If there was an award for "Worst Parents of the Year" in 1996, my husband and I would have won by a landslide!
Being that Isaiah was our firstborn, we learned a lot of "what" and "what not" to do.
I'm almost embarrassed to post this picture, but I'm doing this in hopes that other new moms out there won't feel alone, or unqualified as a mommy. It happens to the best of us.
Remember, we learn from our mistakes.
For example, (see picture below), you can tell he was pretty much still a newborn. My husband is giving him a bath while I am taking pictures. So typical, right?
For the life of me, I couldn't understand why he would cry during bath time (I mean Isaiah, not my husband).
Is it not supposed to be a relaxing moment for a baby? Who doesn't enjoy a nice, warm, soapy bath?
Well, I guess NOT if you're laying right under the faucet with water splashing down over your head!!!
My poor baby!!!!!! No wonder he was afraid of going swimming for so long...
LOLOL, poor guy...thank goodness he'll never remember it!
It's so cute photo. hmm
Awe Poor baby! yes we learn with our first and quickly become pro's with our others, Thank God.
Hi there, I hope you don't mind me joining your meme without an invitation hehehe..
Precious moments captured in camera. Your baby don't seem to mind the water, I remember when we first gave my son a real bath, he was screaming hehehe..
This is my photo flashback entry.
poor guy... but he doesnt seem to mind in this particular picture!
we all learn from our mistakes..
thanks for sharing! :D
OMG! Alicia what were you both thinking!?! LOL just kidding! =)
I think all new mom did something like this right!?! I know I did =0 I remember when I had my first baby! I asked the nurse from the hospital for a baby manual, SERIOUSLY!!! The nurse wanted to call social service!! LOL
Your picture is so PRECIOUS!!
Aawwww! Poor little itty bitty! :-( Well, at least we know that even when parents make mistakes, our kids still survive - and learn to swim anyway! ;-)
LOL, awww, poor little guy. We've always called our oldest the guinea pig.
Ms. Chris of Inspirational Insight invited me to join your tag so here I am.
My wife was so scared of giving our son a bath for the first time so I have to call my sister who is a nurse to do it hehehe..
Please take a peek at my FPF entry.
Look at his cute face even though he isn't all too happy. One thing we have to learn early is that we as parents will surely make mistakes. Hey, he likes to swim now, right? LOL.
Oh, my husband has never bathed any of our children. So a huge pat on the back to yours!!!
At least hubby bathed him!! Mine doesn't really do baths for the kids either! We all make mistakes with our first, it is just part of the learning process!
Love Collette xxxx
Hi. I wish to join, too. I'll be back once i post my entry. Have a nice day! :)
Oh thank God you posted something like this. When I bathed my baby for the first time I didn't realize I had him immersed in the water for too long until he started shivering. I must have been the landslide winner of Worst Mom of 2004 - I cut his nails too short, blood came out. I felt terrible.
Isaiah is so cute!
I think all parents start as amateurs in parenthood and become pros sooner or later.
My hubby never bathe Ayex when she cannot stand by herself yet. At least that's what I remember so thumbs up to your hubby. :)
Now he asks Ayex from time to time if he can take charge of bathing her. ;)
Poor little baby!! This is really, really fun, Alicia!!!
hahahahaha. We all have those stories from when we were new parents that are ashamed to admit :)
But we made it and they can´t remember so..... ;)
Aww poor baby!
I didn't see the Mr Linky?
This is so cute! Our poor first borns. I am still making mistakes with ours. I totally was a wreck when I first bathed oldest. He screamed the whole way through. and that was just a sponge bath.
Thanks for linking up. I posted it last night so I couldn´t link up yet. ;) shooting to get up another post for today too. LOL
I meant thanks for linking me up.
aww!!! I can't stop giggling .. That was so funny sis, I can't imagine your baby almost like swimming over a little pool.. LOL.. good that the water didn't come through his little ears.... he he
He didn't seem to be crying in this picture. Maybe he got used to it :).
Hahaha! I just posted my link and then looked at your post. I posted a bath picture today, too! A little different from yours, but isn't that crazy?!?!?! :-)
LOL..Poor baby! LOL
It's still a gorgeous photo!
