next stop at 16 years old would be Pioneer Chicken. The owners loved me! At $3.50 an hour, I was a quarter ABOVE minimum wage!! I thought I was livin' large! Remember friends, this was in 1986. I actually couldn't stand working here after awhile. The brown & orange uniform was 100% polyester and very uncomfortable. I would go home smelling like fried liver and gizzards. I knew that after this job, I had to try something different!
I don't recall the name of the next company I worked for, but I was only there for a couple of months, at the most! I was a telemarketer, and my job was to call random people from a phone book to try to book appointments for solar energy! Now, doesn't that sound FUN??? NOT!!
The next job I got was through my good friend. It was at a trendy, teenage/young adult clothing store called Merry-Go-Round. Any of you remember the brand I.O.U.? And this was when Guess jeans came out. This was the "cool" place to work, and I met a lot of people. But, this place had it's downfalls too. The pay was minimum wage (three & a quarter), or commission, whichever was more. So, we couldn't just stand there and socialize with customers. I mean, we could, but only to a point. But, the biggest upside to working there was the 40% discount on the clothes!!
After I was done with retail, I moved on to bigger and better things (chuckle)! I was a bank teller at Wells Fargo Bank. By far, this was my favorite job, ever! I worked for WF for a few years, and at two different locations. If there was one job I could imagine myself going back to, that would definitely be it.
Finally, I moved into credit reporting. For the next few years, I worked as a Customer Service Rep. for a company who put together credit reports for mortgage companies. It had it's stressful moments, but it had it's perks too. From my customers, I received cards, gifts when I had my two older kids, flowers, and free lunches! I've also been able to stay in touch with my ex co-workers through Facebook!
It's been 12 years since I've worked. It feels like a lifetime ago.
It was fun while it lasted.
What was your favorite job?