Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I just love how this picture turned out.

My husband took this shot with his cell phone on his way to work in the morning.

It looks like it is in the evening, but it's actually right before sunrise around 6:30'ish. He said he got out of the parking garage and thought, "Wow!"

The Bay Bridge! This is the view from San Francisco going toward Treasure Island. Isn't it awesome?!
Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday, 5 Minutes For Mom for Wordless Wednesday.


~Sandy~ said...

oh wow that is a beautiful bridge! i can't believe your hubby captured such a wonderful pic on his phone...props to him!

Michelle said...

That is a great shot....especially considering it was taken with a cell phone!

Kasey@ All Things Mamma said...

That is amazing! I've never been there, but hope to some day.

tiarastantrums said...

cool shot

tiki_lady said...

with his cell phone?? that is gorgeous!

Erin said...

Wow! I couldn't have gotten that shot with my camera. Your husband did good!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I wouldn't have guessed!!! huh?? the palm trees!!

Denise said...

Very nice shot.

Denise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elle Bee said...

My goodness that's beautiful! A nice reward for being up before the sun. :o)

A Lady Called Amy said...

What a great pic of the bridge... brings back memories... guess i'll have to blog about those someday. Thanks for sharing!! :-D

Sande said...

Big bridge ... !

Susie said...

That is breathtaking!!

Sara Elizabeth said...

It absolutely is awesome! It's so beautiful.

Happy Mostly Wordless Wednesday

Liz Mays said...

His cell phone is magical! That is a fabulous photograph!

Buckeroomama said...

Pretty as a postcard! I love it. :)

4 Lettre Words said...

WOW! Really beautiful capture.

Stacy said...

That is beautiful!

Maybe one day we will do a road trip out your

Veronica Lee said...

Awesome shot!!

Claremont First Ward said...

What a fantastic photo of the Golden Gate Bridge!

Beth in NC said...

Wow, that is beautiful!

Kelli W said...

What a beautiful thing to see every morning!

Kimberly said...

Oh wow! And with a cell phone? Beautiful!

Wendy said...

That is a gorgeous shot! I love sunrises!

He & Me + 3 said...

Beautiful and a great shot from his phone. Tell him it is gorgeous.

Parsley said...

Calendar worthy!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

He took that with his cellphone?! Wow! Love it!

Deborah Ann said...

Incredible picture! We went there once, a few years ago. Can't wait to go back...

Lauren said...

WOW -- that is gorgeous!! I can't believe that's from a cell phone ... amazing!! : )

Pilar said...

Wow it is so beautiful! What a great view to get your morning started!

Kathy C. said...

Wow Alicia, that is truly beautiful. It doesn't look anything like what you think a "cell phone" picture should look like.

jen@odbt said...

How gorgeous. That is one of those wow moments.

Momisodes said...

What an incredible shot! I love the golden skies behind the bridge with the lights. I would have never guessed this was taken on a cell phone.

Anonymous said...

What a great shot! Hard to believe he took it with a cell phone...

Mommy24cs said...

That is an awesome cell phone pic! Mine always come out looking so grainy.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

it's magical!

Kiki said...

Amazing picture. I wish my MotoQ took pictures like that. I try to bring my camera with me every time. Thanks for sharing and happy WW. Take care.

Debra Kaye said...


That is a "wow" shot for sure!

Happy Wednesday, my friend. Big hugs!

Bina said...


Brenda said...

I love the Bay bridge. Its such a pretty view of the city when you go across it as well.

Leslie said...

Oh... so... beautiful! My husband and I were married at the cute little chapel on Treasure Island many years ago. The area holds a special spot in our hearts!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh what a beautiful picture! Your hubby did good!

Pam said...

That is a lovely picture. Tell your hubby he did a great job.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely picture!! :)

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

Stunning photo! You just don't get views like that here!
Love Collette xxxx

Lyryn said...

Amazing photo!

Ms. Latina said...

What a beautiful picture and the quality is awesome considering its a cell phone! Have to ask what phone? LOL

Happy WW!

really.truly said...

That is gorgeous!

Serendipityissweet said...

Gorgeous! What a wonderful capture. you should frame it :D

Helene said...

Wow, that's breathtaking...and he took that with his cell phone??? I'm impressed! It looks like it should be on a post card!

Abby said...

Great shot!

Muthering Heights said...

Wow!! That photo is gorgeous!!

Jennifer said...

Aaawwww, now I miss home! :-)

Angela said...


Dandy said...

I can't believe he took that shot on his cell phone!

Unknown said...

ohhhh beautiful CALI!!!

We miss you, CALI!

Honey Mommy said...

Absolutely gorgeous! That is a spectacular sunset and a lovely shot!

Unknown said...

This is SO pretty. I am in love with this picture. I want to go there right this second : )

Daphine said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!??!? Girl, this looks like a postcard shot! Tell hubby... NICCCCCCE job!!!!!!

McCrakensx4 said...

gorgeous! Never have been to the Bay, but have always wanted to visit!

Colette S said...

Wow. I must agree. It is amazing! Such a treat from God.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is beautiful!