Thursday, October 22, 2009


I'm participating in a year long challenge, created by Carin at Forever In Blue Jeans. The goal is to be in one picture a week, for 52 weeks. Since us moms are always behind the camera, this gives us a chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. So, click here if you want to join in on the fun!

This picture was taken before all the drama happened.

The kids and I took our dogs for a walk around the block, and in just a matter of 30 minutes, drama still managed to happen.

1. Danny trips on the sidewalk and falls on his hands and knees. But,because of the trooper he is, he just gets right back up.

2. Veronica stops throughout the walk to check and re-check inside her boots because something is poking her foot.

3. Mocha is barking at random people and other dogs. So embarrassing! Doesn't she realize that the only thing separating her from a German Shepherd is a flimsy gated fence?

4. Finally, they all decided to race home once we turned the corner. Up ahead I see Miranda sitting on the sidewalk. Apparently Danny suddenly stopped in front of her, making Skippy (our Border Collie) cut her off, which caused her to fall and skin her knee.

She was all upset, and I wanted to crack up, but I know that would be insensitive on my part. :)

I asked Eli why his face looked like this and he said it was because he didn't want to take a picture. Sorry, Eli!

And there is Veronica looking stressed about her boots.


Carin said...

Great picture of you and I like Eli's look! Cool boots Veronica, I wonder if it was something in her sock instead? Lots of drama makes for good stories.

The Blue Sparrow said...

Adoable photos!

Robyn said...

What's a walk without drama.....LOL
Great pictures! Love your shades!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hahaha why stressed? Love your first pic with your sons, ang gagwapo hehehe!

I just joined, here is my first entry

nicquee said...

Great pictures!

You have really lovely kids. :)

Beth in NC said...

Ha, sounds like a lovely outing. Yikes!

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh how fun are your walks? Lots of drama. LOL Cute picture! Love how veronica is walking in that boot.

Denise said...

What would life be like without drama?? lol

Anonymous said...

I love that you always tell a story about your pictures! :) Love those sunglasses too!

Kimberly said...

What with the drama and super cool shades, these photos make me think "Hollywood". ;)

Anonymous said...

As always you guys are adorable!! I love your family Alicia! :) Wish we could hang out in real life!!

Thanks for stopping by and encouraging me! You're a gem! :)

Stacy said...

I read about all the drama on

Great picture of you though!

Serendipityissweet said...

Lol, sounds like a normal walk with my kids.

You are gorgeous btw!

Jennifer Bowen said...

Hey, Miss Cool! Love those sunglasses. Boys usually don't want their photos taken. Just ask my son! LOL As for girls and their outfits, watch out! They have to look just right or they stress about it. =D

Susie said...

Well, at least the pictures look cute:-)

Jennifer Bowen said...

Hi, Alicia! I just gave you a blog award. Check out my blog for details. =)

Darcie said...

So trying not to laugh. Have you ever noticed how with kids, sometimes the most relaxing of events can turn into a whole drama?

I guess we wouldn't have it any other way, huh?

jen@odbt said...

It probably wouldn't be right if there wasn't some drama going on. Sounds like our walks but without the dog ;) Still a cute pic of you and your boys even if Eli didn't want to be in it.

Kelli W said...

Sounds like a fun walk! I can't quit laughing at the thought of tiny little Mocha barking at a big German Shephard!

Daphine said...

Sounds like my family! lol!

The J's said...

AH! You did good!!

Unknown said...

I love your photos.. Your little boy always look his best in photos.. Love Veronica's face there..Looking stress but lovely..

Unknown said...

That is a cool idea. Not that I want to be in any photos!

Buckeroomama said...

I was telling hubby the other day that I don't seem to be in too many of the photos with the kids... I know it's my fault, but I should really suck it and be in front of the camera more, instead of behind it! Your pics with your children inspired me. :)

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Great photo!!! ;) Love your shades!! One hot Momma!

Anonymous said...

So much drama you have to deal with! lol Great picture!

Abatevintage said...

How great, I have read on other blogs about the 52 weeks, what fun. I loved the picture.


Marice said...

nice shots :) and i think the drama made the walk more memorable! u guys look all so lovely in the pics :)

u may view mine if u have time

Deborah Ann said...

Love the pictures! I also love the tropical landscaping. You are blessed!

Pilar said...

poor girl. Your daughter does look stressed out :)

Angela said...

LOL.... it is quite a little adventure. : ) said...

LOL.. i love it when we capture the real life, every day moments, b/c these are the moments that pass by too quickly and we'll miss in days to come.

Kristin said...

I can SO relate - nothing gets done at our house (or around it!) without it being a production. A quick "walk around the block" can be a stressful event!

Abatevintage said...

Alicia, thank you so much for visiting me today and your wonderfully kind words. Your family is blessed to have such a lovely and caring mom. Have a great week.


PS I think next week I will join you for the Friday flashback it looks fun.

Maude Lynn said...

Cute pictures!

And, very cute boots, Veronica!

Bina said...

Oh I can relate to the drama sooooooooo well!! You look great in the pic...very Hollywood in the glasses! :)

yonca said...

You look great in the pic. Love it! Nice shots!

2003beachbunch said...

Love the purple boots!

Casey's trio said...

Sounds like it was just a normal day huh? LOL!

Veronica Lee said...

Your family is adorable!! Love the shades.

Nina said...

Isn't it funny how the kids can always bring the drama. LOL...

Kathy C. said...

I love when you share photos and little bits and pieces. I feel like I'm your neighbor and seeing this all from my garden out front. :)
The boots made me son always had "itchy" feet issues, LOL

Liz Mays said...

A comedy of errors, for sure! But fun for us!

Muthering Heights said...

You're a good mom for not cracking up! :)

Kim said...

Great pictures to capture the dramatic walk. It sounds very similar to the walks with my kids, neighbor kids and our dog! I am glad I am not the only one.

Jennifer said...

LOL! You're a good mommy, it's hard not to laugh when the drama ensues! ;-)

Happy said...

Despite the drama it turned out to be a very lovely're just so pretty!

Shelby said...

oh dear - well at least you gave it a try and accomplished some family memories in the meantime. :)

Unknown said...

Hello! Following you from Follow me club. Please follow back if you havent already. thanks!

Alicia W. said...

Your good.. I totally would have been cracking up for sure. :)

Mamí♥Picture said...

Adorable pics!