Monday, October 5, 2009


Is it just me, or am I the only one hooked on Farmville?

Besides the normal things I do online (check email, kids schoolwork, Facebook, & blogging), I don't do much else.

Well, that's until I tried Farmville on Facebook!

At first I had no idea what I was doing, but now, I realize it's all strategy and timing. I even went as far as downloading a Farmville "tips" guide. Oh my!

Today was the first time I was ever on FV for this long! I figured out how to make my farm look 3-D, so I had to redo parts of my farm. I'm satisfied with the results, but I'm sure I will be changing it up soon.

Please tell me I'm not alone...

And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a couple of snapshots of my farm that I was working on tonight.


Unknown said...

oh My!! I am so wishing I didn´t have to let my farm go to pot!

I had such a good one going too. I had no idea you could do it 3D!! that´s so cool!

And elephants!! oh I so want to farm again. LOL ... I may just pick it back up now thanks to you! jeje

I was racing Pilar but she past me by and then it wasn´t quite as fun for me after that.

Have fun with it! We need some down time. :)

Buckeroomama said...
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Jennifer Bowen said...

A few of my friends play Farmville, but not me. I actually have that application blocked on my page. So when my friends update their status about Farmville, I don't see it at all unless I go to their page. It looks like fun, but I just don't have the time to play with it. =) Your farm looks great!

really.truly said...

How funny. I don't I don't farmville. That is one nice looking farm :)

Tara said...

I don't "get it" but then again, I've never tried to get it either. Just seems like everybody is buying and selling fake food, plants and animals...I don't make time for that. Glad you are having fun with it though!

Buckeroomama said...

My board on FB is filled with friends' status updates on their Farmville adventures... but I've never tried it. Otherwise, it's one more thing to keep glued to the PC!

Psst! I have a little something for you over at my blog. Please do drop by and pick up your 'award.'

Alicia W. said...

I love my farmville too.. even when I'm too busy.. I call my Dad and give him my login and password and he goes and harvest my crops and plants new ones, lol. Obsessed much? :)

Anonymous said...

I refuse to go there on Facebook. I did the Easter egg hunt thingy last spring and I became addicted to it until they reset the game, so I'm just not going to let myself get into anything like that again.

amanda said...

i've never done farmville. it looks as if i shouldn't start either! :0)

Parsley said...

I don't play but now am thinking I need to look into it! LOL

I thought I was doing good playing webkinz every now and then.

Carin said...

I've seen everyone doing it but I decided not to. I had a dog and a horse that I got rid of because it took too much of my time. I figured the farm would be the same. It does look like fun though! Glad you are having fun with it and your farm does look nice.

Sawatzky family said...

Never heard of
But it looks like it could be fun and that is the coolest farm i have ever seen! It beats the real ones we have around here! ;b

Sawatzky family said...

Never heard of
But it looks like it could be fun and that is the coolest farm i have ever seen! It beats the real ones we have around here! ;b

Darcie said...

I have seen others that play it, but I haven't gone there...yet!

I might just have a beautiful looking farm!

Mo said...

I dont farmville but Andy does. I was okay with it until we were on our way to dinner one night...I was starving [never get in the way of a starving pregnant woman] and he told me I'd have to wait a few more minutes so he could HARVEST HIS RASPBERRIES!

I the car and waited for his stupid raspberries to be harvested. Then I punched him in the face. It was a great date night : )

Susie said...

I have not fallen prey to this looks awfully addictive:-)

Kathy C. said...

Oh that looks so cute, I wanna live there! :) I have to admit, I have avoided Farmville for the sheer fact that I need to spend more time in my real garden, LOL. I want a REAL farm, I want REAL chickens, but it ain't gonna happen here in my little normal neighborhood,lol.
Have a "fruitful" day on the Farm my friend!

Liz Mays said...

It's really cute but I refuse to be drawn into the madness!

Neisha said...

I'm laughing at your post. I have a friend and sister that are absolutely obsessed with this game. I joke that they need to go to Farmville anonymous. I just became their neighbors after they begged me for weeks. I've just barely started playing, and I'm afraid to like it. You'll have to tell me how to make their farms 3-D becuase they will just die. LOL Have fun harvesting, plowing and taking care of your animals. Your farm looks great!!

A Lady Called Amy said...

so many of my friends are doing this, but i'm not keen on the idea. i loved my little green patch b/c i felt like i was doing something productive by helping save x amount of sq feet of the rainforest, i couldn't keep up though.

i'm not gonna lie though, your farm is cute. ;-)

Angela said...

oh my god, so many gal pals are hooked on farmville. i just have not gotten into this yet.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

I'm sure you know that I'm obsessed with FV! But the 3D thing I had not seen before. Kudos to you for all that work. Even though we are nuts lol. I only need ONE MORE neighbor to get my blue ribbon and it's stressing me out. Every time I sign in I hope for that new neighbor lol.

