Monday, December 21, 2009


Last Thursday, I had plans for my oldest daughter and I to have some quality one on one time. It's always such a blessing for me to be able to spend undistracted time with each of my kids.

Our plan was to go to the mall (what else does a tween girl like to do besides that), get her nails done (a French manicure to be specific), find a top for her to wear on Sunday (because she was singing in choir at church that weekend), and then to go to the movies.

She has been wanting a French manicure for awhile now, and I was going to get one too, but there was only one lady working at the time. But, that was okay. I got to take pictures of her!

Soak those hands, girl!

Makes me think of those old Palmolive commercials.

Doesn't she look EXCITED???

She loved it! So did I. I think they came out great!

We had about an hour to spare at the mall before our movie started, and she was able to pick out a couple of things she liked for Sunday. The closest mall to us is an outlet mall, so we always find great deals at Tilly's and Papaya.

Now came movie time!! My favorite part!

Well, if it was up to me, we'd watch Invictus. I'm totally into those kinds of movies. But, she kept insisting that we see "Everybody's Fine" with Robert De Niro. She was saying it was funny because she saw the previews. So did I, but I didn't think much of it. Anyway, I gave up, and we ended up seeing that movie.

Now, I'm not going to spoil the movie for any of you, but let me just say that it is FAR FROM FUNNY! There was some language in it that really did not have to be in there, but in terms of an emotional movie, this takes the cake. See this movie with your girlfriends, or even your better half. Not your kids. This will just go over their heads. When it comes out on DVD, I will definitely buy it!

Overall, we had a great night together! My daughter loves "quality time" and we really get to connect when it's just her and I.


Casey's trio said...

Sounds like a great mom-daughter date to me~ It is SO nuce to get individual tiem with your kids:)

Denise said...

Sounds awesome to me.

angel maia said...

wow... sound like a good mom and daughter bonding day.

nice french tips by the way. :) i'm sure you both had a great time. :)

Buckeroomama said...

It's so cool to be able to do that with your daughter. Love the French manicure. :)

I can't wait till I get to do the same with Z.

Jag said...

Spending quality time. Nice!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

OH how fun! Gotta love those days!

Parsley said...

I've never had a manicure. Looks like it's so relaxing. Great bonding time with your daughter.

I bond by taking my daughter to pet stores and looking at animals and pet supplies. LOL

He & Me + 3 said...

How fun to have some girl time. THe manicure turned out fabulous.

Brandi said...

I really hate it when the preview shown is the ONE funny thing in the entire movie and then the movie turns out to be completely different than what you thought. ;) Sounds like you guys had a great afternoon, though!

Sawatzky family said...

I agree I LOVE the one on one time I get to have with my kids :)
I can hardly wait till my Sophie is old enough for mani's and pedi's with her mom ;b

Kelli W said...

What fun! I haven't had a manicure in years...I usually do pedicures instead! Sounds like you had a great girls time!!

Carin said...

Talk about wonderful mother daughter time. So glad you take that time with each of your kids.

Anonymous said...

I was just depressed after seeing that movie. It certainly doesn't seem like a tween movie.

What a fun day!!! said...

What a fun time for the two of you! How neat that she is at an age where mother/daughter time looks much like girlfriend time! And how crazy that you can go see a movie with your kid that isn't a cartoon. :-)

Mommy, I'm Home said...

The Midge and I are having spa day today and movie day later in the week. Sadly, her choice of movies runs from Planet 51 to Alvin and the Chipmunks....

BTW, I saw Invictus yesterday. It was great!

jen@odbt said...

That sounds like a great day. I can't wait to do these things with my little girl too.

Susie said...

Look's like a great way to spend the day:-)

Stacy Uncorked said...

Sounds like an awesome mother-daughter outing! I can't wait until Princess Nagger gets old enough to do the manicure outing! :)

I was wondering if that movie is any good - maybe I'll talk hubby into taking me to see it... ;)

On a totally unrelated note, you won my Non-Wino Gift Pack from my Birthday giveaway! :) Can you please send me your info ASAP so I can get it all ready to ship to you? CONGRATS! :)

Momisodes said...

What a wonderful outing for you both. I just love getting manicures. The pampering is just lovely :)

Lauren said...

you are such a fun mom!!!! How cool that you do things like that with your daughter ... she is one blessed little girl! :P

Colette S said...

Sounds like a wonderful time out with your daughter. I intend to do this one on one time date with my children too as they get older.

My SIL does this and I love the idea.

Your daughter is just beautiful. Glad you enjoyed being with each other.

Muthering Heights said...

Yes...your photo is like a Palmolive commercial, LOL!!!

It sounds like you two had a fun "date!"

Stephanie said...

What a special time for mommy and daughter. I can not wait for those times with Allie!!!!!!

Marice said...

wow love her nails.. french tip! my fave! looks really like a fun day!

Daphine said...

Sounds like a great Mom-Daughter time had! I love those times too!