Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My kids LOVE hot breakfasts'. Not that I make them one every morning, but when I do, they get really excited. Actually, one thing that I make more often than not, (because it's fast and easy) are pancakes. Not from scratch, just the simple Bisquick mix. However, I am looking for a great recipe. Do any of you have one that you can share?

As you can see here, some of my troops are ready to eat!

The night before, I made some banana muffins, so yah, we were carb'd out that morning!

Look at that fluffy goodness! Perfect every time! Gotta have the powdered sugar!


Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

Those banana muffins look sooo good! Sorry I can't help with the pancake recipe cause I'm a Bisquick girl myself, lol!

Denise said...


Laurencita said...

Oh! your children are so cute.. your food made my mouth watery. lol!

Anonymous said...

Every Friday I make chocolate chip pancakes for the kids I nanny for. We call it Pancake Friday. They used to drag getting up in the morning on Fridays because they were so exhausted from the week at that point but now they get up in a hurry for "Pancake Friday"!

Susie said...

Those look really yummy!! Pancakes are our Sunday breakfast and I use a box too. It's just easier:-)

Stacy said...

Yum, I love me some banana nut muffins:)

Buckeroomama said...

Sprinkle some blueberries in the batter before you "cook" them. That's what my MIL did with some of the blueberries we picked last summer and the hotcakes were selling like, well, hotcakes!

mama's smitten said...

OOOOH! Those pancakes look so light and fluffy! Weekends are pretty much the only times we do hot breakfast. We do the same muffins bacon is a fave!

Kelli W said...

I am no help in the recipe department, mainly because we use the box that you just add water too:) Your pancakes look way yummier than mine ever do! I think I may try the Bisquick ones next time!

Robyn said...

Yummy looks so good, wish I could come eat with the kids!

Anonymous said...

My kids get so excited when I make a hot breakfast too :)

I use Alton Browns pancake recipe from foodnetwork.com

Now I want some pancakes :)

Carin said...

ooh we love pancakes here. I like to make them at night a lot of times too! My boys all like to put peanut butter, wheat germ and syrup on their hot cakes.

Veronica Lee said...

My boys love their pancakes with lots of honey and butter on them.

My neighbour adds yoghurt and fruits to the batter.

Darcie said...

That's something I need to do better at...making hot breakfast for my kids. I am SO NOT a morning person that it is usually..."Find the box kids!" You will have to let us know if you get any good recipes.

Lauren said...

those are the prettiest pancakes I ever saw!!!! WOW -- lovely! You're kids are so funny sitting there waiting at the table! :) You're an awesome mommy!!

Sawatzky family said...

My kids LOVE bisquick pancakes so I tend to stick with those lol!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Every Sunday, my daughter and husband make blueberry pancakes. Whatever we don't eat, we freeze and eat throughout the rest of the week. Here's the basic recipe: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Hannahs-Pancakes-231584

Happy said...

The pancake picture simply has my mouth watering! I love to put powdered sugar on my pancakes and french toast. Breakfast is such a great meal!

Lorrie said...

Funny...I've had homemade pancakes and I grew up with the pre-made (bette crocker/bisquick) and I like the premade better...uniform taste...but we've never tried powered sugar...what a great idea!

jen@odbt said...

I like hot breakfasts too! Your pancakes look so good - the pic belongs in a food magazine.

Helene said...

I'm gonna start sending my kids to your house for breakfast...you can pick them up at the BART station, right?

Every once in awhile, I'll add fresh blueberries to our pancakes but that's as exciting as it gets around here!

He & Me + 3 said...

YUM...my kids would love a warm breakfast every morning:)

The imPerfect Housewife said...

Pancakes from scratch??? I like fairy tales too!! HA HA HA Those look fab - you sure you want to mess with that??? You go mama!

tiki_lady said...

pancakes are my fave! I adore pancakes! my husband makes them from scratch

Cathy said...

Mmmm...everything looks so delicious! My kids love pancakes!
I use the pancake recipe from the Betty Crocker cookbook.

Kimberly said...

Hey, next time I'm out your way can I stop in for breakfast? Those pancakes look like they rival ihops!

yonca said...

They look YUMMY!

Pam said...

Those look great. I'll be by for breakfast soon. : )

McCrakensx4 said...

Oh my those looks so very yummy...pancakes and muffins! I use the juffy mix, but spice it up a bit with some eggs and fresh bananas...my family loves them! Now I want pancakes!

Muthering Heights said...

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE pancakes!!! Have you ever tried making seasonal ones? I have yet to try them myself, but I've heard that pumpkin and gingerbread pancakes are awesome...I have a feeling your crew would love them!

Honey Mommy said...

Wow. Those look delicious... and I actually prefer waffles!

Kim said...

I love the last picture! I also make the bisquick pancakes but hot breakfasts in our house are a treat. I need to make muffin more often though since they are easy to make ahead.

Unknown said...

Oh. My. Gosh. You are like the best cook in America : ) I am moving in. Or at the very least, sending Kaishon to you. He loves pancakes with a passion.

Anonymous said...

YUMMMM, those pancakes are Bisquick? They look delicious!

Michelle said...

Mmmm.....can I come over for breakfast? :)

Mostlygrocery said...

OMG! Pancakes! I like the extra powder too. Thanks for being the first to comment also everytime. If I had a giveaway, you'd win them all Alica. Which I'm now considering.

really.truly said...

What a yummy post!!

Seizing My Day said...

You have a beautiful family! We like to spice up our pancakes... a spoon of canned pumpkin & cinnamon sugar, mini chocolate chips, mini m&m's,or warm apples with cinnamon sugar.... Your pancakes look SO fluffy and yummy! Mine are always flat! Scrambled eggs in tortillas are a favorite too! enjoy!

Stephanie said...

I've never had powdered sugar on pancakes but it looks so yummy!!!!!

Unknown said...

The pancakes and muffins look so tempting right now! sorry, I don't have any recipes. I'm a Bisquick gal too!