Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Danny, my 7 year old is my "boys boy."

The older (high school) boys at church love to play fight with him because one, he can take it, and two, he LOVES it!!!

Well, the other night, I told my husband that he should teach the boys how to wrestle. My husband was a wrestler in high school, and I know he has some skills that he can pass on to our kids. Even our girls!

Danny was all over that!

It was so funny because our puppy Mocha started to growl a few times, and started to protect MY HUSBAND!

Gabe explaining the basics and what to do when he's in that position.

"See my elbow Danny? This is the reversal."

Danny's turn!


Buckeroomama said...

Ahhh, it's so great to see fathers teaching the kids something that they used to do "when I was your age"...

Kristin said...

Hard for me to imagine having 'boys' in the house! But, what fun!

jen@odbt said...

Does it get really loud and crazy when this is going on? I bet all your boys really get into it. Hopefully with these lessons Danny can pin down the older boys.

Kelli W said...

Fun! It's nice when they can use all that energy for sports instead of just bouncing off the walls! My boys may need a few lessons in wrestling too!

Parsley said...

It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. LOL (This coming from me, a black belt.)

What great fun and a nice way for the men in your family to connect.

Susie said...

Your family is so fun:-)

Anonymous said...

Good dads are priceless

PS my hubby has the same pajama pants as yours!!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is awesome. I love to watch my husband teach the kids new things. It is priceless.

Darcie said...

Looks like quality and FUN time with dad. Nothing like some good old fashion wrestling.

Momisodes said...

Oh the wise wisdom of dads :) I love it. What a great thing to share!

Jane Anne said...

I understand this post and these pictures more than you know. My husband wrestled in high school and he loves to show the boys how to wrestle. So far, they have been too y young to care about the rules but my oldest is beginning to get it. I know your husband had a blast showing your son how to wrestle!

Helene said...

It's so awesome to see your husband teaching your son something new. I love those moments too when they happen in our home.

How funny that your dog was protecting your husband instead of the kids...you know whose dog that is for sure!

Carin said...

Ah! Don't ya just love it! So much fun to watch when the wrestle and even better when dad is in on it. Great fun!

Happy said...

Sounds like so much fun! My husband does the same thing with the kids...Noah especially loves the "boy time."

Looks like Christmas was fun at your house! Who had to clean up all that wrapping paper? Lol!

And, I also loved Dear John too and look forward to seeing the movie (as long as Hollywood doesn't screw it up)!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

I wonder if your little dog thought he was going to save your son....

Kathy C. said...

How fun! Boy play is so precious (of course I never had a girl, so what do I have to compare it too,LOLOL)...my hubby wrestled in HS too. :)

Muthering Heights said...

How fun!! You guys are such cool parents! :)

Kim said...

What is it about boys and wrestling, the love it. I do have to admit it is fun to watch and gets everyone laughing! Great post!

Kimberly said...

I'm pretty sure this must be a scene in the house of every family with a little boy. :) My son and nephews would so have been right in there with them!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Ah! Boys! Our son wrestled from 8th grade and then also varsity high school (I will have to post some pics of him...especially awesome to see how he had been able to get so big and strong after having gone through the chemo during his Freshman year in high school.

My hubby and son love watching the Ultimate fighter matches, etc. And our son asks if I would watch him if he did that. (Um...no, I dont think so. It was hard enough watching his high school wrestling matches, especially after one match where my son's opponent landed on his arm awkwardly and it (the other boy, not my son's) got broken.

All the "fun" boy sports they were into! Football, Lacrosse, soccer, wrestling...all contact sports, for goodness sakes! :o)

Oh well... :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

Colette S said...

Oh I just love when dads do things like these with their children