Thursday, January 14, 2010


**The winner of my Dear John book giveaway is A Nut In A Nutshell!!!**

I'm participating in a year long challenge, created by Carin at Forever In Blue Jeans. The goal is to be in one picture a week, for 52 weeks. Since us moms are always behind the camera, this gives us a chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. So, click here if you want to join in on the fun!

This picture was tagged to me on Facebook at the perfect time because I didn't have any other ones to share for this week!

This was at a friends Christmas party, and yes, that is me arm wrestling my friend Lorna. We did once before in the cafe at church, and it was a total tie. You should have heard everyone encouraging us to go at it again. It was so fun!!!! I tell ya, both of our arms were hurting the next day, because even though we were smiling the entire time, we were both giving it our 100%!!

So, here behind me are some of the kids watching in amusement, but what you don't see are at least 20 of the men and boys to my left with cameras and cell phones taking pictures!!


And in all honesty, I was thinking of this movie the entire time.


Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

Congrats to Blue Violet!

Don't leave me hanging... who won? I bet it was you! Am I right?

Mamí♥Picture said...

Wow how cool is that shot!!!
I love ur smile!
so who WON???


Susie said...

You have way too much fun:-)

Stacy said...

LOL...looks like you always have a blast with friends:)

Buckeroomama said...

THat looked like a lot of fun! :) I can't remember the last time I did that... but then again, I can't remember the last time I did many things!

(...and congrats to blueviolet!)

Kelli W said...

It looks like you are having a ton of fun! I'm with everyone else though...who won?

Anonymous said...

Funny every time I think of arm wrestling I think of that movie! Good fun!

Lauren said...

hahahahaha!!! That is the best picture!!! I love it!! You look so cute arm wrestling! :)

jen@odbt said...

Love your smile. So...did you win?

Carin said...

Just priceless! I'm thinking you won this one. you have her wrist turned back so I'm thinking you were on your way to victory =) What a fun time.

Denise said...

Cool picture.

Darcie said...

How funny Alicia! A tie is the best way to end those things...or a win. ;-)

Congrats to the winner!

Marice said...

yeah i think Over the top was just shown in HBO or star movies early week of Jan, couldnt remember. anyway, it looks really you have so much fun :)

u may view mine here

Kathy C. said...

You are so precious! I love that's so real and fun! :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love your laugh in this one Alicia, its full of life.

Just shoot me for being so Dependent

Catherine Anne said...

LOL, How fun

mama's smitten said...

You are so cutr Alicia ! Oh and strong!

Sara said...

HA HA HA HA!!! HA! That's great! Love it! Love even more that all the guys were back there egging you on!

Erin said...


Momisodes said...

LOL! What a great shot!

You will have to tell us who won :)

The Farmer Files said...

Ha Ha! You look so confident!!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is a great shot. I love that you were arm wrestling. LOL Cute.

Liz Mays said...

I can't believe you did that and I also can't believe how many people were watching! LOL

Thank you for the book!!! I'm so excited!!!! :)

Kat said...


You are so funny! I would have lost for sure.

Happy Thursday,


Helene said...

That's awesome!! Okay, so who won??

Unknown said...

This is totally a riot!!!
Especially the part about you thinking you were Rocky! haha!

Can´t wait to get back on Friday Photo Flashback!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

Dani Joy
btw.. would you like to join in on the Spring into Shape fitness challenge?

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, this might be my favorite one so far!!!

McCrakensx4 said...

that is just too funny! you go rambo...oh wrong movie! you go girl!

McCrakensx4 said...

that is just too funny! you go rambo...oh wrong movie! you go girl!

Kim said...

I love it! You look like you are having a lot of fun and the crowd is too! So funny that you were thinking of that movie.

ocmist said...

Great shot... Over the Top, Right? I'm more comfortable BEHIND the camera, but then I'm no where near as pretty as you and your family! I DO get my family out there sometimes, though!

Anonymous said...

Haha!! What a fun shot... that must have been a hilarious time. Great one, Alicia.

(My sis is Alicia, too, so I love your name. :) )

Happy said...

Too funny! I won't ever challenge you to an arm wrestle!