Look at how cute and chubby. Poor little guy. Yes, we learn alot along the way. :)
Firstborns have the sweetest and rawest of deals, don't they? It kinda balances it out, though. :)
Ahahahahahaha!! Alicia!! I can't stop laughing. That is too funny!! You guys are hilarious. Parenting is fun, huh?! LOL
I think we all have our moments where we go "what were we thinking":-) Bravo to you for sharing yours and reminding us we were all there once:-)
Oh Alicia....there are no words. Is it bad that I'm laughing ;) You are such a great mom...we all made those kind of mistakes. You just have a picture for proof...LOL.
Dear me..I had the same reaction as Mimi..a little giggle...only because I know he is just fine...and you are one amazing mom. We live...we learn.
Have a great weekend.
Oh Alicia, this should be your Friday Funnies post too! LOLOL - poor little guy...that's too funny though. Hey, how are we supposed to know??? LOL
Cute picture. I remember my son's first bath - I was terrified. It's great to learn from your mistakes.
Thanks for sharing. P.S. I made a mistake on my link is there anyway you can delete #24 on the mcklinky?
awwww -- hahaha -- that is still one of the cutest pictures I've ever seen! AND clearly you didn't scar him for life because he's a bright and beautiful boy now! :)
Oh my goodness! Yes, we do learn so much with the first child . :)
I think I did the same thing with The Midge. Who knew...
Oh, poor Isaiah! My husband and I were both terrified when we had our first baby, too. I'm sure we made a lot of mistakes, just didn't know it at the time. =) Second baby was a breeze, aside from the fact that we didn't know how to change a boy's diapers. So we ended up getting "rained" on or "shot" at most of the time. LOL
That's why he didn't like showers for so long. It was the water in the face. He must have had flash backs. LOL
AW...poor baby! No worries though, he seems to have grown up a nice young man! And you are right...if there are no mistakes in life, there would be no learning!
I don't think my babies (full grown now) appreciated their bath time either. But it sure does make a cute picture!
way to cover that up little lady ;) Hehe... cute flashback!
Aw, poor thing. I think it's one of those things they eventually get used to. But what a cutie pie!
Aww... poor little guy. I am sure if every first time mom looked back they would find something just like this that they wished they had done different.
Lol! Poor baby. I made some silly mistakes in parenting too. Still do, actually!
Lol, poor lil guy!
I had a little chuckle b/c I'm sure we did the same thing with our first born. They certainly pave the way for their siblings.
:) That's so cute and funny!
When i was a baby my dad came home after a night shift to find me in my bed having pooped all over myself and I was playing in it apparently. He took me and stuck me directly under the faucet in the bathtub and from that day on I was horrified of taking a bath!
I posted baby pics today too....ironic :)
We learn so much with those first-borns, don't we? Glad you can laugh at it (and share)!
LOL... oh no.... i have heard some pretty good stories from new parents. : ( i am scared to think what i might do in the future.
Awwww...that is adorable (funny, too). Sorry I couldn't get my act together to join the party today, but the kids in the neighborhood DON'T HAVE SCHOOL, so our schedule was completely ruined!
Poor little sweety! Bless his little heart.
I used to turn the heat up (even in summer) when I first bathed my kids. I was so afraid that they would get cold. Funny things we do.
Have a great weekend,
Too funny! My kids never liked those baths either! (Love the geometric blackout)
Bless that poor little babies heart. ;) I think we've all been guilty of much worse as new parents. And yet our kids still survive. :)
Oh poor sweetie. :) Yes we do learn :)
I stopped by your blog to verify that you were still hosting your Friday "theme day".
In case you aren't sure why I would do that, please first go here: http://thehousethatlovebuilt.xanga.com/712911712/today--/
and then read this one:
I see that you still are, so I shall leave you on the lists :-D
Should you want to contact me for any reason, please do so via: pink bunnies (at) sbc global (dot) net
Cheryl B.
This is the funniest most precious picture. I just love it. They're terrifying when you're living them, but the memories of those first days as a new parent are so incredibly special. And it goes to show that as fragile as they look, babies can take a lot of parent inexperience. So, so sweet!
Poor thing! But it is still kind of funny too! I'm sure all parents have those what where we thinking moments...just most of us don't have photographic evidence of it! LOL!
Sorry, but this had me laughing out LOUD!!! Cute photo though!
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