Stephanie said...

I've seen lots of people talk about it on FB but I haven't done it. I just don't get it although I haven't even looked....I'll just smile and say you all are crazy :) HaHa

Deborah Ann said...

I've had a few invitations for farmville things, I had no idea it was so involved! Looks like fun.

You're invited to join me;

Just launched a silly bloggers club. Come on in for some laughs!

4 Lettre Words said...

That is too funny!

I'm the one person out there that still doesn't facebook. Woohoo...I'm safe from Farmville! :o)

Sara said...

Oh Kay.. your farm looks waaaaaay better than mine. You have been working!

Aimee said...

I like farmville too. I don't have as much time these days to keep care of the farm, but it is really fun to do when I have the time.

Jolene said...

I hadn't wanted to start playing Farmville because everyone says it is so addicting, but I actually gave in last night and started playing. I only have a few patches of strawberries and eggplant so far!
Your farm looks so big!

~*Michelle*~ said...

You are so funny! My son is into the whole farm ville.....I got my own share of stalls to clean, chicken poop to rake and goats to milk in my life!

Anonymous said...

I am So addicted to Farmville it is not even funny! My hubby will ask me something in the evening after the kids are in bed and i will say give me just afew minutes, I'm busy in the garden! LOL! I really need to find out to make it 3-D. that is awesome!

Pilar said...

Your farm is looking so cool!! The 3D effect is sooo cooolllll!!!

I closed my farmville, it was crazy how much time I was spending with it.... way too much!. I was getting bored too because I couldn´t get enough friends there to make it bigger so I couldn´t do anything else but plant and harvest.....

Cascia Talbert said...

I don't understand all those facebook games yet. People keep sending me gifts for Farmville but I'm just not hooked.

He & Me + 3 said...

I stay away from Facebook for the most part & I Haven't done the games, but your farm looks so pretty.

Sande said...

Ah .... you can definitely go work on mine. I have enough trouble keeping my own farm happening.

Stacy said...

OK I have NO idea how to play that game! I try but my stuff Well it's not like I have a lot of free time lately;)

Today was my first full day with all 3 of them doing school. Plus we had to do an online math class. I am worn out!

Pam said...

I rarely get on facebook. Just don't have the time lately. But my kids seem to want to one of those.

Andrea said...

WOW!!! I play farmville too, but yours is AMAZING!!! I feel better that I'm not the only one playing it all the time. Sometimes while I'm feeding one of the girls I will pick my crops. Haha.

Denise said...

Very awesome.

Helene said...

I had never even heard of it until a friend of mine showed me her farm. It looks like a lot of fun!

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, that's why I avoid those things...I would totally get sucked in too!

Jennifer said...

LOL! I think all of my in-laws are either playing Farmville or Poker on FB! Every single update I get is, Such and such got something or other on their farm! I know me, and I am easily addicted to these kinds of games, so I made a pact with myself not to go and look at this game! ;-)

Kimberly said...

LOL! I'm just cracking up over all these comments. This must be one addictive game! :)

Bina said...

I just hopped over from Michelle's blog at Psalm 104...and I am so glad that I did. Or I should say that I WAS glad until I saw your amazing farm on FB...and now I hang my head with the sad realization that my "cool" farm now looks...ha ha, not so cool!

Thanks for posting and I look foward to more :)
Many hugs,

Julie said...

Your farm looks great :) I've been doing farm town, but not -ville yet. One farm at a time..hehe.

Ms. Latina said...

I've heard of Yoville. Not sure if its the same but I have never joined. I'm on the computer all day at work and thn come home to blog and twitter. Think if I add anything else my boys will revolt!!! LOL

Roxiee said...

Hi I love ur farm it looks great! I would love to come visit and take a better look will u please add me! I was looking for photos of other farms so I can make mine look nicer and I found ur beautifull place! Here's my faebook. GOD bless u!

Roxiee said...

Hi I love ur farm it looks great! I would love to come visit and take a better look will u please add me! I was looking for photos of other farms so I can make mine look nicer and I found ur beautifull place! Here's my faebook. GOD bless u!

Anonymous said...

I am dying to know how you made your farm three 3d...

Pamela said...

I love farmville. I stopped playing for a little bit then went back to it. Could you pleaase tell me how you did that. I have been trying to figure it out and still can't get it. I got the whole fence thing where you can make those taller, etc but not with the hay, etc. Please email me at You can add me on facebook too. That is my email on that as well.