Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Just wasn't "feelin'" it that day!


Be sure to visit Parenting By Dummies for Wordful Wednesday


Ash said...

awwww - i feel like that every morning! :p

kellytirman said...

no matter how much someone loves soccer some times even the best players have days where they struggle.

Night Owl Mama said...

awww poor thing. Hope she gets her groove back

Colette S said...

Sometimes we just have one of them days.

I hope she bounced back quickly.

Buckeroomama said...

Aww, we all get days like these. Hope she'll be "into" it at the next game. :)

Anonymous said...

I think we all have days like that sometimes :)

Kelli W said...

My boys look like that at the soccer fields sometimes too! My WW post is a soccer picture too...and my boys' uniforms are orange and blue:)

2003beachbunch said...

Looks like my little soccer player at practices :-)

Denise said...


Kim said...

Awww. We have had the sickie at our house so there has been a lot of that going on here. Hope that is not the care for you. Hope you are doing well!

Serendipityissweet said...

Aw, I have days like that too!

Stephanie said...

Awwww - she just looks so vulnerable sitting there!

ocmist said...

Everyone has an "off" day, but I'll bet she's back on her game by now! :)