Friday, April 3, 2009


I love taking pictures of my family, and I have so many from my pre-digital camera days! So, every Friday, I plan on scanning an old photo and sharing about it! I'm having so much doing this, so if you would like to join me, let me know so I could see your Friday Photo Flashback!

Yup..that's me! This was my Freshman year in High School...circa 1983-84! I went to the biggest school in the area! There were at least 4,000 student body! Can you imagine that?

I don't know why in the world I made that expression for my CHEERLEADING picture! Was I trying to look cool or was the sun in my eyes?? Wasn't I supposed to look "bubbly?" For those of you other "80's" gals, do you see those mini buttons on my shirt? Remember how cool those were? From what I can see, I have a Duran Duran button, but I can't make out what the other ones were! I wish I had kept them!! Ahh..the memories!


The Farmer Files said...

Girl, you should be asleep! Just like me! I LOVE this photo of you!!! Do you keep in contact with any of the other cheerleaders?!? I had a minibutton that I am SO embarrassed to say I wore on my short sleeved purple denim jean jacket that said, "Under my clothes I am completely naked." Ok that was my favorite button. What was that about!?!?!?!?!?

Rune said...

Love the picture:)


Susie said...

Shut up!! How cool are you?? I love that picture! As a fellow 80's girl, I salute you:-)

Denise said...

You were way cool.

Anonymous said...

I love've got the "I'm way too cool to be taking this picture" look! Seriously though...very pretty...even for an 80's picture!

R and R Stacy said...

Look at you - so pretty and cool!!

Stephanie said...

Oh I love that picture! I love looking back at old pictures but not really of myself especially years ago :)

Alicia W. said...

Look at you showing some leg!! Hot mama!

Sara said...

That is soooo cute!

Tanya said...

OMG, so sweet, you look so cute!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is so good. Thanks for sharing. I am loving the hair. I so had that style too:)

tiki_lady said...

i love that! AND oh my goodness your HS was huge!

Mrs. Davison said...

This is so cute! What fun it is to go back and look at a simpler time in your life.

Miti said...

Aww...what a cute cheerleader. It's so funny to look at all those old photos and see what was considered cool back in the day. Like remember tight rolling your pants. What were we thinking?!! SO FUNNY! BTW...thanks for helping me with my marquee. I really like the way it turned out. Well...I need to get off my behind. Hope you have a good weekend.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Cute hair...snicker, snicker, snicker..of course, I'm not showing old pics of myself so I guess I should stop snickering!
I, too, went to a high school of 4,000 (in Virgina).

jen@odbt said...

As a child of the 80s myself, I remember all those fads. Best of all - big hair rocks!

Jenny said...

Love the hair, love the look, love the buttons! You were totally looking awesome. :) I'm also a survivor of the 80's. We've been Christians for almost the same amount of time.

really.truly said...

Fun photo! I had that same Farrah flip. Oh, those were the days....curling irons and Final Net hair spray. Good times!

Mel said...

I love that photo, you are soooo brave to put high school photos up :)

Muthering Heights said...

AHAHAHA....LOVE the hair!!!!

mama's smitten said...

Oh my gosh that is so Great ! I love that picture!!! I had some of those buttons too!

Darcie said...

What a great idea...Flashback to see you as a pretty cheerleader...lookin' good!

Anonymous said...

Look at you!! Love it!!
Have a great weekend!

momstheword said...

O.k., so I'm not going to admit that I was married with children (well, one child) in the 80's. Nope. Not admitting it. So I wasn't wearing little buttons with people's faces on it.

I was wearing my son with his face throwing up all over my shoulder when I burped him...does that count?

Julie said...

The buttons make me think of the charm necklaces...Ah the 80s...don't think there's another decade like it!

Debbie said...

I love that era - big hair and all. Great photo.

Aunt Julie said...

What a thoughtful pose! You must have had a lot on your mind...

Anonymous said...

You are so pretty! And only the hairstlyle dates this picture a little ;)

Beth in NC said...

Ha, did you hear what you just said? You were looking cool with that expression. IS THAT where your daughter gets it from? LOL! How many times has she posed with her "cool" face?

You looked too cute Ms. Thing!


Laura said... lady!!! Look at those legs! ;)

McCrakensx4 said...

Too funny!!! We weren't allowed to put anything on our uniforms! Love the expression!

joanofalltrades said...

Look at you, hotty! Are you in Hawaii in that pic? Oh and the Charlie's Angels hair! Gotta love the 80's!

Lisa said...

Alicia, I had some of those buttons what a blast from the past.

Daphine said...

I LOVE this! Look at you looking at cool and! I love it!