Saturday, December 19, 2009


Sorry, no homemade goodies this time, but still goodies, nonetheless.

After going out to dinner last week for my sister in-laws birthday, we decided to stop by Marie Callender's to pick up some dessert. If you're not familiar with them, they are a restaurant + bakery who are well known for their pies. I normally don't buy pies because my husband and kids prefer cakes and cookies. If it was up to me though, that would be my first choice (next to cheesecake). So, while everyone waited in the car, my oldest daughter and I went inside to pick a couple. Since it was my sister in-laws birthday, she got first pick of what she wanted.

Her choice, Apple pie.

Kids choice, Chocolate Cream.

Since Miranda didn't want pie, she opted for these! They were huge, and the kids jumped all over that! I tried a piece, and it tasted just like a chocolate donut. And no, that's not my chipped polish nail in the picture. That's my daughters hand. I just had to point that out.


angel maia said...

Oh my... Every time you post pictures of food, I seem to have a craving for it. Lol :D

They just look so yummy. I guess my hubby needs to go look for pies tonight...hehe. :)

Stephanie said...

Wow! See around here Marie Callenders is just in the frozen food section. It must be awesome to have an actual bakery to go into!

Veronica Lee said...

Oh Alicia, you're wicked!!! All these pics are making me hungry and I just had dinner.

amanda said...

Marie Callenders is a bakery?! never would've known that. it's just in our frozen section. it all looks sooooooo good. and has made me hungry.

Parsley said...

I think I gained 5 pounds just looking at these pics!

Jac said...

I was already fighting internally if I should start my diet today or not.

After these photos? NO WAY!

I'm off to find some pie...

Jac @

He & Me + 3 said...

Holy Moly are those things muffins? Wow those look delish! YUM!

Mrs. Davison said...

I love desserts and these fit right in to my repetoire (is that the right spelling?). Great shots of them! Hope you all enjoyed them!

Anonymous said...

Great! Now I'm hungry...and I JUST ate dinner! ;)

Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

these are yummy desserts, I'm mouth watering, lol!
Thanks for the visit Alicia, quite busy these days.

Muthering Heights said...

The only Marie Callendar pit I've ever has was the "Razzle Berry," and it was amazing!!! :)

Denise said...


Stacy said...

YUmmy!!!! We love any thing sweet:)

Anonymous said...

I would have to go with the Chocolate pie myself :) But certainly wouldn't say no to any of it :)

Helene said...

I love their pies, esp the chocolate cream pie. It's been ages since I've been to Marie Callendars and we have one just down the street from us!

Kelli W said...

YUM, YUM, YUM! Those last things, whatever they are, look so good! I think I would have picked that too!

Marice said...

oh gosh those are mouth-watering!