Saturday, January 9, 2010


Back in December, I entered in this giveaway from Stacy's Random Thoughts. I had no idea I won until she emailed me. I love that feeling of winning something...anything!! You never expect it will be you, but deep down, you really hope it is!

The basket looked too pretty to open up.

But, if I wanted the goodies on the inside, I had to do it. What you see here is a Pumpkin Bread mix, three different types of jam, and a mini tin plate. My kids love pumpkin, so I really wanted to make it right away.

I don't have a loaf pan, so I just made it in a regular cake pan.

I'm sure I could have presented it better, but I cut them all in triangles and couldn't figure out a way to put them on there. They are so moist!

You can tell that they approve! We managed to save a couple of pieces for dad.

Another fun giveaway that I entered in November, was for this Rockin' Wall Decor Kit. You just stick them on the wall, and's done. Super easy, and very decorative!! Thanks so much, Karen!!! It rocks!


McCrakensx4 said...

Congrats on your winning! We love pumpkin bread here too!

Susie said...

Wow! Congratulations on your wins!! That's awesome:-)

Anonymous said...

That's great! Congrats on your winning! The plate is cute!

Parsley said...

I love giveaways. To give them and to win them! Don't you love that it is just a fun way to meet new blogs? I do.

Kelli W said...

It is so much fun to win stuff:) I got a package yesterday that I won from a blog. It had some fun stuff in it...but my boys really like playing with the box and the packing peanuts!

Mommy24cs said...

Pumpkin Bread is one of our favorites too!

Congrats on winning and have a great weekend!!

Robyn said...

Congratulations on your wins, it is so much fun to win and get the goodies in the mail. Glad your family enjoyed!

Buckeroomama said...

Congrats on your wins! :)

(Your girl has lovely hair; she could be a talent for a shampoo commercial!)

really.truly said...

Congrats Alicia! It would have been to open that basket of suprises!!

Debbie said...

How fun, Alicia. I made pumpkin bread and pumpkin muffins yesterday. I was in a pumpkin mood:)

Angela said...

Wow. congrat Alicia. : )

Kathy C. said...

Congrats on's so fun to win stuff,...and so fun to get packages in the mail. :)
I have to confess that while I was trying to focus on your gifts, I couldn't help but notice MORE the adorable faces of your boys, and your daughters shining hair! Blessed Momma! :)

Maude Lynn said...

How cool!

The imPerfect Housewife said...

Congrats on the loot girl!!! Giveaways are so fun! What you don't need, you can save as a special gift for someone. I think I'd want all that stuff though ~ ♥

Erin said...

Congratulations...the pumpkin bread looks fantastic and that platter is so cute. The stickers on your daughter's wall are terrific, too. (P.S. Her hair is silky looking and shiny.)

Kim said...

Awesome! I love the picture of the boys giving the thumbs up!

He & Me + 3 said...

look at you winning all those cool gifts. Congrats.

Muthering Heights said...

How awesome!! That looks tasty!

mama's smitten said...

Congrats! The bread looks yummy !

Mostlygrocery said...

Wow! People still win stuff? That's pretty cool and you get food! OMG!

tiki_lady said...


Kimberly said...

Giveaways are so fun. Huge congrats on the double win. Cool stuff!