Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I'm starting to think that my husband's cell phone takes better pictures than my digital camera.


Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday


Laurencita said...

yes! nice shot! She is beautiful.

Carolyn G said...

The cell phone took that? Great photo. I should start using my cell phone. Maybe my pictures will be better. LOL

Janna said...

What an uplifting blog! So glad to see how God is number one in your heart, life and family! thanks for visiting my blog.

KarieK said...

From a cell phone? Good golly mommy that is a beautiful picture!!

tiarastantrums said...

I keep seeing so many photos on blogs and everyone states they are from cell phones!! I've got the wrong phone for sure!

Kim said...

I love the B&W photo! I have to say the same thing about my cell phone, I love the picutres and it has a ton of settings, it is great!

Buckeroomama said...

That's a beautiful shot. :)

That's what my husband says of his cell phone, too!

4 Lettre Words said...

That is really beautiful! Love the B&W.

Liz Mays said...

That really is lovely.

Dominique Goh said...

That's a great shot.. maybe it is time for a camera upgrade :)

Carin said...

What a beautiful girl, stunning picture.

Marice said...

what a great shot! she is soo pretty :)

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful! What camera does your husband have??? Mine sure doesn't take them that well!

Happy WW!

Kelli W said...

That is a great picture! I love that the sun is shining...and the trees behind her are as pretty!

jen@odbt said...

That is a great photo. I hope Santa gets you your dslr camera that you've been wanting!

Lauren said...

she is so lovely!!

Sara said...

Wow, that's a cell phone pic??!?!? Maybe you should just use that! My cell phone takes dumb pics.

Anonymous said...

I think the same thing about my hubby phone too. :) Great picture!!

Michelle said...

Wow! My daughters has gotten some incredible shots on her cell phone. Just goes to show you that sometimes a 3mp camera can shot something as nice as a 12mp camera. :)

Kathy C. said...

What a lovely photo! It actually looks as if the trees are covered in snow, hee hee. :)

Stephanie said...

WOW! He does get some great pictures with his phone! That's amazing!!!!

Pam said...

She is such a cutie. She looks just like her mom.

Kiki said...

amazing picture. she's beautiful. wish my cellphone took pictures like that. guess your husband has a snazzy phone with one of those awesome screens. happy WW and take care.

He & Me + 3 said...

Wow that is fabulous. Love how she looks pulled out of the picture. CUTE.

XmasDolly said...

Those pics are awesome. You have a beautiful family. Love your blog. I'm your newest follower. Hope you find time to come follow me.

Sara Elizabeth said...

She is beautiful!

My cell phone took better pictures than my old digital camera. Infact, before I got a new digital camera I used my phone as my camera.

Pilar said...

I don´t know about that, but all the photos you share from it sure are beautiful! :)

Kimberly said...

She's beautiful Alicia. Love this is black and white.

Veronica Lee said...

From a cell-phone!!?? But your pics are equally awesome, Alicia. :)

Mostlygrocery said...

Quite suprised a cell phone took that... cute picture.


Muthering Heights said...

Wow! What kind of phone does he have?

Happy said...

I guess when your subject is as cute as she is its easy to achieve a great picture even with a cell phone!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Jesus! Celebration
Private Online Birthday Party for Jesus Everyone is Talking About
You’re Invited to a Q&A and Demo with Creator Ranjy Thomas

WHAT: This Christmas season an expected quarter million Christian families are joining high-tech history when, through DaySpring’s Really Woolly Kids, they participate in an online Happy Birthday, Jesus! party with a live teacher, part of Really Woolly’s growing line of Online Family Adventures.

Happy Birthday, Jesus! launches the new technology platform for an online interactive experience from Oregon-based Flying Rhinoceros Enterprises, sure to dominate mainstream online gaming when it’s introduced in 2010. But this time, a Christian product leads the technology curve. How does the Happy Birthday, Jesus! party work? Families, churches or Sunday school departments log on. Teachers appear on-screen—young, enthusiastic, encouraging each child by name—and the games and learning begin. Each login to the party gives:

- A live, interactive, fully-immersive 30-minute session with a trained teacher
- Live sessions on your schedule, daily, each hour 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Games and activities that educate and entertain
- Stories from the lovable lambs of the Really Woolly series
- A week’s worth of daily activities

JOIN US: Private Q&A with Flying Rhinoceros creator, Ranjy Thomas, and a quick walk through of the DaySpring Online Adventure: Happy Birthday, Jesus!

DATE & TIME: Friday, Dec 18, at 10 am PT (11 MT, 12 CT, 1 ET) – DO NOT BE LATE.
At 10:10 am PT, the demonstration will be closed to new participants.

HOW: Call conference line & login online

1. Call 712-432-1100 code 542675
2. Visit
3. Click on Free Experience
4. Enter login info:
Password: secret
5. Click on Happy Birthday, Jesus! (lower right corner)
6. Click on Enter Now
7. Look for 10 AM Happy Birthday Jesus Adventure
8. At 10 am PT Join An Event button will appear. Click at that time.

CONTACT: Monique Sondag or 214-536-4319 with questions.

Serendipityissweet said...

Wow, that is an amazing shot! Gorgeous!!!

Honey Mommy said...

Wow! That picture is completely awesome!

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful!
I'm often amazed at the pictures my phone manages to take sometimes too!