Thursday, April 2, 2009


Do you remember the post from last week where I mistakenly opened a package that was not mine? Well, I meant it to be funny, and so many of you sweet ladies felt so bad for me! Well, my bloggy pal, Sara felt so bad that she sent me some of her creative goodness!! What I mean by that is that she makes alot of beautiful handmade things, from cards to appliqued clothing! I've browsed through her Etsy store, and her products are so whimsical, feminine, and just downright girly! You can imagine how excited I was when she told me she was going to send me some goodies!! My girls were even excited when it came!! So, see for yourself, and if you have a chance, you should go visit her blog too. Just her gorgeous boys alone will make you want to go back!! So, THANK YOU again, Sara!!! You did make my day!

Aren't these gorgeous? Wouldn't you love to receive this?! In the middle of the back row is a tag she also made. She wrote a little on on the back of it!
On the left is the cutest little bag! See the bird on it? Isn't that birthday card behind it beatiful, too?
Happy Birthday cards! I don't even want to use them because they're so cute! I want keep for myself!!
Isn't that the cutest towel? It is now in my bathroom! It matches perfectly!
Her personal note to me! Isn't she the sweetest??

So, do you like what you see?

I love it so much that I want to bless someone too! So, I decided to have another GIVEAWAY!

The winner of my giveaway will win $20 credit to use at Sara's Etsy store!! So, go visit her there, and check it out!! I'm sure you'll find something you will like for yourself or somebody else!!

How to win? Very easy!

1. Comment that you want to participate.

2. For an extra chance to win, comment a second time to say that you are a follower (or become a new one)!!

I will announce the winner next Thursday, April 9th!


Robyn said...

Cute Stuff and so kind.I hope I"m the winner.

Not your Happily Ever After said...

Oh what cute cute stuff! She's very talented.

Not your Happily Ever After said...

I follow.

Robyn said...

Love your blog Alicia and Sara's too! Would love to win some of her stuff. So sweet that she sent you a gift of her beautiful things!

Laura Lee said...

Totally in this one!! Thanks, Alicia!!

Laura Lee said...

And I'm totally following you, too.

hello said...

Awwwww... how sweet!! What adorable stuff!!
I would like to participate in the giveaway!

hello said...

Oh and I am a follower ;)

Laura said...

Oh my goodness! I love her stuff, too cute. You know what? Yesterday the FedEx man delivered flowers.. and I got all excited. And was like "who on earth sent me flowers!?" I started to open it and then stopped.. looked at the address.. my addy.. but not my name!! LOL. So I called the number that was next to the address and it was for my neighbor. :( April Fools, huh!?

Alicia W. said...

Awww, what a sweet friend! I would love to participate as well.

Alicia W. said...

I follow!!!

amanda said...

ohhh i'd love to win. so cute.

amanda said...


Mo said...

what a great surprise!

Mo said...

you know i follow you girl!

Anonymous said...

That was the sweetest thing...what a thoughtful person she is!!
I would love to enter your contest...and you know I am a follower!!!!!!

Denise said...

Such awesome gifts. Yes, I want to participate, and I am a follower.

erica said...

Such beautiful items!

I would love to participae....

I'm a follower

Anonymous said...

That is a sweet friend and you are an even sweeter one for hosting a giveaway!! I am in!!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower too!!!

Sara said...

Alicia, you are awesome! How fun to see my stuff on your site!! Even more fun to hear that you loved the stuff!!!

momstheword said...

What a sweet thing for her to do!

Jenn said...

What a great friend you have there. Beautiful family

Stacy said...

Aww that was so sweet! I would love to win!

Stacy said...

Girl,You know I always follow!

Stephanie said...

Oh how cute!!! I love those!

Stephanie said...

And I'm a follower too :)

He & Me + 3 said...

She is so creative. I would love one of those towels.

He & Me + 3 said...

I follow along too.

Femin Susan said...

hoe sweeeeeeeet...
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comment feel free to visit again.
Keep posting......

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

heck yeahs I wanna participate!!! how nice of her to send you those goodies. :) :)

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

I"m a follower :) <3

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Uh, yea, I want to participate. What beautiful things she makes!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

And I'll follow you anywhere!

Krisha said...

I want to participate :)

I loved everything! I would be the same way about the birthday cards.

Krisha said...

I'm a follower of your blog :)

The Farmer Files said...

well see what I have been missing?!?!? I want to win this!!!

The Farmer Files said...

And I follow...and I am off to bed!

Christin said...

Oh my goodness, that was SO sweet of her!!!!!
Her stuff is adorable, too!!
Count me in for the giveaway! ;-)
(I really need to do one on my blog!)

Christin said...

I'm also a follower *wink wink*
Love ya Alicia! said...

That was so sweet of Sara, she is awesome and I love her shop!

Jamie :-)

Kelly said...

So sweet of Sarah! I am so glad you got a package!! She has some cute stuff!!

Kelly said...

Of course I follow... just try and get rid of me!

Kristin said...

Oh I want in on this giveaway!

Kristin said...

I am a follower!

{amy k.} said...

comin over from Sara's blog- isn't she sweet?! Love her stuff, would LOVE to win this giveaway!

tiki_lady said...

i love all that goodness that you received! Please enter me!

tiki_lady said...

Guess what, I am a follower but I did one better!

I put you on my sidebar so now it should be easier to leave a comment each time you update!

JMBMOMMY said...

How fun and sweet is that!

JMBMOMMY said...

I definitely follow :)

R and R Stacy said...

Very cool! I love all your goodies!!

R and R Stacy said...

I am a follower!

Julie said...

Those are too cute! Love them! I want to win!

Julie said...

I'm a follower!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a fun package to open. Everything looks so awesome and is so colorful! I would love to a chance to win, love it!

McCrakensx4 said...

And of course I follow you!

Shoebee said...

I would like to participate

Shoebee said...

I follow

Daphine said...

Wow! Very neat stuff you got there!

Lorie said...


Lorie said...

I'm a follower....PICK ME! PICK ME!